Rokstok Lite

I'm not saying it's not loud. I don't doubt that it is. It doesn't matter that I haven't listened to it being shot because subjective feelings and opinions don't matter for determining if it's hearing safe. Measurements do and I have the ability to read, analyze, and critically think about data and measurement methods.

And there’s more to hearing safe than max dB. There are frequencies that cause damage at below 140dB and there are frequencies above 140dB that do not.

You make statements such as "there's no X inch hearing safe suppressor on the market". Have you measured every suppressor's performance that is on the market? I'd be willing to bet TBAC has measured more in their summit papers.

What are you talking about here? I didn’t say anything about the UL 5 not being hearing safe- I said “there is no 4” muzzle forward suppressor that is hearing safe that I know of”.

You can't invalidate my statements because I haven't listened to the suppressor.

No- but in the context of what I actually wrote instead of what you twisted it to, what I wrote was “OPINION FOLLOWS”. I’m not sure why you are refusing to acknowledge that.

Hearing pain threshold often starts at 120-130. That's a wide range.

"Barely hearing safe in a 308"... That is what I mean. TBACs measurements state it's at 133 for a 308. That's not barely hearing safe. You're implying that their measurements are incorrect or they're being misleading or dishonest about them. Why is TBACs data wrong and yours is right?

Why don’t you get a UL5 and literally any other can that is supposed to meter at 133dB- shoot them side side by side and then come back and tell use that the UL5 is just as quiet. Find me writing that the UL5 isn’t metering as measured hearing safe…. I’ll wait.
As for why I say what do- find me taking in depth or arguing about subjects that I haven’t tested or don’t know intimately about. You shouldn’t believe anything I write- believe whatever you want.

I'm trying to hold the statements that are being made to an objective and transparent standard, that you always promote.

Even when I write OPINION FOLOWS? So am I the only person that isn’t allowed to have one? You are apparently allowed to misstate (Raptor 6 vs Raptor 8), misconstrue (this specific conversation), or mis represent (this conversation) whatever you want- but I’m not allowed to write OPINION FOLLOWS?

You aren’t trying to be objective here- you have misstated and misrepresented what I have wrote repeatedly. You are looking for an argument or for some BS that isn’t there- the real question, and that I asked you twice already is- what are you actually looking for here?

Opinions don't matter if we're talking about whether something is hearing safe based on oshas 140db exposure level.

You're using appeal to authority (owner of the site's opinion) ?

No- I am pointing out that my OPINION and personal experiences with an item that you’ve never used is held by quite a few people. I also acknowledged that it could be due to frequency range of the UL5- why are you not acknowledging that?

What are your measurement standards? I believe you stayed in your post on that prototype that they're comparative measurements and we're not done to any spec, except the milspec ML position, right ? Why is this correct and TBACs is not? They give the standards they're measuring against.

Do you understand that hearing damage levels are more than just right beside the shooters right ear?
Why are you guys arguing the logic of this suppressor? No one is going to change the outcome of what the end result is by showing what another suppressor does, everything these guys have done so far is against the grain of what the mainstream says is best.
And there’s more to hearing safe than max dB. There are frequencies that cause damage at below 140dB and there are frequencies above 140dB that do not.

What are you talking about here? I didn’t say anything about the UL 5 not being hearing safe- I said “there is no 4” muzzle forward suppressor that is hearing safe that I know of”.

No- but in the context of what I actually wrote instead of what you twisted it to, what I wrote was “OPINION FOLLOWS”. I’m not sure why you are refusing to acknowledge that.

Why don’t you get a UL5 and literally any other can that is supposed to meter at 133dB- shoot them side side by side and then come back and tell use that the UL5 is just as quiet. Find me writing that the UL5 isn’t metering as measured hearing safe…. I’ll wait.
As for why I say what do- find me taking in depth or arguing about subjects that I haven’t tested or don’t know intimately about. You shouldn’t believe anything I write- believe whatever you want.

Even when I write OPINION FOLOWS? So am I the only person that isn’t allowed to have one? You are apparently allowed to misstate (Raptor 6 vs Raptor 8), misconstrue (this specific conversation), or mis represent (this conversation) whatever you want- but I’m not allowed to write OPINION FOLLOWS?

You aren’t trying to be objective here- you have misstated and misrepresented what I have wrote repeatedly. You are looking for an argument or for some BS that isn’t there- the real question, and that I asked you twice already is- what are you actually looking for here?

No- I am pointing out that my OPINION and personal experiences with an item that you’ve never used is held by quite a few people. I also acknowledged that it could be due to frequency range of the UL5- why are you not acknowledging that?

Do you understand that hearing damage levels are more than just right beside the shooters right ear?

Believe it or not, I have better things to do than argue with a dude on the Internet all day who it seems his sole mission is to be correct in the Internet. I'm not twisting any words or misconstruing anything. I acknowledged I misstated your statement on the raptor 6. That was an honest mistake . WTF would you bring that to this conversation? It is 100% IRRELEVANT to this conversation. It shows that you do whatever you can to discredit those who question you.

My point is that you're implying TBACs numbers are false, misleading, whatever, I don't know, which is a company who has apparently measured more cans than you since you didn't have anything to say about that, and you're implying that your numbers are correct and theirs are not.

You can go spend more time nitpicking statements, peruse my post history, and reply to each individual word I write if you like so you can further try to invalidate what I'm saying. But I've got better things to do today.
Why are you guys arguing the logic of this suppressor? No one is going to change the outcome of what the end result is by showing what another suppressor does, everything these guys have done so far is against the grain of what the mainstream says is best.

That is correct. And, it’s pretty obvious that those things functionally work as we said it would- even by people that don’t “like” us or it.

This suppressor isn’t for everyone or every use- it is specifically for what I, Ryan, and a few others wanted. But is not made by any other company. It will do/does that very well.
A DD Wolfhunter is real close to what you’re asking for. Within 1/2” of the Scythe, the same weight after the some carbon built up in the Scythe (8.7 oz each) and very quiet.

The UM over barrel would be a great match to it. The Wolfhunter for practice & maximum suppression and the UM for hunting for minimizing the footprint and that “whoomphy”sound.

Scythe w/flush end cap.
AB Raptor 8 (10.1oz)

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Have you shot all three of those on the same rifle for comparison? Thoughts?
Have you used a UL 5 ext to other cans? Or is your stance on this is “but the Exo guys like them”?

In any case, I believe it’s only one of them that uses a UL 5, and I don’t believe there’s much experience with other cans. Compared to a muzzle brake- a UL 5 is great. But so is a blast diverter. I believe every S2H class that has had a UL 5, the shooters beside it have worn double ear protection- literally no other can causes people do that.

A short and incomplete list of the internet’s favorite cans, that no one at any S2H class (for an example) has liked being next to, and have went out of their way to tell us so-

1). UL 5

2). Scythe with brake- and quite a few haven’t liked them in standard configuration either.

3). Basically any true flow through can, but personified by OSS.

4). Lots don’t like DD STi’s and the “ting” they produce.

Cans that those same people have stated that they thought sounded great-

1). OPS Inc, AEM.

2). CGS Hyperion and Hyperion K.

3). AB Raptor 8 and 10’s

4). Basically any full size 338 can.
I’ve got 3 Q cans, Thunder Chicken, Trash Panda, and the Jumbo Shrimp. Shooting through all of them with various calibers has been pleasant. The 1.75” dia allows enough volume to really cut noise, and they have tested them relentlessly. If you want to check one out, I’ll bring them up to Idaho! 🤣

I like your idea of every 5 sec firing, really does put a test on them. Not sure how Q has been passed up in the hunting community, they make a great product!
Looking forward to building a rifle with the wood Rokstok. Trying to decided between a 300 RUM or 338 Edge. Can we get the Rokstok Lite in LA rem 700 clone? @Formidilosus

Regarding the suppressor comments. My opinion is that individual needs to weigh what is important to them (weight, sound, length, recoil). I currently have 2 TBAC UL7 (not sure why I bought 2) and a Magnus-S-RR. I cannot tell the difference in sound between the two. Before the RR cans came out, recoil was never a consideration. According to TBAC RR cans exceed hearing safe which is 100% fine with me for my situations. At the range I will always use ear pro. Hunting I will always have a quick ear pro around my neck that I can install within 2 secs. Even if my RR can is 142 db I’m good cuz my worst case situation of ear pro being 10 db reduction I’m golden. The animal has zero reaction difference between my UL7 and RR, which is now one of the criteria for my selection of cans.
In the S2H podcast it sounded like that a 338 can could possibly be in the works. What is your plan to control recoil? Throwing a traditional suppressor on that beast will not be pleasant to shoot. @Formidilosus
@JM151 it didn't sound like they had any intention to build anything bigger than a 30 cal. Even though it's 30 cal it's geared more towards 6.5 PRC and smaller cartridges.
Oh I misunderstood….well dang. Would love to have a 338 OTB can with some type of recoil reduction like the RR.
For the love of god please offer the lite for the Kimber 84L and not just the M.

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For the love of god please offer the lite for the Kimber 84L and not just the M.

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