Absolutely yes I'm taking the vaccine as soon as I can (pending its very likely approval by the FDA), but I'm in a low-risk group so I'll be near the back of the line.
It's completely irresponsible for anybody to refuse to be vaccinated unless they have a very good medical excuse and their doctor advises that it's unsafe for them personally. It's the same as with measles, polio, and many other vaccines for diseases we've nearly wiped out thanks to the vaccine. No vaccine is 100 % effective, but when we have close to 100 % of the population covered by a vaccine that's over 70 % effective or so, we can pretty much wipe out many diseases.
If only 50 % of the population gets vaccinated and Covid is still raging through the other 50 %, then people who don't deserve to are going to get sick and die, including people who couldn't get the vaccine due to medical complications and people who were unlucky enough to get the virus despite being vaccinated. (This is possible with most vaccines; they only seem to be near 100 % effective because we've vaccinated enough people to create herd immunity.)
I had very close family get very sick from this virus despite their being extremely careful themselves, because of one forced work contact with a reckless anti-masker and one mode of transmission (via a sick pet) that hasn't even been formally documented yet. It is not something to be taken lightly by anyone who cares about not killing their neighbors, grandparents, etc. Plenty of young people have died after getting the virus thinking they're in a low-risk group, and plenty more have unintentionally murdered friends and loved ones with their recklessness. We're on track to lose over a hundred 9/11s worth of American civilians to this thing, and yet a lot of people who would have run across burning lava to stick a knife in Osama bin Laden aren't even willing to wear an extra piece of cloth or get a little shot to protect their fellow citizens from a far worse threat. It's infuriating.
There are legal obstacles to the government making vaccines mandatory, but I do hope many businesses take it upon themselves to require vaccinations for people to utilize their private property, such as airplanes, universities, stores, etc. That will go a long way toward building the herd immunity we need to keep everyone safe.