
Will you take the vaccine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 159 49.4%
  • No

    Votes: 163 50.6%

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If taking it is a guarantee we get past this and back to normal I'm all for it.
As you are probably aware, there are no guarantees. And we may get back to normal but it likely will never be the way things were.
I'm kind of baffled by the current level of distrust in vaccines. It seems to me this might have started with a certain article in the Lancet claiming a link between autism and vaccines containing the preservative Thimerosal. That article has since been retracted and the authors have admitted their work was fabricated.

But the article's retraction doesn't seem to have undone the distrust people now have in vaccines. Can't unring a bell I suppose. Am I missing something?
As you are probably aware, there are no guarantees. And we may get back to normal but it likely will never be the way things were.
I agree on both points it was more wishful thinking, I think we are seeing the new normal right now for at least the near future. Honestly I take the flu shot and if front line workers are taking it I don't see an issue. I'm not saying I would run out and stand in a line forever but when It comes to the masses and you can just run down to CVS like the flu shot I'll be doing it.
This vaccine was rushed, and is the first mRNA vaccine. In this case some distrust is warranted.

With all the other vaccine distrust, yea...those people are just straight up Looney Tunes.
From the initial information I have received it is going to be awhile before it is available to the masses. Should be about two weeks for frontline healthcare employees and certain high risk individuals.
Interesting to hear from Dr. Offit that the vaccine likely provides a better response then actually getting COVID.
Interesting to hear from Dr. Offit that the vaccine likely provides a better response then actually getting COVID.
We still don't know that. Totally hypothetical at this point. Some vaccines provide better titers than natural infection does, while sometimes it's the opposite. Like I said previously, we're getting herd immunity one way or the other.
I would bet you don’t wear a mask unless required to do so either.

This is hilarious!!! Now you’re going to try to Shame people for following rules and wearing g masks where they are required.

I bet you’re one of those guys who drives around alone in your car wearing a mask.

Of course I only wear it where it is required lol, should I be wearing one when I’m outside running???

Get a grip lol.
re: herd immunity. no virus has ever been eliminated through herd immunity. vaccines have eliminated or effectively eliminated (i.e. extremely isolated cases) a number of viruses.
No. And I didn’t wear a mask hunting in Colorado this past week either, but I wore one every time I stopped for gas or went in a store, regardless of if it was “required” or not. Here in Texas many businesses are not required to require masks. I still wear one when I go to my feed store although not required.

I just state the facts, so people understand that wearing a mask is not primarily for their own protection, but for those they are around. You stated that you don’t care about others health. So I made the assumption that you would not wear a mask when you are around other people if you are not “required” to do so. Is that incorrect? If that makes you feel shamed, that is on you.

BTW, when I returned with my mule deer meat today and tried to take it to my normal game processor, they had closed due to Covid.
9 of their 12 employees are positive so far.
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No. And I didn’t wear a mask hunting in Colorado this past week either, but I wore one every time I stopped for gas or went in a store, regardless of if it was “required” or not. Here in Texas many businesses are not required to require masks. I still wear one when I go to my feed store although not required.

I just state the facts, so people understand that wearing a mask is not primarily for their own protection, but for those they are around. You stated that you don’t care about others health. So I made the assumption that you would not wear a mask when you are around other people if you are not “required” to do so. Is that incorrect? If that makes you feel shamed, that is on you.

BTW, when I returned with my mule deer meat today and tried to take it to my normal game processor, they had closed due to Covid.
9 of their 12 employees are positive so far.
Well you know what they say....when you assume....

Heres some quick facts since you seem to care:

-every restaurant where I live locally has been closed since march, 3 of them are permenently out of business because of it. I havn't been inside of a restaurant since march.

-every business in this town requires a mask to enter, so obviously I'm wearing a mask to go inside

-the post office requires a mask

-the hardware store requires a mask

-I don't wear a mask at the pumps because there's nobody near me.

Also, I'd never dream of taking an animal to a person to butcher it for me, I do that on my own in my garage, on my cutting tables.

So yes, I only wear a mask where its required. if you have a problem with that....then its your problem and only yours.

Also, I still stick by what I originally said, other peoples health is not my problem, I'm supposed to care about them, who cares about my mental health when I have to quarantine for 14 days when I'm not sick??? none of these people I'm supposed to care about have any empathy for me when I'm expected to sit in a hotel room for 14 days.
My 102 year old uncle has been in the hospital since last Monday. He fought in WWII and is now fighting Covid. He was in a coma but woke up and started complaining about the taste of the food. :) Now they think he's getting worse again as any question they ask him, he just states his name. His 95 year old wife whom he's been married to for 74 years has it too but is home and seemingly recovering. What's sad is no one is allowed to visit a potentially dying man or able to comfort a likely widow. He will more than likely die alone. Sad!
As a physician myself (MD) I will gladly take the vaccine. I am very healthy personally and in my late 30’s. I understand people have concerns but I will gladly take the risks associated with a vaccine rather than the known risks of Covid including pulmonary fibrosis, cardiac damage, etc which I have seen. Even if I contract Covid and have minimal symptoms or am asymptomatic, I would feel awful giving it to a patient or family member. If the vaccine prevents me from giving this disease to even one person, it’s worth the potential risk. I am in private practice so I have zero secondary gain. This is just my educated opinion. To each their own, but I can tell you amongst my many friends who are physicians the decision to take the vaccine once it become available is almost unanimous.
As a physician myself (MD) I will gladly take the vaccine. I am very healthy personally and in my late 30’s. I understand people have concerns but I will gladly take the risks associated with a vaccine rather than the known risks of Covid including pulmonary fibrosis, cardiac damage, etc which I have seen. Even if I contract Covid and have minimal symptoms or am asymptomatic, I would feel awful giving it to a patient or family member. If the vaccine prevents me from giving this disease to even one person, it’s worth the potential risk. I am in private practice so I have zero secondary gain. This is just my educated opinion. To each their own, but I can tell you amongst my many friends who are physicians the decision to take the vaccine once it become available is almost unanimous.
Thank you for the insight and for putting yourself at risk to help others.
We still don't know that. Totally hypothetical at this point. Some vaccines provide better titers than natural infection does, while sometimes it's the opposite. Like I said previously, we're getting herd immunity one way or the other.
He seems to or I would imagine he wouldn't have made the comment. He stated the virus can cause the body to mount an attack against its own interferon - in essence reducing the body's immune response - which has not been demonstrated with the vaccines.
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