
Will you take the vaccine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 159 49.4%
  • No

    Votes: 163 50.6%

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Wife is a nurse. Started handling active cases in February. We considered ourselves little more than Petri dishes or virus colonies for months and isolated very hard for or friends and families sake. She got got it, we got it it July. Both cleared it both tested positve for antibodies. She no longer shows antibodies as of 4 weeks ago, I don’t know when my immune response faded but I just tested negative for ant bodies last week.

not lining up for a vaccine this year. Immune response is t long term enough to mess with a new and experimental highly politicized science project.
You do realize that its not so simple as antibodies = immunity, right?

yeah, I’d say I am fairly well informed regarding immune response and how it works, for lay person. and it’s entirely possible that my wife and I will still show robust immune response to it- but here’s what’s disconcerting. My wife and her coworkers all are exposed to the virus basically for half the week- and they all are showing similar wind down of antibodies- Around 120 days- so even in the face of that kind of exposure there antibody response is fading.

when will they/ us be able to be reinfected- I don’t know- but I have enough first hand knowledge to be able to rationally decide to sit out this first round of vaccines and see what happens.
“I also don’t care about other people’s health, that is their responsibility”

I would bet you don’t wear a mask unless required to do so either. A mask is not for your protection, but other people’s, so that wouldn’t concern you.
I personally know several people who thought it was a joke/hoax who are now dead. One was a late 60s rancher who was in good shape and good health. He had a lot more living to do at that age. Like someone said, this thing is like Russian roulette. Most people will be just fine, but you don’t know until you have it if there is a bullet in the chamber

The thing that people forget about when they say “just like the flu and we have always dealt with these kind of things” is there this is a NOVEL virus. Meaning our immune system haven’t ever seen anything quite like it. Whether it was created in a lab or jumped from another species it is real.

And not sure where you are getting 1% death loss. Started out about 5% and we have it down to around 2-2.5% now. At 2% that would be 7 million people once this thing gets thru the herd. I guess as long as I am not one of them, who cares! My wife has not been able to hug her Dad whom is in his 80s since this thing started. So she cares!

Put me down as a yes. The biggest question for me is how long the immunity from the vaccine will last. We could be looking at twice yearly vaccines
You are not a sheep, good for you!
The anti-vaxxers are the sheep, they blindly disregard the advice of experts and professionals from around the world in favor of their own beliefs. Call it "thinking for yourself," I call it herd mentality. And anti-American. If you want this pandemic to last another 3-5 years it will. Economic collapse, killing off the elderly, etc. are all possible when the stupid sheep won't take a vaccine. If you want things to get back to normal and our country to regain some semblance of strength, take the vaccine.
The fallacy that you either die or are completely fine is mind boggling too. I’m a healthy 32 year old with no comorbidities and I don’t want to roll the dice, even though the odds are good I would be fine. I will be getting the vaccine, likely soon as I’m an RN in a big hospital.

You can’t change a fools mind.
Europe is already doing immunization efforts with at least a couple different types of vaccine, so we get to let them be our guinea pigs. Russia's vaccine is hella sketchy considering how little testing they did on it, but the UK is using the Pfizer vaccine so if it works there we should know by the time it's widely available here.

If any of these vaccines have widespread health issues, it's going to benefit the competing vaccine manufacturers to scream it from the mountaintops. You won't have to read about it from weird anonymous "news" sites, it'll be on Fox and CNN.
The anti-vaxxers are the sheep, they blindly disregard the advice of experts and professionals from around the world in favor of their own beliefs. Call it "thinking for yourself," I call it herd mentality. And anti-American. If you want this pandemic to last another 3-5 years it will. Economic collapse, killing off the elderly, etc. are all possible when the stupid sheep won't take a vaccine. If you want things to get back to normal and our country to regain some semblance of strength, take the vaccine.
Very good point. If you won’t do it because you don’t care about others health so be it, but do you care about the economy and your job? The sooner we get out of this the sooner the economy gets rolling again
The anti-vaxxers are the sheep, they blindly disregard the advice of experts and professionals from around the world in favor of their own beliefs. Call it "thinking for yourself," I call it herd mentality. And anti-American. If you want this pandemic to last another 3-5 years it will. Economic collapse, killing off the elderly, etc. are all possible when the stupid sheep won't take a vaccine. If you want things to get back to normal and our country to regain some semblance of strength, take the vaccine.
There are always risks with medication and vaccines however tiny. Doing something because of your own beliefs doesn't make you a sheep, quite the opposite. This is not unAmerican either. Is it selfish and or stupid? I think so. If the elderly get vaccinated, how could anti vaxxers get them sick? Yes, I agree everyone should consult with their doctor about getting vaccinated. I wish the majority get vaccinated, like you and me. However, we can't force people, this America and forcing people to get vaccinated is unAmerican and totalitarian. I've heard and believe people will probably get vaccination cards needed to go to restaurants and movies and to travel, which will be up to these businesses to decide. Are anti vaxxers sheep, no by definition, just like people who think for themselves are not sheep. Are they the sharpest tool in the shed, no. Just remember too, will this wu flu morph and will we need new vaccines every year? Probably Cheers Bill
The fallacy that you either die or are completely fine is mind boggling too.
Who thinks that? I think a lot of young people have few or no symptoms. And a lot of elderly are dying. My elderly uncle got it and was moderately sick. You don't hear much about people in between. Seems like most are ok, some who where healthy die.
I think he was referring to things like this. Just because you “get over” the disease, doesn’t mean you were done with problems from it

Very good point. If you won’t do it because you don’t care about others health so be it, but do you care about the economy and your job? The sooner we get out of this the sooner the economy gets rolling again
I totally agree. I'm getting vaccinated for my own sake, first and foremost. I have asthma and this virus scares me quite a bit. My allergist said since my asthma is not all the time, I'm not at risk, my age, 58 hmmm could be a problem. I'm ANXIOUSLY awaiting the vaccine. I'll wait until the elderly and others get vaccinated and get mine. I hope it's soon.
I think he was referring to things like this

Right, I don't like to think of that. I can't get vaccinated soon enough, that's what I think. If others don't get vaccinated and I am, how can they get me sick?
Once we have enough vaccine for everyone who wanted to get vaccinated, and they do, we should be in pretty good shape. Maybe we shouldn’t encourage people to get vaccines. That way we can get one sooner :-)

But in reality no vaccine is ever 100%. Until we get enough people truly immune, through infection or vaccine, it will continue to be a drag on our economy, hospitals, and our national debt
Who thinks that? I think a lot of young people have few or no symptoms. And a lot of elderly are dying. My elderly uncle got it and was moderately sick. You don't hear much about people in between. Seems like most are ok, some who where healthy die.
It is implicit in many folk's analysis of the disease based on survival statistics that if a patient did not die they have fully recovered. I don't have a good sense of what % end up having longer term or permanent health impacts from COVID, but folks need to recognize those outcomes when forming an opinion on the matter. I've read stories of lung damage, strokes, heart damage, brain damage, and amputations due to the affect of blood clots.
If the elderly get vaccinated, how could anti vaxxers get them sick?
I do not know if this situation is analogous, but I am aware of situations where people have health conditions that preclude them from being able to take vaccines.

If it is borne out that the benefit of the vaccine is short-lived, that could have implications as well.
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