Hey Roksliders, Torque instructions are being listed as we speak in the product description of the UM Tikka Rings on our website. The QR code is operational and takes you to the scope ring category of our website. From there you will proceed to the UM rings you have purchased for the current installation instructions in the product description.
Detailed videos will follow. I will spend time here on this thread to help answer questions and inquiries over the next few weeks as customers are receiving the first production rings being shipped out.
30MM lows have all shipped, 30MM mediums will ship today and tomorrow.
Our listed UM Tikka Ring torque specs will be slightly lower than
@Formidilosus tested them at to round the numbers out and not scare the shit out of scope manufacturers.
@Formidilosus tested at 34 in/lbs top cap and 50 in/lbs base clamp with out the added recoil pins and had 0 issues with these rings. This level of torque should be reserved for strong scopes such as NF/SWFA/ Trijicon, etc.
UM Listed torque will be 30 in/lbs top cap and 45 in/lbs base clamp, Loctite is acceptable, screws come degreased in packaging.
Feel free to tag me and ask any additional questions, thank you all for your support!
@Ryan Avery