Springfield Waypoint 2020 rifles


Jan 31, 2017
Boise, Idaho
Any feedback good or bad to report on these? Noticed quite a few sites offering rifles for significant discounts - as in 5-600 off retail...

Not a fan of the drop down polymer mag but assuming you could replace with a 3 round AICS?

*** edit - did some searching on this site - seems they have some major feeding/extractions issues with less than favorable customer service follow up????
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I picked one up in late December. 6 creedmoor with the fluted steel barrel. Would have liked the carbon, but local store was running 10% off on in store stock (didn't have a carbon 6 CM), and the free 22 LR if purchased before the end of the year. ~$1600 seemed like a steal for all of that.

I have been working up a load for it the last month. It shot factory 108 ELDM in a 0.5 MOA 5 shot group with only 3 rounds down the barrel. I pretty easily found similar performance with handloaded 108Ms, 109M, and 103Xs.

The gun shoot great. I also read the feeding issues but haven't had any problems yet. Seems this was mostly with 6.5 PRCs (and early 7 PRCs before they changed the magazine).

I didn't think I would like the magazine, but it has been fine.

I really like the rifle. I have a Fierce 7 PRC Carbon Rogue, and they seem like very similar rifles in quality and features, and both were very easy to find an accurate load with.
I picked up a carbon adjustable waypoint in 6.5 CM back in December when I came across a deal to good to pass up. Around $800 off msrp. Have had no issues to speak of with the rifle. I have just under 500 rounds on the rifle so far and I really like it, so no complaints from me. I have it consistently shooting .75''-1'' 5 round groups with handloads that I worked up. I guess based on their accuracy guarantee I could be somewhat upset, but if its under an MOA at 100 I'm fine with it. Factory ammo was slightly less accurate than that. Have taken it out to 600 yards and have shot pigs at 400 yards with it. Groups at that range were consistent to what I was seeing at 100 yards. If you don't like the mags, you can get a 5 round MDT metal mag and the stick out is minimal. It does not reach passed the trigger guard like the polymers do. I much prefer them over the polymer magpul mags.