Too dang fat


Dec 30, 2018
North Georgia
What's up guys. So a few tears ago I dropped about 35lbs and was well on my way to becoming the best version of myself. Fast forward, my wife and I had our first child, I started a new career, and I gained about 40lbs. I want to lose about 45-50lbs. I know it's not a sprint but a marathon and is gonna take alot of work with diet and exercise to reach that goal but what are the ways you've found success? What style exercise, diets, programs, etc have yall done and enjoyed?? I'm having alot of trouble finding will power to be consistent this time.

Thanks for any and all help! Good luck this year. Crush those goals!
Listen to David Goggins book You Can't Hurt Me. It changed the way I look at working out and how I used to always quit too soon. My favorite workouts are circuit training with weights. Setup several exercises and just go from one to the next with little or no rest in between. I try to do that for an hr at least 3x a week. I also will do 30 min of some type of cardio. Days when I have more time I go for hikes with a weighted pack and look for trails I can do in a few hrs with the most elevation gains so it really sucks. My struggle is diet. Intermittent fasting helps. I don't think there's a magic bullet for diet. Just good whole foods and don't eat more than you burn. It's a struggle. I've kept off 30lbs for a year. I still need to lose 20 more this year. I can't recommend that book enough. The audio book is the best. Only warning is there is a ton of swearing. He uses the F bomb every other sentence.
Intermittent fasting has worked well for me. I'm down 35#. 20 of which were last year.

Easiest way to start is to skip breakfast and get your coffee black. It's not a fast with cream and sugar. Only water, black coffee/tea.

There are two 'you', the one who wants to lose weight, and the one who got you where you're at. You need to defeat your clone every day for the rest of forever.
Right there with you buddy. Ive lost 5 lbs in 3 weeks. Not where I want to be but gotta start somewhere. I need to drop 50 as well. Keep it up and keep the thread going. Get rid of the sugar and processed carbs and only eat when you are actually hungry. When bored find something else to do that utilizes your brain, read, reload, go shoot your bow in the garage, anything. I struggle with after 8pm most nights. I am great until that point. It's a constant battle for me.
Yep. Another vote for intermittent fasting. In my case, that’s just a fancy way of saying skip breakfast, and increase your fasting window. I’ve been doing it for about a year and a half, and it was a little bit of an adjustment for the first couple of weeks since I was always one who enjoyed breakfast. These days it’s just second nature. I don’t even think about food until around noon. Other than that I eat whatever I want for lunch and dinner, but increasing that fasting window to around 18 hours, really does reset your metabolism and you will lose weight.
It takes burning more calories than you take in to lose weight and that makes you hungry, accept that fact and relish in it. It might sound crazy but get in the mindset that being hungry is akin to meeting your goal and feel good about yourself being hungry. Weigh yourself EVERY morning, and if you have not dropped some weight, then resolve to eat less that day. Cut the alcohol. It adds useless calories and diminishes your willpower to stay away from food.

Focus on aerobic exercise. Stay away from lifting weights. With a caloric deficiency your strength for lifting heavy just won't be there and it will be discouraging. Aerobic exercise diminishes hunger while being done and for a short time afterwards. It also gets your body used to functioning with a caloric deficiency and that will carry over to your other daily activities.

If you do the above you WILL lose weight. Then when you are at your goal you have to stabilize. Continue weighting yourself EVERY day for the rest of your life. When you see the scale tick up a few pounds, eat less and exercise more and take those pounds back off. You MUST have a red line that puts you back into weight loss mode that is close to your target weight.
I’ve found the easiest way to lose weight is working out right when I wake up. Running/walking with a loaded pack. I lost 35lbs in 3 months. Count calories and limit alcohol and it’s not that hard.

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What's up guys. So a few tears ago I dropped about 35lbs and was well on my way to becoming the best version of myself. Fast forward, my wife and I had our first child, I started a new career, and I gained about 40lbs. I want to lose about 45-50lbs. I know it's not a sprint but a marathon and is gonna take alot of work with diet and exercise to reach that goal but what are the ways you've found success? What style exercise, diets, programs, etc have yall done and enjoyed?? I'm having alot of trouble finding will power to be consistent this time.

Thanks for any and all help! Good luck this year. Crush those goals!

I've dropped that much weight, myself. The only way I could have done it is my logging my calories on myfitnesspal. Not easy to lose that much weight. Logging your food takes an effort multiple times a day takes significant time, especially if you do a lot of cooking.
my 2 cents from a guy that dropped 100lbs

don't drink calories. (diet pop and zero calorie Gatorade is totally fine)
resistance training 3x per week minimum
walk 10 minutes after each meal (or 30 minutes a day dedicated to cardio, can be LISS or HIIT)
eat more protein. .8-1gram per lbs of goal weight.
meal prep. don't give your self excuses. No food is off limits just make it fit into you macros for the day.
It's not complicated so don't over complicate it, you'll be hungry sometimes. just stick to it. you got it.
My wife wanted to try whole 30 to start the year, so I did it with her. I definitely did not starve myself, but pretty much ate just fruit, veggies, and meat. I started at 6' 3 and around 200 lbs, so didn't have a ton to lose when I started. Without changing my exercise routine of a few times a week I dropped 8 lbs. The weight loss was not my primary goal to me, but I have to say I feel fantastic. I have more energy and patience, and despite the month being over I think I will stick with it for the most part.
Right there with you buddy. Ive lost 5 lbs in 3 weeks. Not where I want to be but gotta start somewhere. I need to drop 50 as well. Keep it up and keep the thread going. Get rid of the sugar and processed carbs and only eat when you are actually hungry. When bored find something else to do that utilizes your brain, read, reload, go shoot your bow in the garage, anything. I struggle with after 8pm most nights. I am great until that point. It's a constant battle for me.

After 8 PM is my issue as well. That's when I finally sit down for the day and watch some TV, and man do I enjoy stuffing my face at the same time.
Stop eating more than your BMR (2000-2200 calories per day). Balance those calories with nutrient quality, protein, fat and carbs to the ratio that prevents muscle loss but allows fat loss (40% protein, 20% fat and 40% carbs).

Takes humans about 60 days (8 weeks) to change habitual" practices like eating the wrong foods, snacking, and late night binge eating.

Set firm limits around your BMR intake. Refuse eating after 8pm. Stop alcohol while you're trying to reduce weight. Develop an easy to follow routine of walking and standing more during daytime. Give this a try for 10 days and see how you respond.

Simple steps that you can accomplish and ones you can see make changes within your body. Visualize yourself and your new image. Don't get in your own way and follow your plan.
I've dropped that much weight, myself. The only way I could have done it is my logging my calories on myfitnesspal. Not easy to lose that much weight. Logging your food takes an effort multiple times a day takes significant time, especially if you do a lot of cooking.

I hate Tod & all morning people.
What's up guys. So a few tears ago I dropped about 35lbs and was well on my way to becoming the best version of myself. Fast forward, my wife and I had our first child, I started a new career, and I gained about 40lbs. I want to lose about 45-50lbs. I know it's not a sprint but a marathon and is gonna take alot of work with diet and exercise to reach that goal but what are the ways you've found success? What style exercise, diets, programs, etc have yall done and enjoyed?? I'm having alot of trouble finding will power to be consistent this time.

Thanks for any and all help! Good luck this year. Crush those goals!
I got tips! Find “Mindful Hunter” on Spotify if you have podcast time built into your life. I’d consider skipping some gear reviews. Next, goals, play your next tag & make sure it’s gunna be daunting. Guys like us need reason, make that it. Third, don’t put food in your mouth. Seriously, look up calorie counters, you’ll wanna smash like 1.8k/day stick to protein and avoid bread/pasta like it’s the plague. I’d kick things off with two days without food to teach your body you can do it. Lastly, you need a rude friend or an accountabilibudy to peer pressure you into dropping that crap, ta-da! And cardio, don’t touch the weights fat people always have muscle so you might be jacked under that dad-bod
I find one of my weakest points has always been finding a good lunch around my work schedule.

Recently I have been buying a Costco rotisserie chicken and one of their pre-packaged salads. Once you shred the chicken and divvy up the salad that is 4 pretty healthy and decent size lunches for most of the week. I also do some buttered toast to get a bit more volume and carbs.

The thing I have noticed is that it is ALWAYS easier to out-eat your exercise and for me cutting out the few pesky extra pounds is an effort in diet control instead of working out harder.
First year-plus with a new kiddo and a new job is nuts. I'm guessing you are short on time and sleep both, which leads to mindless eating, eating convenience foods, and making food (and possibly brews) your new form of recreation.

First, stop trying to do every task at the same time. If you're eating, don't be working or watching TV or dicking around on rokslide. Eat, be mindful, and enjoy it.

Second, prep healthy food in advance when the kids asleep. Boil chicken thighs, cook whole grains like oats and quinoa, cook some sweet potatoes, and roast a couple trays of vegetables. Buy a load of whatever fruit you like. It makes mealtimes really easy when it's all right there ready for you.

Third, have snacks like popcorn (a great whole grain) or tortilla chips and salsa ready to go for between meals.

Fourth, don't go nuts with counting calories. Just remember that at the end of the day, half of your meal should be veggies and fruits (split about 60/40). The other half should be healthy grains and protein (split about 70/30).

Fifth, give up soda, energy drinks, and cut back on beer. Replace with water, tea, some fruit juice, and (limited) hard booze if you drink.

Sixth, be human. Nothing wrong with occasionally treating yourself as long as you're willing to pay the price. "Yeah, I'm gonna enjoy the hell out of these wings and this beer. But before bed I'm tossing on my headlamp and hiking hills for an hour."

Finally, if you have time to watch TV, you have time to throw in your headphones and go for a brisk walk. You totally have 30 minutes a day to walk.
Well, you've done this once before, so that's good, knowing you are capable. Now it's just a matter of prioritizing what motivates you and sticking with it. Don't want to give up soda right away? Ok fine, drink one, but make yourself go for a half hour walk (extra) to offset those 150calories. Treat everything as a calorie transaction, you have to burn more calories than you take in, and your weight WILL drop. You already know that though, what type of motivation works best for you, goals, rewards, accountability? Solve that, the type of diet/workout isn't it, it's the desire to do it and stick with it that most of us need to fix (myself included at the moment, speaking from a position of solidarity, I can see a lot of similar self-judgement in your post- don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be TOO soft and act like this isn't on us, as i've let my fitness fall way off, and am getting back on my game, but dwelling on the mistakes doesn't help anyone.)