Have you checked your blood sugar? Learning the relationship between glucose and insulin really helped me lose weight during a plateau.
Insulin is the hormone that controls how your cells use glucose and triggers fat storage. The more blood sugar you have, the more insulin gets produced. Also, if your body becomes resistant to insulin, you’ll feel hungrier because low insulin, or perceived low insulin, triggers hunger.
Your body will flood your blood with glucose at various times of the day. Try checking your blood sugar every hour when you’re awake and every two hours during sleep hours for a week. You’ll find times, even if you haven’t eaten, that your blood sugar will be higher.
Once you’ve mapped out your natural blood sugar cycle, avoid eating when your body tends to have higher fasting glucose numbers. For instance, I have a high between 0600 and 0800. I don’t eat during that time period to avoid adding fuel to an already high blood sugar.