Too dang fat

I lost 60 pounds almost immediately right after I stopped playing college football. I was never a big snacker but the thing that helped me the most was only keeping food you have to prepare in order to eat. If I was hungry I would have to cook something. Made it easy since I have been always been lazy about my meal prepping. You should also not frame it as a diet because those never work. You have to be committed to completely changing your food intake.
One thing I’m not seeing others say is to find what exercise or eating plan is enjoyable (or tolerable) for you. You won’t stick with it if you hate it.

I used to hate running, going to the gym to lift weights, etc. I just got bored of the repetition and could never stick with it. I started doing popular “fitness classes” and it became easy. I like someone else planning the workout, the variety of each class and the friends I’ve made. I’ve been working out consistently for over 4 years because it’s been fun.

For you it could be running 5 miles every morning, pickup basketball, swimming, hiking. Just try different things til you find something that you don’t dread.

Same with eating. Find a way to consume healthier food and less cals. Doesn’t matter if it’s intermittent fasting, counting macros, whole 30, as long as it’s sustainable in the long term.

***one more thing is SLEEP! Im not a parent but I’m guessing as a new parent you’re getting less sleep. The more you can do to get more sleep, consistent sleep and better sleep will make the diet and exercise more effective. Read up on sleep, but stuff like staying away from screens right before bed, room temp, avoiding alcohol before bed, etc plays a significant role.
First year-plus with a new kiddo and a new job is nuts. I'm guessing you are short on time and sleep both, which leads to mindless eating, eating convenience foods, and making food (and possibly brews) your new form of recreation.

First, stop trying to do every task at the same time. If you're eating, don't be working or watching TV or dicking around on rokslide. Eat, be mindful, and enjoy it.

Second, prep healthy food in advance when the kids asleep. Boil chicken thighs, cook whole grains like oats and quinoa, cook some sweet potatoes, and roast a couple trays of vegetables. Buy a load of whatever fruit you like. It makes mealtimes really easy when it's all right there ready for you.

Third, have snacks like popcorn (a great whole grain) or tortilla chips and salsa ready to go for between meals.

Fourth, don't go nuts with counting calories. Just remember that at the end of the day, half of your meal should be veggies and fruits (split about 60/40). The other half should be healthy grains and protein (split about 70/30).

Fifth, give up soda, energy drinks, and cut back on beer. Replace with water, tea, some fruit juice, and (limited) hard booze if you drink.

Sixth, be human. Nothing wrong with occasionally treating yourself as long as you're willing to pay the price. "Yeah, I'm gonna enjoy the hell out of these wings and this beer. But before bed I'm tossing on my headlamp and hiking hills for an hour."

Finally, if you have time to watch TV, you have time to throw in your headphones and go for a brisk walk. You totally have 30 minutes a day to walk.
Ive started a program that work pays for to help. It is not a diet, but one of the things they preach is just what you said. Mindful eating and eating slowly and savoring each bite. Also eat your favorite food first. A mid meal pause of 5 or 10 minutes also seems to help. As I stated earlier I succumb to the post 8pm binge way too often so that is hurting me right now. They also don't preach against eating out, but cut your meal in half and put the rest in a to go box before you ever start eating, and eat mindfully. Ive been doing a lot of indoor "spin" training, but you still have to eat less than you burn to lose weight.
Ive started a program that work pays for to help. It is not a diet, but one of the things they preach is just what you said. Mindful eating and eating slowly and savoring each bite. Also eat your favorite food first. A mid meal pause of 5 or 10 minutes also seems to help. As I stated earlier I succumb to the post 8pm binge way too often so that is hurting me right now. They also don't preach against eating out, but cut your meal in half and put the rest in a to go box before you ever start eating, and eat mindfully. Ive been doing a lot of indoor "spin" training, but you still have to eat less than you burn to lose weight.
Strong work on dropping some lbs and finding approaches that work for you!

One of the joys of getting older is our metabolisms slow down and we can't eat the way we used to. It's awesome you're doing some training...spinning can work you over. I think that in terms of the long game, active cardio like that is going to speed up your metabolism. It will absolutely burn calories before they get stored as fat, but in my view it's also going to incrementally chip away at what age naturally does to all of us.

It's humbling but it's also "good work," you know?
Strong work on dropping some lbs and finding approaches that work for you!

One of the joys of getting older is our metabolisms slow down and we can't eat the way we used to. It's awesome you're doing some training...spinning can work you over. I think that in terms of the long game, active cardio like that is going to speed up your metabolism. It will absolutely burn calories before they get stored as fat, but in my view it's also going to incrementally chip away at what age naturally does to all of us.

It's humbling but it's also "good work," you know?

Yeah, Not where I want to be but getting there, down a couple of more and avoided eating late last night. I did ride for over an hour, 40 minutes of that at 240+watts. I don't technically do a spin type class but use a program called Zwift. I have an indoor bike that more emulates a real bike and you can actually shift gears and brake just like a real bike. The program puts you into a video game like setup that emulates real riding conditions like hills and descents. Pretty fun if you get in a group because you can actually draft like the real thing. I ride several times per week with a buddy that lives in Boston. Normally I am a pretty avid mountain biker and ride outside in the evenings as much as I can(with lights now, but is great after daylight savings starts) but broke some ribs in a crash about 3 weeks ago, so kind of limited in what I can do right now. Once I heal up I'll bet back into the upper body and core work as well.

Generally only eat a couple of times per day now and I have noticed my portions are slowly creeping down sizewise. Pretty much eat what I want, but less of it. Just gotta avoid the late night snacks, or at least make them healthy. Fresh veggies, fruit, some nuts are ok, just not ice cream and!!!
A lot of good suggestions in this thread on how to lose weight and keep it off. I think the biggest things for me were intermittent fasting (no food after 7:30 and no food before 12:00, I drink coffee every morning), protein shake at lunch (usually 3 raw eggs, whole milk, paleo valley bone broth protein and paleo valley super greens) and a protein/ leafy green for dinner (usually deer, chicken, steak, or fish and a salad with EVOO/ balsamic/ lemon juice). Small goals with cardio and weight training, if that means distance or time goals for cardio or # of sets for weight training etc.. I have also been taking Alpha Brain/ a mens one a day/ fish oil and Paleo Valley organ complex pills daily and my gut feels better than ever (I am 36 and already had diverticulitis issues). A lot of good products on the market but Paleo Valley is an easy source for most of my supplements. I have been wearing a whoop strap for almost a year and it has helped me stay more in tune with my body. For instance alcohol is terrible for my sleep and recovery (even a single beer or glass of wine) so I have cut alcohol out almost completely. Hot sauna is great for my sleep and recovery so I'm in the sauna 4-5Xs per week around 15-18 minutes per session. Sleep is a huge factor that is glanced over quite a bit, limit screen time (phone/ TV) and overhead lighting prior to bed and try reading a book. Find the things that work for you and stick with them. Sounds like your on the right track, keep up the good work. Also..... BOOMER SOONER
A lot of good suggestions in this thread on how to lose weight and keep it off. I think the biggest things for me were intermittent fasting (no food after 7:30 and no food before 12:00, I drink coffee every morning), protein shake at lunch (usually 3 raw eggs, whole milk, paleo valley bone broth protein and paleo valley super greens) and a protein/ leafy green for dinner (usually deer, chicken, steak, or fish and a salad with EVOO/ balsamic/ lemon juice). Small goals with cardio and weight training, if that means distance or time goals for cardio or # of sets for weight training etc.. I have also been taking Alpha Brain/ a mens one a day/ fish oil and Paleo Valley organ complex pills daily and my gut feels better than ever (I am 36 and already had diverticulitis issues). A lot of good products on the market but Paleo Valley is an easy source for most of my supplements. I have been wearing a whoop strap for almost a year and it has helped me stay more in tune with my body. For instance alcohol is terrible for my sleep and recovery (even a single beer or glass of wine) so I have cut alcohol out almost completely. Hot sauna is great for my sleep and recovery so I'm in the sauna 4-5Xs per week around 15-18 minutes per session. Sleep is a huge factor that is glanced over quite a bit, limit screen time (phone/ TV) and overhead lighting prior to bed and try reading a book. Find the things that work for you and stick with them. Sounds like your on the right track, keep up the good work. Also..... BOOMER SOONER
I've been intermittent fasting for a long time now, but not in the traditional sense.

I wanted to accomplish two things..
1. Reduce my body's "need" for food (I hate the fatigue, lightheadedness when my blood sugar drops)
2. Hit my daily calorie goals (current target is 1700 per day + whatever I burned during exercise via smart watch calculation)

A lot of folks say "eat whatever you want (within reason) and intermittent fast, and the weight will fall off". Definitely not the case for me. I still have the count calories and macros to make consistent progress.

However, with the way my appetite is in the evening, fasting until noon is really my only chance of hitting my daily calorie goals. I can fight cravings pretty easy in the morning, but have zero will power at the end of the day.

If I fall off the wagon for a while, I find within a few days of waiting to eat until noon, I'm back to doing it with relative ease.
Well moderately successful weekend, actually no, it was tough. still fighting the evening monster, gained a bit but not as much as previous weekends, so that was a success I guess. I did get an 11+ mile mtb ride in outside yesterday, the most since my accident. Took it easy though , so not as much of a workout as I like. I am still down 5+ lbs since the year started , so not all bad. Back on the trainer tonight, but have a bunch of arrow shafts coming in today that I need to start working on so I can set the bow up for a TAC event next month. Keep plugging all!!!!
-Start moving (10,000 steps a day minimum)
-Break full out face dripping sweat twice a day (no matter how you do it)
-Cut out breads.
-Cut ALL alcohol.
-Cut out ALL fried food.
-Cut out ALL candy.
-Turn your heat down in your house to 68 degrees.
-Don't eat ANYTHING after 5:00 PM if possible.

If you do just these few things, you will be surprised how fast you drop those pounds.
It's going to take a lot of effort and self-discipline on your part.

Good luck!
You have to find out what works for you. You might be able to do intermittent fasting, but maybe not. Change your lifestyle.

Diet drinks are the worst possible thing to put in your body besides energy drinks. The ingredients are poison. You can easily find the information. Likewise, processed foods and sugar don't have much in them other than calories.

If you want to burn fat, you need to reduce your carbs. Most people take in far too many. Btw, most bread might as well be sugar. It has the same effect. You won't burn fat until you burn all of your carbs. Taking your carb level from hundreds to 50 or so will have a dramatic impact.

Good luck.
What's up guys. So a few tears ago I dropped about 35lbs and was well on my way to becoming the best version of myself. Fast forward, my wife and I had our first child, I started a new career, and I gained about 40lbs. I want to lose about 45-50lbs. I know it's not a sprint but a marathon and is gonna take alot of work with diet and exercise to reach that goal but what are the ways you've found success? What style exercise, diets, programs, etc have yall done and enjoyed?? I'm having alot of trouble finding will power to be consistent this time.

Thanks for any and all help! Good luck this year. Crush those goals!
I lost 40 pounds calorie counting using MyFitnessPal and walking (which transitioned to a lot of running) and logging daily weights. Getting a Garmin Fenix also helped.

Potatoes, rice, and vegetables will help fill you up. Avoid snacking. Actually get a kitchen scale and weigh everything you eat. It was a pain in the ass, took about 6 months.

I started gaining it back, winter hit, I got busy with work (new job), moved, been remodeling the new house, and did I say counting calories is a pain in the ass already?

In September I switched to intermittent fasting (really scheduled eating). I don't always fast on weekends, but most week days I I don't eat until I get off work at 1700 to 1800. I'm holding pretty steady, have not lost the 5 pounds I gained back, but have not put any more back on either. Which I consider a win as my activity level has been far below what it should be and what it was during the summer.

Check out the book "Fast, Feast, Repeat," even if you don't take up scheduled eating it will help you sort through the sea of dieting advice out there.
It helps to remember that 3,500 excess calories = 1-lb of body fat. If you're over eating just 500 calories a day beyond what you burn, by the end of week one you're a pound heavier on the scales. Accountability is a bitch but the math don't lie.

If you avoid putting more than 2,000 calories down the hatch every day for just a couple months you'll start seeing weight slide off your frame like snow on a warm tin roof. Split those 2000 cals up in two meals and four snacks throughout the day, ending before 8pm. Get used to feeling hunger pangs and know that whenn you feel that you're actually slimming your game.
"Lose it" app, after the Gauge Girl book called Eat for your Macrotype.
Some burn better on 50% fat, some not, etc...
The workouts you will figure out. Diet, sleep....big parts pf the solution.
Stop eating more than your BMR (2000-2200 calories per day). Balance those calories with nutrient quality, protein, fat and carbs to the ratio that prevents muscle loss but allows fat loss (40% protein, 20% fat and 40% carbs).

Takes humans about 60 days (8 weeks) to change habitual" practices like eating the wrong foods, snacking, and late night binge eating.

Set firm limits around your BMR intake. Refuse eating after 8pm. Stop alcohol while you're trying to reduce weight. Develop an easy to follow routine of walking and standing more during daytime. Give this a try for 10 days and see how you respond.

Simple steps that you can accomplish and ones you can see make changes within your body. Visualize yourself and your new image. Don't get in your own way and follow your plan.
This but even more simple. Stop eating too much. Make a menu for 7 days. Write it down. Make it 1500-2000 calories per day. No more. No cheats. None. In a month you’ll be down 15 pounds with moderate exercise (30 min) 5 days per week. It’s that simple and yet that hard.
I like to get up, drink a cup of coffee but don’t eat, and then run first thing in the morning. It’s weird but I find this to be totally painless and it actually really brightens my day. You will have to start with walk/jogging. Also I pack my food for the day and it’s all healthy—mostly fruit and vegetables. That way I don’t eat junk at work.
Follow this advice and you succeed,.no magic potions burn more than you consume stay diligent..succeed🤙
It takes burning more calories than you take in to lose weight and that makes you hungry, accept that fact and relish in it. It might sound crazy but get in the mindset that being hungry is akin to meeting your goal and feel good about yourself being hungry. Weigh yourself EVERY morning, and if you have not dropped some weight, then resolve to eat less that day. Cut the alcohol. It adds useless calories and diminishes your willpower to stay away from food.

Focus on aerobic exercise. Stay away from lifting weights. With a caloric deficiency your strength for lifting heavy just won't be there and it will be discouraging. Aerobic exercise diminishes hunger while being done and for a short time afterwards. It also gets your body used to functioning with a caloric deficiency and that will carry over to your other daily activities.

If you do the above you WILL lose weight. Then when you are at your goal you have to stabilize. Continue weighting yourself EVERY day for the rest of your life. When you see the scale tick up a few pounds, eat less and exercise more and take those pounds back off. You MUST have a red line that puts you back into weight loss mode that is close to your target weight.
I like to get up, drink a cup of coffee but don’t eat, and then run first thing in the morning. It’s weird but I find this to be totally painless and it actually really brightens my day. You will have to start with walk/jogging. Also I pack my food for the day and it’s all healthy—mostly fruit and vegetables. That way I don’t eat junk at work.
Its not healthy to not eat protein. Muscle burns more calories to sustain itself. You will lose more muscle than fat doing this. If you don't implement a protein and muscle building regimine you will be a skinny fat.
Just a quick check in. Now down 13+ lbs from my heaviest this year. Had kind of plateaued a bit but kicked it back in a bit. Good weekend on the diet and 3 really good bike workouts(almost 50 miles at decent wattage), both indoor and outdoor. Weather was kind of crappy so decided to stay off the trails after Friday night. Diet was good. Having some success with fasting but still eat what I want, slowly, and minimizing snacking.

Got two good archery practice sets in. Got a new scope for my sight so working with that has been fun and has kept me off the couch and not eating.

let's hear how everyone else is doing!