Getting rid of belly fat.

Chicken, rice and broccoli and nothing else along with proper strength/aerobic training for one month ...then report back on how much you dropped and how much muscle you added.

I have good results hitting the gym early in the morning and when I really want to cut - fast a good portion of the day after you get your post workout meal in, with maybe a small lunch and a decent dinner. This is highly dependent on your daily activity level. Also, this works for me, maybe not for others.

Beyond that, structure workouts to include cardio AND full body-type workouts with weights including those target your core. Lots of different workouts can do that.

Also, switch up your workouts and recognize when stuff is getting too easy.

If you want to lose the belly fat you can't cheat much on stuff you eat or drink.
I just wanted to thank everyone for the responses you have all given me a lot to think about. I knew that diet was something that I needed to work on in the near future. I just need to figure out how I can make it work for me.
Hard to get rid of sex specific fat is best dealt with by daily low intensity steady state cardio done in a fasted state. No insulin in your body and keeping it low intensity inhibits release of glucose. Your body will use the hard to loose fat for atp production. You will see results fairly quickly, a 400 calorie walk x 7 days is almost a pound of that fat. Your body's only option is to burn fat if you do this as suggested. 1 hour max then eat something.
This is 100% spot on in my experience. Did this last year for almost 300 days. Results were great

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Diet is way more important than exercise. Clean eating takes effort. Healthy fats and protein with veggies is key.
Resistance training, interval training, or even walking before breakfast makes a difference.
Weights worked well for me. Try 3 day a week dumbbell upper and lower body split with a couple cardio days. No booze no pop

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Very tough to rid the lower belly fat if thats were your body likesto store it.Im about as strict as anyone ive seen and take nutrition and fitness very seriously.
Im 46 and stay pretty lean but that low belly fat is a bitch.For me because everyone is different,i have to go very low on calories and very high on steps.I think a mix of age,thyroid issues etc play a big part.I can get some abs for vacation but it doesn’t take a few days and they are gone.I eat very well but eat alot.
No secret,you can lose it with higher carbs or higher fat,I actually prefer to stay higher carbs because i get more satisfied.
I just try and stay about 8-10 weeks out for example,not to fat and not to lean because i just dont feel good if get to far either way.
Im also a proponent of hammering a diet,some like to go slow and i have done that many times.
I say hammer it and get it over,all within reason because you still need to keep muscle and energy.Those 6 month and longer diets are horrible.
Fasted walking is great but walking in general is great!
Zap is right, for me inline skating works for dropping body fat.

You don't see fat postal worker's who walk all day.......
Keto,high fat low carb is a temporary fix.
It does work but all your doing is limiting calories and some water from carb retention.
In my opinion and for me,because all diets work if you stick to them is to not diet.
Change the way you think and eat.
Eat a balanced diet,you need good protein and fat but you dont need to overeat fat because you will get fat.Eat 25-30 % fat and thats plenty.You need to eat whole foods and carbs help with hormones,energy,brain fog etc.Eat your carbs but dont be a child.Eat some fruit,white rice,potatos and oatmeal.
Protein should be your focus.
When you deprive yourself is when people tank.
Just make a simple food list,post it on fridge and eat that or a mixture of that only for 90 days.
I once lost 23lbs over a period of 2 years, jogging 10-15 miles/week
and eating nothing but salads and fish.
I stayed hungry, sore, hurt all over and was generally p-O'd most days.
Screw that.
Yes, I have a belly.
But we're happy.
Belly fat is a tough topic. At my fittest I was 9% BF. you could barely pinch anything off my chest, arms, or legs.. But my low belly you could grab. My trainer was actually shocked by it. He conjectured that basically 60% of my body fat was in my low belly because everywhere else on my body was measuring like i should be at or just under 5%. I'm sure had I cut certain calories and changed eating times and worked at it another year. full developed are EXTREMELY difficult to obtain
IMHO low carb is NOT temporary but rather the only healthy lifestyle. This link explains what is wrong with our current dietary guidelines. Fantastic stuff here. Cut the carbs and up the fats.
I finally started exercising last March for the first time in my life I am 49 years old. I managed to bring my weight down from 213 down to 190-195. I have been pretty happy with what I have lost but I still have a bit of a spare tire. I currently ride a airdyne bike every other night for about 10 miles and on the opposite night I do 3 sets of 20 sit ups, push ups, lunge's and some curling with weights. I really have not changed my diet since beginning this exercise regime maybe that needs to be the next thing. I am looking for suggestions if you have any.
Do the exact same bike ride first thing in the morning before you eat (or drink anything but water/black coffee). I'd do it for 4 weeks and see if you make more progress. If its not coming off fast enough you can do your cardio every morning instead of every other. You will eventually have to clean up your diet.
Lots of decent recommendations above, I’d like to add another layer though. First, losing fat/improving body composition comes down to 95% diet and 5% movement. Your best efforts would be spent focusing on the food. There’s three levers you can pull. When you eat, what you eat and how you move. We’re not concerned with how you move because it’s only 5% of the equation. So focus on when you eat (feeding window/intermittent fasting) or what you eat (remove processed foods/stick to food with one or maybe three ingredients, prioritize protein, then fat and lastly carbs, personally I would recommend keeping carbs low/very low). Some people are disciplined enough to work on both things at the same time. I am/was not and most people I know aren’t disciplined enough to go after both either (but you might be the exception). Whichever route you go I’d strongly recommend small/incremental changes. This tends to work better because we’re talking about changing lifestyle habits for the long term, not a one month diet and then going back to “normal.” This is what worked for me (dropped 60-70 lbs over a 18 month ish timeframe and have kept it off for the last 2 years, and I don’t feel like I’m missing out at all in my diet and do t ever see a reason to change what I’m doing (at least significantly). I’d be happy to dive more into the details if interested but this is probably enough for now.