A brown bear is 25 yards away, charging you full speed.
What weapon are you picking if whatever gun (and ammo) you wanted would magically appear in your hands
For this, the weapon is already in your hands at the ready, so no struggling to draw it from a holster/sling or whatever.
Also ignore the portability/weight/easy access factors- what weapon are you choosing?
I have thought that either a pump or very reliable semi automatic 12g with 3.5” shells and a large payload of TSS buckshot would be hard to beat, but I would be interested to hear y’alls input as well. I could see an argument being made for reliable Semi-automatics as well as large bore (dangerous game) rifles or even more “normal” weapons.
#2 TSS buckshot in a 2 1/2 ounce load would give you 25 pellets at 47grains each. In two shots that is almost like having 50 shots from a 22lr, but with all of the penetration benefits of tungsten. If you handloaded it you could load it hotter and heavier. The hornady critical defense is pushing buckshot at 1600fps.
@Formidilosus recent S2H on 22wmr for bears further reinforced my opinion that 25, 45grain tungsten pellets per shot would be pretty good bear deterrent. Particularly when you have the penetration benefits of tungsten