Hello all. I am a very long time lurker and very infrequent poster, but I do feel a need to mention something here. I work for the USG and have extensive experience with background investigations, security clearances, etc. Just so folks know, holding any kind of USG security clearance is irrelevant to the background check associated with purchasing firearms and/or suppressors. The databases that are searched for firearms and/or suppressor purchases do not, in any way, interface with the USG’s databases where security clearances are maintained. It makes me kinda crazy when I hear LGS sales people state that approvals or denials for a weapons sale is somehow related to the customer having or not having a security clearance. If this was true, people with TS/SCIs would be approved much faster because they are subjected to “continuous vetting” as part of holding that clearance, and Uncle Sam pretty much knows what they are up to versus the Average Joe. I speak from experience here. I have had to wait about the average amount of time for all of my suppressor purchases.
Coming from the perspective of a USG supervisor in an agency that regularly interfaces with ATF the reality is that ATF, Iike my agency, is badly understaffed. People quit or retire, and it takes the USG ages to replace them. I lost my only fiscal support person from my unit thirteen months ago, and I still cannot get an answer from HQS about when I can realistically expect a replacement. So while it’s fun to poke at the Democrats, or the Republicans, or the Libertarians, or to conjure up conspiracy theories, the truth is that ATF just doesn’t have enough people to grind out the forms, and of the people they do have, some work faster, some work slower, and most likely, some don’t work at all. All you can do is hope that your paperwork makes it to the guy or gal who works faster….