Suppressor make/model input wanted

I have a couple different brands. For precision hunting I prefer Thunderbeast cans. They are more. Expensive then DD but I’ve found out in life you get what you pay for.
So it’s not just marketing hype about the 3d printed baffles?
Not from what I've seen with this can, but my science is purely subjective. I don't have DB measuring equipment to give hard numbers/facts.
But I am unbiased, and when I tested the scythe/nomad ti-xc side by side, I could tell a difference at the shooter. I still really like the scythe anyway, but if we're talking pure sound performance, nomad ti-xc has an edge.
Thanks! The Wolfhunter is not rated for an 18” PRC, so I’m gonna skip that one for sure.
OCL ratings:

  • 24” – 300 Norma, 300 RUM
  • 22” – 300 PRC
  • 20” – 300 win mag
  • 18” – 6.5 PRC/SAUM and WSM cartridges
  • 14.5” – 308, 6.5 creed, 260 Remington, 243 and other similar cartridges
  • 11.5” – 5.56/223, 6.5 Grendel, 6 ARC, 7.62×38
  • 7” – 300 blackout super sonic
  • 5” – 300 blackout subsonic
Enticer S-Ti, CGS Hyperion K, OCL Hydrogen S would be my current top contenders at the moment from input here.
I just yesterday got my Alleycat 308 Ti (service version of the JL). Will be headed to range this Saturday for it's first rounds. Pewscience rated it highly, and I mainly went for it because of total suppression score and lack of "First Round Pop".
Resilient Jolene S vs DD Sti. You literally wont be able to tell the difference, and it should save you 50 bucks. We sell them and the STi interchangeably. Also the LPM Mach-S is an amazing can in that size range. Also Im pretty smitten with the Si-Co Scythe even though Im not a huge Si-Co silencer fan. The scythe is the smallest of the group here, bordering on K can status but punches up with the regular compacts which is impressive. Havent shot the Nomad XC yet in 30 cal. I wasnt overly impressed with the Nomax 33 and got rid of it. Didnt seem to be any or much better than the DD DTF-Lti which was lighter and smaller. If you do the Sti, get yourself a 22/6mm endcap. It helps. Then you can switch back and forth when you want to go up to 30 cal. Seems weird that the wolfhunter cant handle 6prc. We stick DD cans on anything and never really worry about it. We were one of their first dealers. I have serial number 6 in the LTi line.
I just yesterday got my Alleycat 308 Ti (service version of the JL). Will be headed to range this Saturday for it's first rounds. Pewscience rated it highly, and I mainly went for it because of total suppression score and lack of "First Round Pop".
This is a great can. You will love it.
I have both the Jolene S and the Enticer S Ti. Unless you need the versatility the removeable endcap on the Enticer gives you I would go with the Jolene S. You can find my thoughts on both here: