Stuff overheard at the range or local gun shop

Bought a new rifle at sportsman's warehouse over the weekend. Overall decent guys at the gun counter.

One counter guy asked me what brand scope I was going to put on it. Told him I had a few in mind. He stated, "Vortex man, they are the best!"

Better was, a guy called and asked if they could sight in his bow for him. Counter guy asked if he meant put the sight on. He stated no, sight it in for me. Counter guy explained that's not how that works. Guy on the phone said he just got the bow and doesn't know how to sight a bow in.

Another guy bought a rifle and a scope, completely clueless to either. Just wanted a cheap rifle and scope. I think was West Viginia's state caliber - 30-.06
This dude could not wrap his head around the fact 30mm rings are bigger than 1-inch rings. He kept saying millimeters are small than inches.
He pushed Vortex because they offer an incredible spiff program. Dirtbags push them so they get free optics. I work part time at Sportsman's and I'm more interested in helping the customer get what they want.

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Just had a guy at the range this morning (older dude, very, very nice rifle & scope setup) tell me that he's only interested in killing a deer at long range & if he sees a deer he really wants & it's close than 700yds he's going to back up until it's far enough away!!

I just gave him a dead look & called him a f&#@ing idiot.
Just had a guy at the range this morning (older dude, very, very nice rifle & scope setup) tell me that he's only interested in killing a deer at long range & if he sees a deer he really wants & it's close than 700yds he's going to back up until it's far enough away!!

I just gave him a dead look & called him a f&#@ing idiot.
Nah, he's got it figured out. Back up until those wounding misses turn into clean, wild misses. Then you don't have to track anything.

Anyone ever load lighter (smaller shot) shotshells for first round and then heavier (larger shot) shells for follow up? Had a guy in a sporting goods/department store suggest that once.
I actually do know some guys who do that and they do kill alota birds. Not for me though.
I work with a couple guys that are big hunters. Every time someone else asks a hunting question they are quick to say "for elk you need a 300 PRC, if you are just hunting deer I would get one of the 300 Magnums"

They think I am nuts because I hunt both with a 6mm Creed.
These same guys also recommend to them Vortex and Leupold scopes and I die a little inside every time.

At least one of them ditched his Leupold for a Nightforce after my encouragement after his Leupy lost zero and he shot a nice bull in the ass :(
That's one we should have a thread on.
Local convenience store owner was a hunter. His son, about 8 years old was a great kid that liked talking to customers about hunting.
He asked me, "You get one yet?"
"Sure!", I lied. " He was about 600 yards off, in a dead run! He dropped like a rock!"
The kid asked me, "What kinda rifle did you use?"
I winked at dad and said, "Red Ryder BB gun."
Dad was about to lose it. The kid stood there for a second, thinking about what I'd just said!
Then all three of us cracked up.
Great kid!
Great dad!
Just had a guy at the range this morning (older dude, very, very nice rifle & scope setup) tell me that he's only interested in killing a deer at long range & if he sees a deer he really wants & it's close than 700yds he's going to back up until it's far enough away!!

I just gave him a dead look & called him a f&#@ing idiot.
I had an older gentleman say something similar. He was a friend of a friend on a shooting day and showed up with his rifle still in a case. He took forever and pulled it out and it was some “best of the west” carbon fiber stock and carbon fiber barrel gun. Hand loaded ammo but the boxes looked really aged, like at least 10 year old boxes. The gun looked brand new.

It was a 7mm mag with a Huskemaw scope with “yardage turret”. He said it was “zeroed at 500 yards” but only likes to shoot at “750 and beyond”.

I didn’t go near him all day.
I think sometimes they are just so tired of dealing with the average customer that they gotta troll one every once in a while
I cant say that I ever intentionally trolled anyone but I can tell you that I did get to the point that whatever you said was best for anything, I just agreed with you (unless it was life or injury threatening). It got really old arguing with people.

So, yep if you came in telling me that the vortex diamondback was just as good as an ATACR. I just agreed with you.
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I cant say that I ever initially trolled anyone but I can tell you that I did get to the point that whatever you said was best for anything, I just agreed with you (unless it was life or injury threatening). It got really old arguing with people.

So, yep if you came in telling me that the vortex diamondback was just as good as an ATACR. I just agreed with you.

I'd get fired on the first day I worked there:ROFLMAO:
When I was pretty young, I had an old buck gunsmith tell me about a "1 ragged hole" 10 shot group he shot at 500 yards when he was my age.

He said he couldn't believe how good he was shooting. Then He pointed to the target and said look right there. I framed it because it was such a great group. I was young and very proud of myself.

I said ya.... a 10 shot group like that at 500 yards is better than I can shoot at 100 yards.

He said, "I was so proud of myself, when I got back to the bench, I picked my rifle up to give it a kiss and my scope fell off and landed on the ground at my feet......So don't believe everything you hear son because I don't know where the other 9 bullets went that day....."

I always remember that story. lol
Love this!
at elk camp a few years ago... some ones cousin or brother in law happened to be up there and was a bit of a dufus, He liked my friends rifle with a stainless barrel and asked. "hey, where did you get the chrome rifle?" Friend didn't even hesitate, "Bi-Mart got a special shipment from Pakistani arms and they are priced by corporate at $280.00, Manager and Staff have been holding them in the back, so you have to ask for them. They may try to deny they exist, but don't believe them. They are just hoping they can buy themselves and aren't happy about customers asking about them. So keep pestering them until they bring one out. Ask specifically for the chrome rifles"