Stuff overheard at the range or local gun shop

I'm considering picking up a Howa mini in 6 ARC, so I wanted to run to a local store that at least stocked Howas so I could get a feel for the action.

Guy behind the counter: What are you looking for?
Me: Can I check out a Howa in a short action chambering?
Guy at counter: Uhhh... not sure we have that.
Me looking right at a Howa: You have a few on the shelf. Can I try one out in a short action chambering?
Guy at counter: **blank look**
Me: Can I handle a Howa in a .243, 6.5 Creedmoor, .308, etc?
Other guy behind the counter: proceeds to grab a Howa in 270 Win

Same store:

Talking about a 6 ARC while cycling a Ruger American in 6.5 Creed.
Guy behind counter: Easiest way to a 6 ARC is to buy a 6.5 Creedmoor or a 308. The 6 ARC is based on the same case, so you could just rebarrel it.
Me: Hands rifle back and leaves

To be honest I've been shooting my entire life and have a decent collection of firearms and if you asked me to hand you a rifle in short action chambering I'd be looking at you with a blank stare as well..
Please tell us this is a joke.

I'm with him, why would you add "chambering"? If someone asked to see a short action chambering, I'd be like does he mean a wsm? Saum? Why not just say short action? Chambering just adds confusion, if he just wanted to see a short action, he'd have said that like a normal person!
As a former gun counter salesman I have too many to list them all.

Some of my favorites though,

Taurus makes good and reliable pistols you know

A customer also came in one day saying his magazine wouldn’t feed rounds correctly. Well sure enough a 9mm magazine won’t feed 40sw
I'd take a Taurus over a new Springfield, or the PSA clones
I can't recall anything that hasn't already been mentioned.

I can offer some "hardware store" wisdom though.

"Montana summers are hotter because we are higher in elevation, so we're closer to the sun"

can't argue that...
Bought a new rifle at sportsman's warehouse over the weekend. Overall decent guys at the gun counter.

One counter guy asked me what brand scope I was going to put on it. Told him I had a few in mind. He stated, "Vortex man, they are the best!"

Better was, a guy called and asked if they could sight in his bow for him. Counter guy asked if he meant put the sight on. He stated no, sight it in for me. Counter guy explained that's not how that works. Guy on the phone said he just got the bow and doesn't know how to sight a bow in.

Another guy bought a rifle and a scope, completely clueless to either. Just wanted a cheap rifle and scope. I think was West Viginia's state caliber - 30-.06
This dude could not wrap his head around the fact 30mm rings are bigger than 1-inch rings. He kept saying millimeters are small than inches.
Bought a new rifle at sportsman's warehouse over the weekend. Overall decent guys at the gun counter.

One counter guy asked me what brand scope I was going to put on it. Told him I had a few in mind. He stated, "Vortex man, they are the best!"

Better was, a guy called and asked if they could sight in his bow for him. Counter guy asked if he meant put the sight on. He stated no, sight it in for me. Counter guy explained that's not how that works. Guy on the phone said he just got the bow and doesn't know how to sight a bow in.

Another guy bought a rifle and a scope, completely clueless to either. Just wanted a cheap rifle and scope. I think was West Viginia's state caliber - 30-.06
This dude could not wrap his head around the fact 30mm rings are bigger than 1-inch rings. He kept saying millimeters are small than inches.
Morgantown or Parkersburg?
Was shooting my Contender (.223) at a range in MO one time at 100 next to this guy. We went down range at a break and I had stuck 5 in a quarter sized hole and he had 7-8 on the paper. He accused me of putting up fake targets and shooting into the sand. I didn't need stay much longer.
I brought my boy to cabelas today to kill some time. Passed by the gun counter. Wish I had a picture and transcript for all the foolishness that was happening.
I was shooting 200 yards at the range. Guy open carrying a pistol with a rifle slung at low ready asks if I'm reaching out past 100.

"just shooting 200 yards"

"I'll meet you there"

Proceeds to shoot mostly hitting large paper at 50 yards.
Please tell us this is a joke.


Back in my formative years (70's) we had long actions and short actions.

The language change from "action" to "chambering" would get a huh? from me too. Why they had to change the label isn't my concern.
Was shooting my Contender (.223) at a range in MO one time at 100 next to this guy. We went down range at a break and I had stuck 5 in a quarter sized hole and he had 7-8 on the paper. He accused me of putting up fake targets and shooting into the sand. I didn't need stay much longer.
Maybe he was just kidding with you ?
I was browsing a couple of days ago. The gun counter guy is engaged by a guy who seems like he's been talking for awhile...

I hear the customer recounting his superior ethics. Including a tale of a time where he lead a running deer by 15' in front and 6' over it's back... And surprise... Didn't find it. 🤔
I thought about yall today.

Was at cabelas (again) and a gentleman was explaining to some poor soul that 7mm-08 is an ok deer caliber for kids and women, but a .300 win mag is a far better choice for a man. Can kill them 1000 yards out with a win mag.