Stuff overheard at the range or local gun shop

Had the itch for a new carry piece and settled on the Glock 43X MOS. (pre cut for a red dot). Been using the local sportsman warehouse for the stock and ok pricing. Big thing is we have no state tax on firearms or ammo in West Virginia.
They have a seriously like new 43x for sale, plus a new model. I'm going to have to "detactical" the used one as the previous owner had to be a Navy SEAL or Army Ranger. Mag well nonsense and all the mags are "extended for war!" Thankfully all the OEM pieces are in the box.

Anyway, the counter bro proceeds to tell me what a POS glock is and I need to buy a sig. Which is obviously more money. SW counter guys get commission? I ask to see a Sig P365, and hes about drooling telling me about grip angles, customer service, how good I look holding the Sig (seriously). I tell him I'm buying that used 43. "Aw man your making a mistake, Sig is the best!!"
Broke his heart when I told him this glock is replacing a P365 I already own.

The P365 I just never cared for. And sig has so many P365 models now. Should have got a P320.
Had the itch for a new carry piece and settled on the Glock 43X MOS. (pre cut for a red dot). Been using the local sportsman warehouse for the stock and ok pricing. Big thing is we have no state tax on firearms or ammo in West Virginia.
They have a seriously like new 43x for sale, plus a new model. I'm going to have to "detactical" the used one as the previous owner had to be a Navy SEAL or Army Ranger. Mag well nonsense and all the mags are "extended for war!" Thankfully all the OEM pieces are in the box.

Anyway, the counter bro proceeds to tell me what a POS glock is and I need to buy a sig. Which is obviously more money. SW counter guys get commission? I ask to see a Sig P365, and hes about drooling telling me about grip angles, customer service, how good I look holding the Sig (seriously). I tell him I'm buying that used 43. "Aw man your making a mistake, Sig is the best!!"
Broke his heart when I told him this glock is replacing a P365 I already own.

The P365 I just never cared for. And sig has so many P365 models now. Should have got a P320.
No cash commission for SW employees, but sig does give them “points” for selling their stuff. You can then redeem “points” for free guns. You can always tell what companies are running points because they schill extra hard on those items.
Had the itch for a new carry piece and settled on the Glock 43X MOS. (pre cut for a red dot). Been using the local sportsman warehouse for the stock and ok pricing. Big thing is we have no state tax on firearms or ammo in West Virginia.
They have a seriously like new 43x for sale, plus a new model. I'm going to have to "detactical" the used one as the previous owner had to be a Navy SEAL or Army Ranger. Mag well nonsense and all the mags are "extended for war!" Thankfully all the OEM pieces are in the box.

Anyway, the counter bro proceeds to tell me what a POS glock is and I need to buy a sig. Which is obviously more money. SW counter guys get commission? I ask to see a Sig P365, and hes about drooling telling me about grip angles, customer service, how good I look holding the Sig (seriously). I tell him I'm buying that used 43. "Aw man your making a mistake, Sig is the best!!"
Broke his heart when I told him this glock is replacing a P365 I already own.

The P365 I just never cared for. And sig has so many P365 models now. Should have got a P320.
I'm with the counter guy. Four 365s in the household. 43 went down the road.
Had the itch for a new carry piece and settled on the Glock 43X MOS. (pre cut for a red dot). Been using the local sportsman warehouse for the stock and ok pricing. Big thing is we have no state tax on firearms or ammo in West Virginia.
They have a seriously like new 43x for sale, plus a new model. I'm going to have to "detactical" the used one as the previous owner had to be a Navy SEAL or Army Ranger. Mag well nonsense and all the mags are "extended for war!" Thankfully all the OEM pieces are in the box.

Anyway, the counter bro proceeds to tell me what a POS glock is and I need to buy a sig. Which is obviously more money. SW counter guys get commission? I ask to see a Sig P365, and hes about drooling telling me about grip angles, customer service, how good I look holding the Sig (seriously). I tell him I'm buying that used 43. "Aw man your making a mistake, Sig is the best!!"
Broke his heart when I told him this glock is replacing a P365 I already own.

The P365 I just never cared for. And sig has so many P365 models now. Should have got a P320.

I never liked the 365 either. In fact, I went to the shop intending to buy one shortly after they came out and walked out with a Gen 5 Glock 19 instead. Some people get a brand bug up their butt and can't get rid of it. I grew out of any sort of brand loyalty a long time ago.
I'm a range officer at one of only two supervised public outdoor ranges in Idaho. Most of the issues we see are simply because we Idaho shooters don't know how to behave on a supervised range until we experience it a few times. Rules most frequently neglected:

1. actions open, magazines removed, chamber flag
2. bring case from back bench to firearm on shooting bench, not vice versa.

Latest most interesting incident to me was a fellow whose AR went full auto after he installed what he "thought" was a binary trigger. He also said he did "some work" on the FCG. His first few shots were semi auto, so whatever he did, his installation likely malfed. Told him he was technically in possession of an NFA rifle and he agreed, took out the defective FCG, and put away the rifle.
If youre going to be a range officer, you should have an inkling of the laws you are chastising others for. A malfuntioning item is NOT an nfa violation, unless, and until you KNOWINGLY continue operation.
Not vocal... But I was at the range last weekend, and a couple of guys had 6ish ARs... All were 16" threaded barrels, they were using a couple of different suppressors.

But for some reason the 9" with a binary trigger got a brake...
Not vocal... But I was at the range last weekend, and a couple of guys had 6ish ARs... All were 16" threaded barrels, they were using a couple of different suppressors.

But for some reason the 9" with a binary trigger got a brake...
Can't say i like it, but some goofballs love the flash and noise
All the time. Lots of people only have 1 suppressor and good self timing muzzle brakes only take 30 seconds to swap between barrels. Unless the range rules do not allow firearm modifications on the line, what is the issue?


Agreed, I swap my can around often at the range.
If youre going to be a range officer, you should have an inkling of the laws you are chastising others for. A malfuntioning item is NOT an nfa violation, unless, and until you KNOWINGLY continue operation.
"Latest most interesting incident to me was a fellow whose AR went full auto after he installed what he "thought" was a binary trigger."

Reread. Consider. Then, discuss.
All the time. Lots of people only have 1 suppressor and good self timing muzzle brakes only take 30 seconds to swap between barrels. Unless the range rules do not allow firearm modifications on the line, what is the issue?

Forgetting to swap it to the obnoxiously loud gun.

I don't care about swapping, and can't see myself shooting at a place that did.
Close to 20 years ago probably, my first time ever at a gun range. Had just bought my first rifle.

Went to the range, signed some waiver, got the safety talk, sat on the bench and everyone is shooting.

A few minutes later guys to the left start yelling and waving their arms trying to get everyone to stop shooting.

Some guys showed up and walked straight down range while people were firing to "set up their target".
Just had a guy at the range this morning (older dude, very, very nice rifle & scope setup) tell me that he's only interested in killing a deer at long range & if he sees a deer he really wants & it's close than 700yds he's going to back up until it's far enough away!!

I just gave him a dead look & called him a f&#@ing idiot.
I was looking at guns at cabelas and was cornered by guy wearing army camo praising aks talked about how great they are and mentioned when he double tapped a running bighorn in the head at 200yds
I think I met that guy a few times. He must get around.
At the range where I volunteer, I've seen a surprising number of shooters who don't fully understand how their windage and elevation adjustments work.
Being that I shoot my bow more than my gun, 50% of the time I push my reticle the wrong way. The scopes just feel bass ackwards since the direction the dial says is the direction to move the impact not the reticle. Unashamedly I put about 10 rounds down my 6.5 this year getting it zeroed before I realized I was moving the scope the wrong way.