Sitka took a stand

Trying to look at this to have a more informed opinion, maybe some of you folks can help me out.

It seems pretty common for folks to call 1002 a wasteland and say that mountains are not near but I found this picture of people supposedly at the Artic ocean with 1002 falling between it and the sadlerochit mountains in the background. It doesn't look like what I would call a wasteland but maybe that's just a portion of 1002?

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This thread is a real eye-opener.
What it tells me is that we have many hunters, fishermen, outdoors men and women who are completely gullible and easily manipulated. Many have no idea of what is really going on.

I consider myself a staunch conservationist, and I did my homework on ANWR in 1998, likely before some here were even born. After some real skepticism, what I found was that that area of ANWR the 'wilds of Alaska' Sitka proclaims with their deceptive ad, is a gift for providing the country and our immense energy needs. It is remote, largely deserted, and further insurance that we don't EVER have to bow to the oil cartel producers of the Middle East.
You fellas claiming 'we have enough already' or 'it's too pristine there!' have absolutely no clue of what you are talking about. Right now China wants our oil, that is huge leverage over that country in a time when it's needed.

I was a kid during the oil embargo days of the early 70's, I remember the gas lines, the rationing. The pain of being beholden to Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, was awful.
The day will come when liberals close ANWR, discontinue fracking, close offshore rigs etc, and the waling here will be epic. Get used to $6.75 a gallon gas, $8.50 in NY and Kailf. Enjoy life now, it won't last just look at the $5 a gallon gas under "O" did that feel? It could be a helluva lot worse.

Hyperbole? Think again, it will happen.

Alaska is an amazing place, it can provide the hunt of a lifetime and still be prudently mined, drilled and commercially fished.
As someone in the gas selling business, we get almost all our oil from within our borders and from Canada. 3rd way down the list is Saudi Arabia or Mexico. We have a gluttony of the stuff. So if some politician has you convinced that we are dependant on middle eastern oil, start to question what they tell you about everything.
If this was the 1950’s and they had internet I bet it would be full of forums with people complaining about the news that they wanted to build a interstate highway system all across America. Drill.

And the interstate system did what to improve America’s backcountry resources, animal migration corridors, etc.? This is a forum for back country hunters and I get we all have jobs but for crying out loud how do you justify exploitation of one of the last few none f’ed up areas in the US for a resource we don’t even need? If you look at it from a purely hunting or just animal/ untouched nature view your so off base.

We’re not in the 70s, we have different sources of energy and oil, we produce so much excess that oil traded in the negative.

Build some roads, build some platforms, truck across the ice. That completely degrades what that area is all about, which is the fact that there is a whole hell of a lot of nothing up there and that should stand for something for people like us. If you can’t appreciate that then I do t know what to tell you, what the hell do hunters even stand for?

I guess the tree huggers might start advocating for access and trail into your favorite parts of AK so they can take pictures how would you feel about that?
I’m happy and heartened to be on a hunting platform with a respectable number of conservationists. It seems like pro-nature, anti-development and hunting should pretty easily go hand in hand but so often they don’t. Props Rokslide community. 🙌
IDK.. I worked in oil field for a long while. Decade or so. Im all for oil field stuff. However, im not all for it in preserves. This would set a precedent to open all preserves. A huge mistake, especially considering how much excess oil and gas we already have.

I've also seen what happens to little towns when oil moves in. Also seen what happens when oil leaves.

I gotta side with sitka on this one.

Its not just the drilling. Its everything that comes after. Do we want that in our preserves? I do not, especially considering how abundant oil and gas are throughout the lower 48.

Oil on a preserve is bad news for all preserves.

Yes there are mountainous places where drilling has been done. If you want to discuss colorado, wyoming. Ive worked in both. Colorado is seriously slowing the oil companies down.

Besides there are plenty of places to drill that are not tagged as wilderness/preserve. There's not much left of them and I fully believe we need to keep those places as they are.

Good on sitka
Not agreeing with drilling more oil, or not drilling in the designated area of ANWR and finding other alternatives, and other similar arguments are one thing. I could get behind or at least like to explore debate those topics. There is a lot more to this subject than some simple ideas or pretty pictures. Most, if not all, here would have difficulty fully articulating or understanding the massive amounts of information on either side.

My biggest issue is the way in which Sitka decided to go about this. They posted blatantly misleading info and pictures (spruce trees on the coastal plain LOL!). Did anyone see how there is basically zero response to their Bristol Bay post, but massive response to this one? That should tell you people here are not “anti-environment.” And even worse, they “partnered” with an organization that is politically biased also ANTI HUNTING! Great org to ally with for a premium hunting clothing/lifestyle company.

Take a look at the “News and Press releases” section of the organization linked in Sitka’s post. Lots of anti-hunting news for you to peruse If that’s your thing...

Not agreeing with drilling more oil, or not drilling in the designated area of ANWR and finding other alternatives, and other similar arguments are one thing. .....And even worse, they “partnered” with an organization that is politically biased also ANTI HUNTING! Great org to ally with for a premium hunting clothing/lifestyle company.

Take a look at the “News and Press releases” section of the organization linked in Sitka’s post. Lots of anti-hunting news for you to peruse If that’s your thing...

Antis? meh.
Gonna' have my $1500 rain suit and my Beaufort Sea spruce trees.
To hell with evil oil and ya'll!

Thanks, just signed the petition. Would have missed it if not for this post and before reading this thread I really did not have an opinion on ANWR drilling.
IDK.. I worked in oil field for a long while. Decade or so. Im all for oil field stuff. However, im not all for it in preserves. This would set a precedent to open all preserves. A huge mistake, especially considering how much excess oil and gas we already have.

I've also seen what happens to little towns when oil moves in. Also seen what happens when oil leaves.

I gotta side with sitka on this one.

Its not just the drilling. Its everything that comes after. Do we want that in our preserves? I do not, especially considering how abundant oil and gas are throughout the lower 48.

Oil on a preserve is bad news for all preserves.

Yes there are mountainous places where drilling has been done. If you want to discuss colorado, wyoming. Ive worked in both. Colorado is seriously slowing the oil companies down.

Besides there are plenty of places to drill that are not tagged as wilderness/preserve. There's not much left of them and I fully believe we need to keep those places as they are.

Good on sitka

I think you nailed it with this post.

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When you look back at a historical perspective at what we done to wilderness and the environment in the name of need and development, its strikes me as ironic that the hunters who are advocating for protection and restraint are the ones being labeled as gullible and naive.
Were would we be had not some of us in the past advocated for wild places?
We know wilderness, as we currently view it has limits. it's a fact the lower 48 is bigger then alaska and at one time was just as wild. Look at it now. We push wild places, The land and its animals back in ever smaller corners. Wild places are Finite, what is infinite is human greed and stupidity.