Sitka took a stand


Feb 26, 2013
Screw 'em and the horse they rode in on.
I've been to ANWR--walked the muskeg there.
ANWRs biomass is predominately mosquito larva--yes bou are there as well as other ungulates and carnivores. Properly managed the caribou and everything else can peacefully co-exist.

Sitka needs to stick to gear and keep their mouths shut about everything else. TIred of these compnaies opining on things of which they have no comprehension.

May I ask then, what makes you enough of an expert to have an opinion? One trip there?

Do tell.

I signed it and ordered a T Shirt.


Mar 1, 2012
Good for Sitka and good to see that conservation minded hunters are still in the majority. It seems hunters have become more "take" minded than "leave" minded as of late.

I thought drilling ANWR 12 years ago was our only way to sustainability? How did that possibly happen without drilling it since? Maybe there are alternate agendas pushing these things? Lol.
Dec 30, 2017
We drilled the hell out of Western Colorado and the elk didn’t mind. Cut pipelines and put in compressor stations all over. Elk still don’t mind.

I don’t love seeing some nice country developed like that, but I HATE seeing America depending on foreign oil. Why should we not be producing our own oil and nat gas?

If the elk don’t mind then why is CPW turning so many previous OTC units into draw and studying the reduction of the heard in many parts of the state?

From what I have read it is they don’t do well with people in close proximity overall and as such have a reduced number of calves who then have less survive due to predation and being hit by vehicles.

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Feb 24, 2016
Grand Jct, CO
We really don’t need to nuke their ass and take their gas. We have all we need here.

The green energy stuff is a supplementary supply only. When the wind isn’t blowing and the sun ain’t shining we need fossil fueled electricity. We have the fossil fuels. Heck, if the battery powered vehicles really take off we will need our nat gas fueled power plants More than ever.
Sep 20, 2018
In someone's favorite spot
We drilled the hell out of Western Colorado and the elk didn’t mind. Cut pipelines and put in compressor stations all over. Elk still don’t mind.

I don’t love seeing some nice country developed like that, but I HATE seeing America depending on foreign oil. Why should we not be producing our own oil and nat gas?
First, Caribou and tundra is not Elk and P/J or Spruce/Fir. Completely different systems.

As for depending on foreign oil, I think we can all agree that's not a long-term winning proposition. However...

Maybe the true conservative answer to America's dependence on foreign oil is, oh, I dunno, find ways to use less (i.e. "conserve") oil?

I still can't wrap my head around the mentality that being a "conservative" means demanding the ability to use up natural resources at the fastest rate you can, while bragging about it in the process.

I'm not sure what that is, but conservative, it ain't.

Good for Sitka. I'l be buying some of their gear just for this position alone.
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Feb 20, 2017
Here’s the area:

It was designated by President Carter in 1980 and it’s been a fight since. I live in Alaska also but a long, long way from here. I don’t understand the finer points of the argument. I do know that they successfully pump oil on the slope every day in similar types of terrain. I suspect a visit to 1002 might change peoples outlooks on the subject but it is much more convenient to jump on board and resist via the Internet.

At any rate, Sitka is late to the party. I suspect though that some PR firm has run the numbers and suggested public opposition in order to bolster the bottom line. Also, the corporate folks can easily afford the trip deep into the ANWR that most of us cannot. What better place to have a private playground.


Sep 26, 2018
We haven’t depended on foreign oil for awhile, that’s a bad reasoning, we export way more then we use. For now I agree with Sitka and their stance, I see zero need to drill other then to line pockets and people’s greed.
Nov 3, 2017
When I see companies such as REI/PETA/Patagonia make misleading statements to push their agenda (such as “Trump to sign ruling to allow bear and wolves to be killed in their dens in Alaska”), hunters are the first to step in and call out their rhetoric. I always thought it was because our group held truth to a standard and took the time to research things before blindly following along because a company told them to. It appears I was wrong.

I will start by saying that I oppose drilling in ANWR. Strictly because I believe that at this point in time, we should extract the oil reserves where we have already impacted the surface before breaking more ground. Sitka pulled a page out of the anti-hunting playbook and threw a bunch of misleading shat at the wall and hoped something would stick. It worked. And it continues to work with a group that I thought was too smart to fall for such nonsense.

I’ve never seen an anti-ANWR drilling post with a picture within 50 miles of the wasteland that is the ANWR 1002 area. That includes Sitka’s pictures of the mountains and trees. The effects of oil infrastructure, including the pipeline, has impacted caribou and musk ox exactly opposite of what Sitka and other companies claim. The peer-reviewed research on this substantially outweighs the contrary. I wouldn’t expect Sitka to know that because the caribou herd they claim is the “largest in the world” isn’t even the largest in Alaska. Just a huge fail all around for Sitka.

While we’re on the subject, I found it disgusting when BHA couldn’t find the message they were pushing by visiting an ANWR village so they went to Fort Yukon (a place outside of ANWR that the porcupine herd doesn’t even frequent) to exploit the native people to give them the content they wanted to hear. There is one village in the 1002 area - Kaktovik. I have spent a substantial amount of time there and I consider the people my friends. They have been begging for the opening of their land, which was stolen by the feds, for development for decades. They have testified in front of congress numerous times referring to themselves as “Refugees of Conservation.” There’s a little fact that all these companies standing on the shoulder of indigenous rights to push their agenda conveniently omit.

So just remember the next time that CNN runs a misleading headline about evil hunters and instead of getting mad, just remember the time you drank the Sitka koolaid because they told you what you wanted to hear. It’s ok to accept all the facts for what they are and still oppose something. And when companies/people with large platforms skew the facts, they should be questioned and not praised.
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Dec 24, 2012
Delta Jct, Alaska
When I see companies such as REI/PETA/Patagonia make misleading statements to push their agenda (such as “Trump to sign ruling to allow bear and wolves to be killed in their dens in Alaska”), hunters are the first to step in and call out their rhetoric. I always thought it was because our group held truth to a standard and took the time to research things before blindly following along because a company told them to. It appears I was wrong.

I will start by saying that I oppose drilling in ANWR. Strictly because I believe that at this point in time, we should extract the oil reserves where we have already impacted the surface before breaking more ground. Sitka pulled a page out of the anti-hunting playbook and threw a bunch of misleading shat at the wall and hoped something would stick. It worked. And it continues to work with a group that I thought was too smart to fall for such nonsense.

I’ve never seen an anti-ANWR drilling post with a picture within 50 miles of the wasteland that is the ANWR 1002 area. That includes Sitka’s pictures of the mountains and trees. The effects of oil infrastructure, including the pipeline, has impacted caribou and musk ox exactly opposite of what Sitka and other companies claim. The peer-reviewed research on this substantially outweighs the contrary. I wouldn’t expect Sitka to know that because the caribou herd they claim is the “largest in the world” isn’t even the largest in Alaska. Just a huge fail all around for Sitka.

While we’re on the subject, I found it disgusting when BHA couldn’t find the message they were pushing by visiting an ANWR village so they went to Fort Yukon (a place outside of ANWR that the porcupine herd doesn’t even frequent) to exploit the native people to give them the content they wanted to hear. There is one village in the 1002 area - Kaktovik. I have spent a substantial amount of time there and the people are awesome. They have been begging for the opening of their land which was stolen by the feds for development for decades. They have testified in front of congress numerous times referring to themselves as “Refugees of Conservation.” There’s a little fact that all these companies standing on the shoulder of indigenous rights to push their agenda conveniently omit.

So just remember the next time that CNN runs a misleading headline about evil hunters and instead of getting mad, just remember the time you drank the Sitka koolaid because they told you what you wanted to hear. It’s ok to accept all the facts for what they are and still oppose something. And when companies/people with large platforms skew the facts, they should be questioned and not praised.

IIRC, back about 84-85, I was involved in well KIC#1 in the 1002 area. If you search on "KIC #1" you'll find articles of interest and a few pics of the area. In those days I wandered about that country quite a lot. When flying with geologists/geophysicists, they'd about wet their pants when they saw the Marsh Creek Anticline.

I've gotta agree with Wm Schmaltz that the photos accompanying most articles do not resemble the 1002 area. Most were taken many miles from there.
Mar 1, 2017
Eagle River, AK
Lame for Sitka, misleading uninformed PR campaign.

When you take away local control of resources the people affected the most suffer the most. It’s Like telling Africans they should ban all hunting to protect the elephants etc. while it destroys their crop land.

Development of ANWR will be good for Alaskans, and increasing sustainable hunting access through reducing cost of entry.


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
May I ask then, what makes you enough of an expert to have an opinion? One trip there?

Do tell.

I signed it and ordered a T Shirt.
You shoulda' ordered a $1500 rain suit.

I'm not claiming to be anything. I lived in Alaska for a long time and have seen much of that state--how's that for 'one trip'? I dealt with -20 -- -60, cold, dark for many years.
I do know that for a long time ANWR was on the table and thankfully Trump got it done. Liberals squeeled about the fact that we couldn't prudently drill there which is horsesh!t as evidence by recent work there.

Why is this an issue now? Because a clothing company deems it a convenient advertising issue so gullible sheep order T shirts, and maybe SItka really wants us beholden to foreign oil.
WIth ANWR gone, and an executive order by Prez Biden with his ban on much of fracking, we're back to kissing Arab ass for our energy needs for the next 'X' years.

Some of you guys are complete idiots.
Sep 20, 2018
In someone's favorite spot
No place on this earth is a "wasteland" other than the ones made that way by us humans. That's a myth that people often push to downplay the effects of human impacts on the environment.

In places like the 1002 area, the areas are so sensitive to disturbance that the pad from a single test well drilled 4 decades ago can still clearly be seen.


I'm not an Arctic tundra expert, but my understanding is there is so little growing season that it takes many, many times longer for a site to recover than it does in warmer climates, if it ever even would recover.

But again, I see the ANWR fight as much about the seemingly unrestricted excessive use of natural resources as it is about conservation. The 1002 area is being used as a line in the sand, and the oil companies and the politicians in their pockets don't like being told "no."
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Feb 13, 2019
All I know is from a state with recent gas & oil exploration and working on cases against the companies. They are not friends to environment, they pay their fines and keep doing what they are doing.

When the fines get too big, they just go the legislature (that they have been financially supporting for years) and makes sure the government can't provide the oversight that is needed.

The amount of stuff that happens in gas & oil exploration that the public doesn't see is sickening.

Problem isn't there isn't regulations it is that the companies don't have to care about them because when it comes down to it they can do whatever they want.


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho

I’ve never seen an anti-ANWR drilling post with a picture within 50 miles of the wasteland that is the ANWR 1002 area. That includes Sitka’s pictures of the mountains and trees. The effects of oil infrastructure, including the pipeline, has impacted caribou and musk ox exactly opposite of what Sitka and other companies claim. The peer-reviewed research on this substantially outweighs the contrary. I wouldn’t expect Sitka to know that because the caribou herd they claim is the “largest in the world” isn’t even the largest in Alaska. Just a huge fail all around for Sitka.
Spot on. This is exactly right!
More evidence that sometimes we're our own worst enemy here.

Some of these guys would be huddled up around 'drag queen story hour' if Meateater. SItka Gear et al endorsed it.

Partisan hacks tossing insults, wonderful.
We have fought and clawed inch by inch for 'energy independence'...the right to be free of arab foreign oil. And that fact is still precarious, all it takes is for liberals to get in there and completely destroy that scenario.

People have no clue just how important it all is.
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