Silencer Central Experience Needed

I was curious about it to, but you only get a free tax stamp if you order 2 of their suppressors and pay for the tax stamp on one of them.

They should be a little more upfront in their advisement and include that in it. I was going to call them about that but I’m only in the market for 1 can so rule that out.

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Would you order a Banish 30 for a dedicated AR suppressor? Banish 22 is only 9 ounces.
I have a couple of the older version of Banish (Varminter 3.0) cans in 22 caliber that I use on AR's quite regularly. I haven't had any issues and don't foresee having any in the future by using them on AR's but I use them for target shooting and prairie dogs and not mag dumps. I did install adjustable gas blocks on all my AR's due to being over gassed with the cans.
So here’s my Silencer Central experience since it’s finally due to be delivered tomorrow.

1/5/22 - Purchased suppressor
2/1/22 - I received my eform from them and completed it that day
3/7/22 - E-Form was certified
10/18/22 - E Form is approved
4473 is completed
10/24/22 - I have to E-Sign 4473 again
11/12/22 - Shipping label is created
11/15/22 - USPS receives item
11/18/22 - Expected delivery date

Start to finish was a total of 317 days. I will say they make the process very easy. Especially for my first suppressor. But that timeline is ridiculous and I likely won’t be using them again
I was about to take a ride down the online SC rabbit trail... Glad I found this thread.
Since I was just approved, here’s my timeline with Silencer Central
29 Nov 2021 - Purchased on Cyber Monday and filled out the details online, submitted a pic, etc. paid in full.
16 Dec 2021 reviewed trust and submission form and signed
13 Jan 2022 submitted to ATF
24 Dec 2022 Approved and signed 4473

So from submission to approval was 345 days. But from 390 days from Payment to approval. Prolly another 15-20 days until I get them delivered
2 suppressors bought in March 22. Submitted to ATF on 4/11/22. Much of the time between purchase and ATF submission is waiting on USPS to get stuff to me and back to SC.

Received approval 12/30 and 1/1/23.
4473 filled out 1/1/23.

Would I use SC again. Yes. They were honest in the process. They said the ATF estimates timeline xxx. But it could be longer. My experience is the same for many SC customers. I never expected them to be able to deliver a golden goose when others in the industry were doing different. It’s also the same for my friends who used Kiosk or a local store. I expect the difference will be now that approval has happened. I bet my friends get theirs the next day from their store and I will have to wait a few more weeks.
I have used Silencer Central once and a Silencer Shop Kiosk at my local dealer a few times.

The Silencer Central route added 5-6 weeks (total, front and back) to the whole process when you factor-in mailing for finger prints, Silencer Central's slow shipping after approval, etc.
I used silencer central for my first suppressor purchases, I ordered two. In September I called them and made the order. It took one month for my form to be submitted to the batf. In all honesty I wasn’t the quickest getting my fingerprints done and back to them so it likely could have been less than one month had I been on the ball. I’m not too concerned about the four weeks to get it submitted and I’m happy to have some guidance through the process for my first purchases. Hopefully there’s no major hold ups on the receiving end of it for me. For future purchases I will look more into other options but so far silencer central has done nothing to make me avoid them for future purchases.

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I decided to go through Silencer Shop since there was a Kiosk locally. It was a very simple process and now the wait begins. Excited to one day have the CGS Hyperion in my hands.

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I decided to go through Silencer Shop since there was a Kiosk locally. It was a very simple process and now the wait begins. Excited to one day have the CGS Hyperion in my hands.

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Yeah if you have a kiosk local and silencer shop has/can get the can you want, they are the no brainer move.

Silencer Central really shines for rural folks who are hours away from any FFL, not to mention a good one with experience with NFA items.
Purchased a Banish 30 at Western Hunt Expo with show special of being moved to front of line.
2/11/2022 purchased
4/13/2022 submitted to ATF
12/27/2022 Approved

Hopefully I'll get it in the next week or so...
So can a guy get a suppressor faster?
Silencer Central has a pretty damn fancy web site and offers all kinds of services and silencers. So? for a novice like me, is that who they are looking for to do business with? I get the process, yet SC offers so many add ons for free or cheap it gets confusing, trust set up, fingerprinting, photos, barrel threading.
Could a person do prints and pics on their own and save some time?
And SC touts a 90 day e form turn around on all the pod casts I listen to.
Are the products quality?
Can one do these things on their own for a fast turn around?
I fully understand one is at the mercy of .gov when it comes to these things. SC seems to offer many extras the others do not.
MY only turn off to SC is that damn owner and his "that's a good question!" To anything hes asked.
"Hey I just burnt your house down!" "That's a good question!!!" :p
So can a guy get a suppressor faster?
Silencer Central has a pretty damn fancy web site and offers all kinds of services and silencers. So? for a novice like me, is that who they are looking for to do business with? I get the process, yet SC offers so many add ons for free or cheap it gets confusing, trust set up, fingerprinting, photos, barrel threading.
Could a person do prints and pics on their own and save some time?
And SC touts a 90 day e form turn around on all the pod casts I listen to.
Are the products quality?
Can one do these things on their own for a fast turn around?
I fully understand one is at the mercy of .gov when it comes to these things. SC seems to offer many extras the others do not.
MY only turn off to SC is that damn owner and his "that's a good question!" To anything hes asked.
"Hey I just burnt your house down!" "That's a good question!!!" :p
Don't believe the SC hype. It's all a lie. They will add wait time and it will take longer to get your suppressor if you go through them. Read through the posts on this thread or do a search and you'll see. I will never use them again.
Don't believe the SC hype. It's all a lie. They will add wait time and it will take longer to get your suppressor if you go through them. Read through the posts on this thread or do a search and you'll see. I will never use them again.
They have never done that to me.
I'm starting to regret my choice of store for SC because it took a month to get my stuff submitted but too late.

11/27/22 Purchase online Cyber week
11/28/22 initial ATF account created and picture submitted
12/6/22 fingerprint paperwork received
12/13/22 ATF paperwork signed...SC system error
12/13/22 SC on hold for 25 minutes for 30 second call. Their IT fixed the issue later that day
12/28/22 ATF paperwork phone call completed--3 suppressors apparently required 3 different conference calls but my email stacked them so I missed that part. Gal on phone was super awesome about helping me out with the mix up. I will say she was so helpful and made things easy for me. Otherwise I would have had to wait 2 more weeks for an appointment (dodge that bullet because the ATF system was down a couple days ago)

Expected wait TBD

I was at Scheels after Christmas and a guy was buying a suppressor. All of this process occurred in 15 minutes. I think I'll use a different company next time. I want a dedicated suppressor for a small centerfire and 6.5s and I think some deals are to be had out there.
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SC is slower. You don’t like them. Certainly share that experience so people know. But someone sharing a good experience (I’ve had the same generally good experience but also some low points) doesn’t call into question or counter what you’ve seen. It’s just another data point.
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