Warning about Silencer Central

Hate the company all you want, but if the goal is to quiet a .223, I don't know if you can beat the Banish 223. According to Thunder Beast's 2024 Summit Sound Test, the Banish 223 was the quietest can tested on a 16-inch 5.56 AR. If there are any flaws with the can's design or construction, please let us know.
I think the Banish 30 gold actually got great scores in the Thunderbeast sound summit. Off hand I believe it was top 3. So for all the hate on SC they do have some decent suppressors that test as good as the big guys or better for some.

But I’m happy to not deal with the silly lag times on the front and back ends. But I’ve recently bought using silencer shop at the local FFL. It took silencer shop just as long to get the can to my FFL (form 3 plus shipping) as the extra time with SC. I’d still use silencer shop again. SC would have to have a screaming deal for me to cross back over. But they were able to get me to break the seal and finally buy a can so for that I’m grateful.

I have a back country. I prefer the AB warthog (a-10) over it. I’ll take the weight penalty for the warthog. I think it has a better sound and at my ear seems to be quieter.