"Furthermore, 18 U.S.C. 922(t)(1) and its implementing regulations at 27 CFR 478.102(a) require a licensee to contact NICS for a background check prior to completion of a firearm transfer to an unlicensed person, and verify the identity of that person by examining a valid identification document. The statute at 18 U.S.C. 922(t)(3) and implementing regulation at 27 CFR 478.102(d) provide exceptions to these requirements if: (1) the transferee has presented a valid permit or license (“alternate permit”) that: (i) allows the transferee to possess, acquire, or carry a firearm; (ii) was issued not more than 5 years earlier by the State in which the transfer is to take place; and (iii) the law of the State provides that such a permit or license is to be issued only after an authorized government official has verified that the information available to such official does not indicate that possession of a firearm by the transferee would be in violation of Federal, State, or local law, and includes completion of a NICS background check; (2) the firearm is subject to the provisions of the National Firearms Act and has been approved for transfer under 27 CFR Part 479; or (3) on application of the licensee, in accordance with 27 CFR 478.150, the ATF Director has certified that running a NICS background check is impracticable."