Suppressor purchase from Silencer Central

Once again, since you are incapable of reading comprehension and apparently think you're an IFE, it says NOTHING about waiting for and submitting the RESULTS of the background check or anything else, for that matter, from ATF before sending the CLEO notification.

It also says NOTHING about a firearms transaction record or 4473. You might as well argue those aren't actually required.
First of all, many of the regulations you are using to defend your ridiculous case ARE NOT the actual code and are a summary of codes which don't even apply. Suppressors are regulated by the NFA and do not fall into the same category as most firearms. That is why you have to get a stamp, etc rather than just purchase like any other firearm. What DOES still apply though is the Charleston "loophole" that reguires ATF/FBI to complete the background check within 3 days and if they don't, a firearm may be released to the purchaser. (No retailer has ever been able to explain to me why they can't do this with suppressors, aside from the Stamp issue and that ATF will make their lives miserable.) It is the Stamp portion of the process which takes ATF so long. So, as I have stated many times, local LE can be notified during the "Stamp" portion of the processing and if you'll take the time to work on reading the ACTUAL applicable regulations. The portions of the APPLICABLE actual code which can be found here are:

Paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4) of this subsection shall not apply to transactions between licensed importers, licensed manufacturers, licensed dealers, and licensed collectors. Paragraph (4) of this subsection shall not apply to a sale or delivery to any research organization designated by the Attorney General.

(c) In any case not otherwise prohibited by this chapter, a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer may sell a firearm to a person who does not appear in person at the licensee's business premises (other than another licensed importer, manufacturer, or dealer) only if—

(1) the transferee submits to the transferor a sworn statement in the following form:

"Subject to penalties provided by law, I swear that, in the case of any firearm other than a shotgun or a rifle, I am twenty-one years or more of age, or that, in the case of a shotgun or a rifle, I am eighteen years or more of age; that I am not prohibited by the provisions of chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, from receiving a firearm in interstate or foreign commerce; and that my receipt of this firearm will not be in violation of any statute of the State and published ordinance applicable to the locality in which I reside. Further, the true title, name, and address of the principal law enforcement officer of the locality to which the firearm will be delivered are ________________________


Signature __________________ Date ________."

and containing blank spaces for the attachment of a true copy of any permit or other information required pursuant to such statute or published ordinance;

the transferor has, prior to the shipment or delivery of the firearm, forwarded by registered or certified mail (return receipt requested) a copy of the sworn statement, together with a description of the firearm, in a form prescribed by the Attorney General, to the chief law enforcement officer of the transferee's place of residence, and has received a return receipt evidencing delivery of the statement or has had the statement returned due to the refusal of the named addressee to accept such letter in accordance with United States Post Office Department regulations; and

(3) the transferor has delayed shipment or delivery for a period of at least seven days following receipt of the notification of the acceptance or refusal of delivery of the statement.

and furthermore:

A copy of the sworn statement and a copy of the notification to the local law enforcement officer, together with evidence of receipt or rejection of that notification shall be retained by the licensee as a part of the records required to be kept under section 923(g).

Once again, since you are incapable of reading comprehension and apparently think you're an IFE, it says NOTHING about waiting for and submitting the RESULTS of the background check or anything else, for that matter, from ATF before sending the CLEO notification.

So, your arguement is that 27 CFR 478.124 is not actual law? Seriously?

You may want to brush up on what the Code of Federal Regulations is. Here is a nice link to help you out.

But, because you have already stated that you don't want to click links and actually read, here is a quick Google AI summary that is given when asked, "is the code of federal regulations law".

Yes, the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is legally binding law. It's a compilation of rules and regulations that are created and published by the federal government

And just in case you actually decide to listen to what you are being told, you said this: "Suppressors are regulated by the NFA and do not fall into the same category as most firearms."
While it is true that suppressors are subject to the NFA, the transfer of them from a licensee (FFL holder) and transferee (buyer) still fall under the same regulations and laws as every other firearm purchase. In short, suppressors, short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, etc. have to comply with BOTH sets of laws.
(c) In any case not otherwise prohibited by this chapter, a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer may sell a firearm to a person who does not appear in person at the licensee's business premises (other than another licensed importer, manufacturer, or dealer) only if—

(1) the transferee submits to the transferor a sworn statement in the following form:

"Subject to penalties provided by law, I swear that, in the case of any firearm other than a shotgun or a rifle, I am twenty-one years or more of age, or that, in the case of a shotgun or a rifle, I am eighteen years or more of age; that I am not prohibited by the provisions of chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, from receiving a firearm in interstate or foreign commerce; and that my receipt of this firearm will not be in violation of any statute of the State and published ordinance applicable to the locality in which I reside. Further, the true title, name, and address of the principal law enforcement officer of the locality to which the firearm will be delivered are ________________________


Signature __________________ Date ________."

and containing blank spaces for the attachment of a true copy of any permit or other information required pursuant to such statute or published ordinance;

And just for further effect, I have only snipped a section of what you posted for effect.

I have bolded, underlined, changed the text color to red and made larger the pertinent part of what you posted.

What, pray tell, do you think that "any permit or other information required" statement refers to?
Like I said, this is futile. Y'all are proof that you can't fix "stupid." Anyone with half a brain, the capacity for reading comprehension and critical thinking sees that you're all a bunch of blowhard IFE's who clearly know very little about what you're claiming. I don't need to "brush up" on the Code of Fed Reg. I POSTED IT!!!! You're the one who needs the brushing up and a classic example of this is the last post you made where you ridiculously highlighted the section about copies of permits, statutes or other ordinances which is there for any additional required state or local laws and CCW's.
Like I said, this is futile. Y'all are proof that you can't fix "stupid." Anyone with half a brain, the capacity for reading comprehension and critical thinking sees that you're all a bunch of blowhard IFE's who clearly know very little about what you're claiming. I don't need to "brush up" on the Code of Fed Reg. I POSTED IT!!!! You're the one who needs the brushing up and a classic example of this is the last post you made where you ridiculously highlighted the section about copies of permits, statutes or other ordinances which is there for any additional required state or local laws and CCW's.

Keep going Dave, you just insulted the guy 3 times in one post. I think that's your best one yet. You should go for 5 next time!!! YOU GOT THIS!!!!

Honestly, it's truly astounding that somebody can be this emotionally attached to Silencer Central and their system. How hard is it to just not buy something from a retailer that you don't like???
At this point, I could care less about SC. If anyone thinking about using them does their research, they've got enough info to look and shop elsewhere. What's really unfortunate though is all the clueless IFE's who purposely come on here and repeat completely FALSE information out of ignorance or other ulterior motives despite being proven WRONG. I have provided the EVIDENCE for those wishing to read the truth. After that, it's on them.
Anyone wishing to see the "integrity" of Thinhorn, go back and read his posts on the threads regarding SC. It'll be plainly apparent for all to see who's lying.
At this point, I could care less about SC. If anyone thinking about using them does their research, they've got enough info to look and shop elsewhere. What's really unfortunate though is all the clueless IFE's who purposely come on here and repeat completely FALSE information out of ignorance or other ulterior motives despite being proven WRONG. I have provided the EVIDENCE for those wishing to read the truth. After that, it's on them.
Anyone wishing to see the "integrity" of Thinhorn, go back and read his posts on the threads regarding SC. It'll be plainly apparent for all to see who's lying.
What exactly am I lying about? I bought a silencer form them and while it took a few weeks longer than buying it in person, it was a smooth experience. After a few years of using that silencer, I’ve realized that banish products are shitty.

No lies here. Like I said, I just don’t hate them as much as you do, the experience didn’t enrage me the way it does to you and I moved on.

There’s literally. Nothing to lie about, I had a good experience buying with them. Slow? Probably, but easy which was what I was looking for.

It’s very strange that you are so offended that I don’t hate SC as much as you do. It was hilarious though when you accused me of working for SC when I told you I got my silencer within 2 weeks of it getting approved. It must really be terrible to be you, at this point I’m starting to really feel sorry for you.