I'll never deal with them again. I bought 3 Banish cans on Dec 20th. It took them until Feb 20th to submit them to the ATF. C,mon, 2 frigging months? Then it took the ATF until Feb 26th to send my conf email. I am already 66 days in at this point, into what the salesman said would be 90 or LESS, total. All I got outta them was excuses, lies and broken promises. Finally got the email from the ATF that only one of the 3 had been approved. That was on Aug 11th. The email I received from SC that day said they had to notify my local sheriff, and then 'must' wait at least 7 days before they could mail it. Well, it's now Aug 27th and nothing.... Jeez, it's not like they didn't have 8 frigging months to have these ready to mail. As of yesterday, the other 2 are still pending, not assigned.