Signatures Delivered to Colorado for Wolf Ballot Initiative


Feb 5, 2019
Here we go with that Bullshit again.

You drank the koolaid too, eh...well, grab a 6 pack of their overpriced IPA, some mustache wax and your favorite ironically vintage flannel and head on down to your local BHA chapter...count the Bernie 2016 stickers on bumpers in the parking lot while you are there...maybe ask them why they refuse to take a stance on the wolf? I'll give you a hint, they'll lose funding from their leftist donors, one of which is the same organization that is tied to pushing the wolf ballot, The Tides Foundation.

Prove me wrong, I'll wait.

To be clear, I have no doubt that there are some very good intentioned BHA members and even chapter presidents, but in speaking with my local chapters president, his hands are tied by direction from above...he said personally he wishes BHA would take a stand as well, but its outside of his control, even as a chapter president.
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Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
You drank the koolaid too, eh...well, grab a 6 pack of their overpriced IPA, some mustache wax and your favorite ironically vintage flannel and head on down to your local BHA chapter...count the Bernie 2016 stickers on bumpers in the parking lot while you are there...maybe ask them why they refuse to take a stance on the wolf? I'll give you a hint, they'll lose funding from their leftist donors, one of which is the same organization that is tied to pushing the wolf ballot, The Tides Foundation.

Prove me wrong, I'll wait.

To be clear, I have no doubt that there are some very good intentioned BHA members and even chapter presidents, but in speaking with my local chapters president, his hands are tied by direction from above...he said personally he wishes BHA would take a stand as well, but its outside of his control, even as a chapter president.

Since there are no facts presented here, and the argument is hinged on what amounts to gossip, there is nothing I can prove. Good job, Shrek Jr.



Apr 28, 2019
Boy I'm sure most of Denver and Boulder will be watching the Outdoor Channel on a Friday night, thank goodness.

you don’t need Denver and Boulder, that will come via grass roots discussion. You do need sportsmen on board though. A amount of hunters, fishermen, and outdoorsmen either support or are indifferent to the wolves. We need that base first


Feb 5, 2019
Since there are no facts presented here, and the argument is hinged on what amounts to gossip, there is nothing I can prove. Good job, Shrek Jr.


Directly connected to the WCF, and The Wilderness Society, all receiving grants from Tides Foundation.

You can support whatever organization you like...but just because you dont agree with a statement, doesn't mean its false.

There is a reason they havent came out opposed to the wolf... but you are free to draw your own conclusions, that's the beauty of the internet.


Apr 28, 2019
They may not have come out against the wolves because many hunters support it.


Feb 5, 2019
They may not have come out against the wolves because many hunters support it.

Many hunters support the re-introduction of wolves? They didnt support it in WA, cant speak for MT or WY, but the responses on this thread at least would lead you to think most oppose it.

Where are you getting data that many hunters support it? Care to share?


Apr 28, 2019
Many hunters support the re-introduction of wolves? Care to share that data?

I have been speaking to sportsmen and attending meetings since this re-intro in CO has come up. Spoke to hunters in the field, the range, archery 3-D shoots. In state and out of state. They don’t care or think it would be cool. The voice against wolves from the hunting community is an online minority. My data is based on the above and the fact zero has been done effectively by hunters to oppose it. You need more proof, just ask hunters outside of an online forum.


Feb 5, 2019
I have been speaking to sportsmen and attending meetings since this re-intro in CO has come up. Spoke to hunters in the field, the range, archery 3-D shoots. In state and out of state. They don’t care or think it would be cool. The voice against wolves from the hunting community is an online minority. My data is based on the above and the fact zero has been done effectively by hunters to oppose it. You need more proof, just ask hunters outside of an online forum.

So no actual data, just hearsay.

And to clarify, that was not the justification that BHA gave for not coming out in opposition if the initiative. His long winded email response can be summed up as "bha leadership is worried about losing support from the crunchies it needs to continue to gain membership and $$".

I found the actual email...not sure about privacy laws for posting, but if you want, I can forward you BHAs response when I asked the question...shoot me a PM with an email, I'll be happy to share.
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Apr 28, 2019
So no actual data, just it.

And to clarify, that was not the justification that BHA gave for not coming out in opposition if the initiative.

we will have data soon when we can compare votes against with resident fishing and hunting license sales in the fall elections here. If I hear it from the people is that hearsay?


Dec 8, 2018
So no actual data, just hearsay.

And to clarify, that was not the justification that BHA gave for not coming out in opposition if the initiative. His long winded email response can be summed up as "bha leadership is worried about losing support from the crunchies it needs to continue to gain membership and $$".

I found the actual email...not sure about privacy laws for posting, but if you want, I can forward you BHAs response when I asked the question...shoot me a PM with an email, I'll be happy to share.

So once again BHA favors the anti hunting groups over the sportsmen . No one is surprised.

Thats why I quit BHA


Feb 20, 2017
Didn’t read all the comments. I live with them in SE AK. There’s a lot of acreage and no livestock. Been here 25 years and I’ve never heard of a pet being lost to them. The packs circle through about once a month. They’re not here all the time. They are hard on moose calves, but the moose continue to do OK and numbers seem to be holding steady the last 10 years or more. About 3-4 years ago a resident pack got their asses kicked and swam to a nearby 19 sq mile island basically 3/4 of a mile away. That island used to be the Winter pantry if you needed a black tail deer. No longer. The wolves that haven’t swam back yet have taken to eating dead sea otters and whatever other carrion washes up as the deer are gone. The ADFG has studied them and collected scat trying to figure them out. So far no successful live trapping there.

No one told the wolves to swim across and find the deer, they just did it. They are masters at adaptation.

I’m no fan of ballot box biology either. A few wolves around are cool, I bet we could all agree on that. But turning them loose in W CO probably isn’t the best idea.

Interesting that folks that generally are supportive of a particular political party preach science and government at every juncture yet refuse to listen to those government scientists and push this crap onto a ballot.
Sep 13, 2016
Colorado has a chance to succeed where all these other states and their hunters failed. Just need to speak up and engage.
Just out of curiosity, what did the other states do wrong and what can Colorado do to succeed?


Apr 28, 2019
Just out of curiosity, what did the other states do wrong and what can Colorado do to succeed?

they just let it happen.
Colorado got it shut down first time around and now it is on the ballot funded via out of state money. Their is not a strong opinion either way even after at least a decade of pro-wolf propaganda and presentations with caged wolves throughout the state. If hunters and other sportsmen engage and speak to each other to firm up a NO position we can win.