Given the current rapidly deteriorating political climate in Colorado, and the composition of the legislature here, it seems like it is time to bring this issue to the forefront. There have been a lot of discussions lately lamenting hunters' inability to come together to protect the way of life we live and breathe. Colorado is one of the states with no constitutionally protected right to hunt and fish. I think many of us are starting to see the writing on the wall, as the urban majority makes decision after decision which negatively impacts the Colorado I grew up in, and still love with all my heart, in spite of its recent failings. It is time to come together and start taking steps to protect our hunting heritage, before it is taken away, one piece of legislation at a time. I think this may be the only way to have a fighting chance to protect this heritage, before it is too late. I feel, like I think many here do, that if we do not act immediately, we will not have the chance again.
I am starting this thread to begin brainstorming, organizing, and developing a plan to get the necessary signatures, and legal backbone, for a 2024 citizens' initiative to amend the Colorado constitution to include the right to hunt and fish. I do not have experience with this process, other than peripherally, so I am asking those members who may have the expertise to help get this process started to step up and help get the ball rolling. I will be reaching out, and I hope many others do as well, to RMEF, BHA, HOWL, RMGO and any other supportive organizations to seek assistance with the development of an initiative aimed at the 2024 election to achieve this goal. While I may not have the expertise to put it together, I can certainly get out and knock on doors, educate co-workers and family, and pound the pavement to get the signatures needed to get this on the ballot. Hopefully many of us will put our efforts toward supporting the development of this.
I would like to keep this thread productive, and non-partisan, so please refrain from posting if it's just to gripe about wolves, politics, or other issues not directly related to getting this initiative on the ballot. Thank you!
Potentially supportive organizations:
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
Colorado Bowhunters Association
Sportsman's Alliance
Ducks Unlimited
Pheasants Forever
Mule Deer Foundation
Muley Fanatic Foundation
Wild Sheep Foundation
Trout Unlimited
Colorado Outfitters Association
Potentially supportive individuals/ companies:
Meateater/ Rinella Brothers
Randy Newberg
Potentially supportive legislators:
State Senator Perry Will covers Delta, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Pitkin counties and is a retired game warden.