Colorado Constitutional Right to Hunt and Fish Citizens Initiative.

A strategy that has already come up in discussion is to look to other states on how they word things rather than expend effort developing your own language. Here is the reference to Wyoming's 2012 ballot initiative (which passed with 212,561 yes votes, 25,564 no votes). Check out the link at the bottom for the full language on the Senate Joint Resolution.

Following is the ballot language of Constitutional Amendment B as it will appear on the 2012 General Election ballot:

The adoption of this amendment will recognize and preserve the heritage of Wyoming citizens' opportunity to fish, hunt and trap wildlife, subject to regulation as prescribed by law. A complete copy of 2011 Senate Enrolled Joint Resolution No. 3, Original Senate Joint Resolution No. 0001 is attached.

Twenty-one states guarantee the right to hunt and fish in their constitutions, with twenty of those approved via the voters. While Vermont's language dates back to 1777, the rest of these constitutional provisions—in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming—have passed since 1996. Florida and New Hampshire statutorily recognize the right to hunt and fish.

It's been a successful endeavor and trend since 1996.
Looks like a successful petition to ballot would need just over 124,000 signatures. Easy enough if we work together.
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If it's a matter of $$, the proper publicity could bring national support. A change in Colorado could help spur similar legislature to do the same in other states lacking the same inalienable rights.
Any updates on how this is going?

Just a side note, a friend of mine was at a recent CPW herd management meeting and one suggestion he was giving CPW was to allow hunters to use an Elk license for the option of taking a Mountain Lion or Bear. The response he got was disturbing, the CPW guy basically told him that due to the political climate in Colorado, Mountain Lion and Bobcat hunting will be going away soon, putting the responsibility of problem lion's on the CPW, much like problem Bear's.

I think it's urgent that we get this Right to Hunt in the Ballot as soon as we can.
Any updates on how this is going?

Just a side note, a friend of mine was at a recent CPW herd management meeting and one suggestion he was giving CPW was to allow hunters to use an Elk license for the option of taking a Mountain Lion or Bear. The response he got was disturbing, the CPW guy basically told him that due to the political climate in Colorado, Mountain Lion and Bobcat hunting will be going away soon, putting the responsibility of problem lion's on the CPW, much like problem Bear's.

I think it's urgent that we get this Right to Hunt in the Ballot as soon as we can.
I love that idea and that is disturbing the CPW thinks cat hunting is going away that quickly. I really hope not! We shot it down pretty quickly a couple years ago.Hopefully we can do it again
We certainly don’t need people that don’t know anything about the outdoors or hunting to be making the rules about it.
Given the current rapidly deteriorating political climate in Colorado, and the composition of the legislature here, it seems like it is time to bring this issue to the forefront. There have been a lot of discussions lately lamenting hunters' inability to come together to protect the way of life we live and breathe. Colorado is one of the states with no constitutionally protected right to hunt and fish. I think many of us are starting to see the writing on the wall, as the urban majority makes decision after decision which negatively impacts the Colorado I grew up in, and still love with all my heart, in spite of its recent failings. It is time to come together and start taking steps to protect our hunting heritage, before it is taken away, one piece of legislation at a time. I think this may be the only way to have a fighting chance to protect this heritage, before it is too late. I feel, like I think many here do, that if we do not act immediately, we will not have the chance again.

I am starting this thread to begin brainstorming, organizing, and developing a plan to get the necessary signatures, and legal backbone, for a 2024 citizens' initiative to amend the Colorado constitution to include the right to hunt and fish. I do not have experience with this process, other than peripherally, so I am asking those members who may have the expertise to help get this process started to step up and help get the ball rolling. I will be reaching out, and I hope many others do as well, to RMEF, BHA, HOWL, RMGO and any other supportive organizations to seek assistance with the development of an initiative aimed at the 2024 election to achieve this goal. While I may not have the expertise to put it together, I can certainly get out and knock on doors, educate co-workers and family, and pound the pavement to get the signatures needed to get this on the ballot. Hopefully many of us will put our efforts toward supporting the development of this.

I would like to keep this thread productive, and non-partisan, so please refrain from posting if it's just to gripe about wolves, politics, or other issues not directly related to getting this initiative on the ballot. Thank you!

Potentially supportive organizations:

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
Colorado Bowhunters Association
Sportsman's Alliance
Ducks Unlimited
Pheasants Forever
Mule Deer Foundation
Muley Fanatic Foundation
Wild Sheep Foundation
Trout Unlimited
Colorado Outfitters Association

Potentially supportive individuals/ companies:

Meateater/ Rinella Brothers
Randy Newberg

Potentially supportive legislators:

State Senator Perry Will covers Delta, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Pitkin counties and is a retired game warden.
What is the status of this? How can we get involved?
Other Conservation organizations not previously mentioned who may be willing to help.

National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF)
Whitetails Unlimited (WTU)
Quality Deer Management (QDM)
National Deer Association (NDA)
New to this forum, longtime reader but this thread got me to sign up. Has there been any coordinated effort to do anything with this ballot initiative?

I was present for the title board meeting on 101 this morning and despite the well-reasoned argument and even borderline agreement from the title board with CRWM (Dan Gates & Co) on many items, they continued on without significant change. I am a recent transplant from Texas to Colorado (2020), and it's my opinion that this constitutional right to hunt & fish should be top of mind for us in Colorado.
New to this forum, longtime reader but this thread got me to sign up. Has there been any coordinated effort to do anything with this ballot initiative?

I was present for the title board meeting on 101 this morning and despite the well-reasoned argument and even borderline agreement from the title board with CRWM (Dan Gates & Co) on many items, they continued on without significant change. I am a recent transplant from Texas to Colorado (2020), and it's my opinion that this constitutional right to hunt & fish should be top of mind for us in Colorado.
I agree, if we don't ban together to do this on all western states we are going to lose our rights as sportsmen. It's inevitable in this political climate and socially insane society we live in.
I have been absolutely buried at work, 60-70 hour weeks for the last year... So I haven't been able to make any traction on this. Work is slowing down a bit, so I will try and get this back on track... I can help coordinate the effort, but this will take a group effort to get it moving.
I have been absolutely buried at work, 60-70 hour weeks for the last year... So I haven't been able to make any traction on this. Work is slowing down a bit, so I will try and get this back on track... I can help coordinate the effort, but this will take a group effort to get it moving.
I think reaching out to Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management would be a great place to start. Dan Gates has been working his tail off to protect our heritage in CO.
I think reaching out to Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management would be a great place to start. Dan Gates has been working his tail off to protect our heritage in CO.
This is worth bumping every day. If you can please support and donate to CRWM.
If anyone with a bit of legal experience is willing to write a proposal to submit, I would happily gather signatures during my free time until the deadline in August. We have until March 22nd to submit a proposal. The quicker the better as we will have more time to gather signatures. We would need 2% of the registered voters in each of the 35 districts. If anyone wants to discuss this more in depth feel free to DM me and I will do what I can to help.
If anyone with a bit of legal experience is willing to write a proposal to submit, I would happily gather signatures during my free time until the deadline in August. We have until March 22nd to submit a proposal. The quicker the better as we will have more time to gather signatures. We would need 2% of the registered voters in each of the 35 districts. If anyone wants to discuss this more in depth feel free to DM me and I will do what I can to help.
I would call and talk to the folks at CRWM. They might have some insight. The hoops to jump through and language are very important to navigate correctly. Also, there is a significant financial burden to ballet initiatives.