Sad day for Canadian gun owners

As I read the constitution, and I'm sure this will likely not make any friends, it clearly states "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed".

The "well regulated" part is the crux of the whole thing. It's what keeps common citizens from owning bombs. There's always been (an will always be) a national conversation about the interpretation of the constitution. You could make just as good of a case that as long as you are allowed to own a single gun that your constitutional right has not been infringed, than being able to own and arm any gun currently conceivable. Now I don't agree with that, but it doesn't stop it from being true.

And I agree, the 2nd amendment, has nothing to do with hunting. The longer we as hunters get wrapped around the axles on this issue and don't pay attention to the things that matter for hunting privileges, access, and improved wildlife populations, the more we lose collectively.
Gun control has always been about CONTROL. Control of the "peasants" by the ruling class. Just imagine how many authoritarian liberal political leaders would have already taken ALL your guns if they could have. They're still trying to in certain states like VA. I'm sure the folks in Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Taiwan, etc. would love to be able to fight back against decades of oppression.

As T. Jefferson said... "what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. ......the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.

One can make an argument that by having a heavily armed population it actually makes the country much more safer and stable. Peace through strength.. weakness breeds chaos. This has been proven continuously through the history of mankind.
the reason the list is so long is they named all the AR15 models. Unfortunately the AR10 is also on the list since it used to be non restricted. That’s why the Stag 10 was so popular in Canada. I was planning on building one from a receiver set for a hunting rifle.
Although the 10/22 isn’t on the list I thought this was funny

That is an awesome picture, laughed my ass off. I was hoping someone was going to ask Trudeau at his press conference that since he was banning numerous guns if he was going to follow suit and be the first to cut off his dick to prevent rape.
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This. If you go to less developed countries, wealthy people have access to weapons and armed security. Even in the “developed” world, truly wealthy people still retain the ability to have armed protectors.

I wonder how many anti gunners were in line at the gun shops in the last few weeks, especially early when no one knew if the corona virus was going to turn the world into a Mad Max movie.

Answer, quite a lot. Ive had several come ask me how to buy a gun. In 2016 when Hillary was a lock to win an anti “assault weapon” person I knew ran out and bought one before Hillary banned them. So funny to harass him about it
Yes when the rona stuff started happening I was asked by a few people-how do you get a gun license or how do you get a gun? All of them were anti gun before.

I had to explain that in Canada to get a gun you need to do the following;

1. Take a two day firearm safety course with both a written and practical handling test at the end.
2. Submit application to the RCMP
3. Minimum 30 day wait
4. Do phone interview with RCMP
5. Have your two references on your application you've known for at least 5 years do phone interviews with the RCMP
6. Wait for them to mail out your license.


7. Go buy a non restricted rifle


8. Go buy a restricted rifle or any handgun
9. Wait for the registered firearm to be transferred into your name through the RCMP
10. Only be allowed to take it to the range to shoot.

At this point the look of disappointment on their faces is almost worth the hassle I go through to own guns in Canada. Almost.

EDIT: I should ad the application asks a lot of personal stuff obviously and includes a criminal records/ background check. After you have a license, you are run through the system every 24 hours to make sure you haven't done anything that would be bad.
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As I read the constitution, and I'm sure this will likely not make any friends, it clearly states "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed".

The "well regulated" part is the crux of the whole thing. It's what keeps common citizens from owning bombs. There's always been (an will always be) a national conversation about the interpretation of the constitution. You could make just as good of a case that as long as you are allowed to own a single gun that your constitutional right has not been infringed, than being able to own and arm any gun currently conceivable. Now I don't agree with that, but it doesn't stop it from being true.

And I agree, the 2nd amendment, has nothing to do with hunting. The longer we as hunters get wrapped around the axles on this issue and don't pay attention to the things that matter for hunting privileges, access, and improved wildlife populations, the more we lose collectively.

If you interpret it based on when it was written the “well regulated militia” was made up of the local populous that was expected to bring their own firearms to be part of the resistance/force. Based upon that interpretation the people should be able to own whatever they want as their capability is expected to be militaristic in nature. I think we can all agree people should not be able to own all hardware the defense industry is capable of producing but to consider any semi automatic weapon to egregiously cross those common sense lines is to intentionally dismiss the 2nd amendment.

I will admit the 2nd amendment in text is scarily open to how one wants to interpret it but I personally believe the intent of the writers is clear that people should hold the power to fight and defeat any tyrannical power foreign or domestic.
Pasty racist white progressives guys like Trudeau, and Gov Coonman from Virginia , love to wear racist black face outfits and confiscate guns. What is it with racist progressives and their hatred of firearms?
They hate everyone but themselves. All the while they call all the rest of us bigots. There isn't anything progressive about it. It's completely backward thinking by complete idiots. At some point in the near future their will be another civil war caused by these idiots push an agenda on us that no one wants but a few rich liberal elites.
LOL @ living in Canada....

I will address the disrespectful guys once more I guess, hopefully this will be the last time and we can move on.

There has been a few guys so far in this thread that seem to think Canadians or Canada is a joke. I travel for work sometimes in the USA and have a work visa so I meet a lot of Americans. For the most part you are wonderful people however there seems to be a certain percentage of idiots just like any group.

There's stupid comments like the one above, I've been to sporting events in the USA wearing my home team's sweater (yeah it's a freaking hockey sweater!) and had my national anthem booed, I've been told Canadians are really just Americans because we live in North America etc.

Those of you who act that way fail to realize just how closely our countries are intertwined. Both of my Grandfathers served in WW2. One of which patroled the pacific side and protected your country so much that he collected a US pension because of it. Or my brother in law who is currently in the Canadian Air Force has been stationed in several locations across the USA and works side by side with his American counterparts. Myself I've never been in military or law enforcement but I've been to Alaska, Alabama, California and Florida and worked on many law enforcement helicopters so they can stay out there keeping people safe.

When you make make syrup jokes, or boo our national anthem, or any other stupid comments like that, you are disrespecting all of us.

Both of our countries have some really great people and some great aspects to them. Both of our countries have some work to do in some areas as well.

Stop being a hoser eh!
It’s for all of Canada so 10 provinces and 3 territories
Not all of Canada or all Canadians. Indiginous groups get a pass, for now.

It's 'funny' to watch the Lieberals and guncontrollers up here 'subtly' changing their messaging already. JT is already on record that this is just the beginning, and the faces of guncontrol are trumpting that "hunting rifles are actually used in more domestics and suicides you know..." Anyone who can't see that they aren’t going to stop at banning 'scary black assault rifles' by this point, is just a useful idiot for their cause.
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Sort of. the way it's written you could interpret either way. A non native might still be able to hunt with a now prohibited rifle until the amnesty is up if it was non restricted before the ban. But it really isn't totally clear.

Yes there is more bans coming, they missed a few AR like guns on this list, and total disarming is the end goal.

I hope AB separates and takes the blue part of BC with it, if that happens I will just squeak in since we are far enough east of Vancouver but I'm not holding my breath.
Also, for those who aren't familiar with our current situation- the Liberals are a minority government. This means they don't have the seats/votes to pass legislation without some sort of support by one of the other political parties. They got around this, in the midst of a pandemic suspended parliament, by using a very rarely used clause in Canadian politics, the Order in Council. Basically, Trudeau signed it into law on his own. Completely bypassing parliamentary process. It absolutely smacks of totalitarianism.
Sort of. the way it's written you could interpret either way. A non native might still be able to hunt with a now prohibited rifle until the amnesty is up if it was non restricted before the ban. But it really isn't totally clear.

Yes there is more bans coming, they missed a few AR like guns on this list, and total disarming is the end goal.

I hope AB separates and takes the blue part of BC with it, if that happens I will just squeak in since we are far enough east of Vancouver but I'm not holding my breath.

You're right. It's a very poorly written piece of law. With, I'm pretty sure, some accidental inclusions, due to ignorance & similar naming.

They also appear to have left themselves somesing 'outs' in certain areas. IE; "more extensive consultations with aboriginal groups to come"... Or some such.
I will address the disrespectful guys once more I guess, hopefully this will be the last time and we can move on.

There has been a few guys so far in this thread that seem to think Canadians or Canada is a joke. I travel for work sometimes in the USA and have a work visa so I meet a lot of Americans. For the most part you are wonderful people however there seems to be a certain percentage of idiots just like any group.

There's stupid comments like the one above, I've been to sporting events in the USA wearing my home team's sweater (yeah it's a freaking hockey sweater!) and had my national anthem booed, I've been told Canadians are really just Americans because we live in North America etc.

Those of you who act that way fail to realize just how closely our countries are intertwined. Both of my Grandfathers served in WW2. One of which patroled the pacific side and protected your country so much that he collected a US pension because of it. Or my brother in law who is currently in the Canadian Air Force has been stationed in several locations across the USA and works side by side with his American counterparts. Myself I've never been in military or law enforcement but I've been to Alaska, Alabama, California and Florida and worked on many law enforcement helicopters so they can stay out there keeping people safe.

When you make make syrup jokes, or boo our national anthem, or any other stupid comments like that, you are disrespecting all of us.

Both of our countries have some really great people and some great aspects to them. Both of our countries have some work to do in some areas as well.

Stop being a hoser eh!

Hey man - stop getting defensive and the teasing will stop. It’s all in fun. I enjoy Canada - outside the politics and French influence it’s a neat place.

ohh, one last point - appreciate what your country did/does aligning with ours militarily, BUT if it wasn’t for my grandfathers and their buddies, you would be speaking German/Russian/Japanese...
Stand firm, fellas. I hate this. I have several Canadian friends and fishing buddies, and they are so frustrated.

Be proactive and use every platform and voice you’ve been given. But be articulate and professional. The left wants to paint us as ignorant rednecks but we have the philosophical and moral high ground on this debate. Choose your words and use them well, but use them in as many arenas as possible.

I was a government major in college, with a concentration in criminal law. A lot of debate team members who were pre-law majors were in many of my classes. I remember a confrontation one time when one of them was arguing in favor of gun control. This was during the Clinton era and around the time of the Clinton “crime bill” that included some gun laws that were ridiculous. In defending the rights of citizens to be armed, I learned in that University classroom how important it is to be able to speak intelligently and factually. But I also learned how important it was to be vocal, and to actually speak up. There were too many people there who did not understand the argument and were easily persuaded by my classmate. But after an intelligent, although less than friendly debate, many of them came to understand the value and God given right of gun ownership.

Apologies for the long rant.
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