Sad day for Canadian gun owners


Oct 29, 2018
Sorry to hear that KBC. If a few things go the wrong way, we could be facing the same thing here in the US in the not too distant future.
Feb 4, 2014
It's an interesting topic. Obviously they can still have and use the same weapons they've used for hunting and handguns as well. No regular person has ever needed more than that in any situation if they happen to have a gun on them and can use it outside of the LA Bank Robbers. I know people are going to try to throw some hypotheticals and some crazy one-offs that have nothing to do with anything. I'm talking about your average first world citizen.

If you take the era in the US prior to the Brady Bill, the period it was enforced, and the short period of time since it expired in 2004 what they classify as mass shooting deaths were severly lower prior to the expiration of the bill. The overall number is very small (1:1M roughly), but still much more percentage wise.

I think in the end you'll have a minority of outraged people and a populous that won't be effected. Most of the cool gun and hunting videos I watch are guys in Australia and NZ. They don't have high capacity semi-auto rifles, but they've still got awesome guns and they shoot at everything.

Huh? Your post is difficult to read with nothing but speculation and assumptions. Please do yourself a favor and do some research before posting. This will enlighten you. Google is your friend.


Mar 16, 2016
I'm so disappointed in my country right now. The fact that our government would treat one sizable, and very law abiding portion of the population based on the actions of the lowest common denominators of the country makes me hang my head in shame.


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Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia
It's an interesting topic. Obviously they can still have and use the same weapons they've used for hunting and handguns as well. No regular person has ever needed more than that in any situation if they happen to have a gun on them and can use it outside of the LA Bank Robbers. I know people are going to try to throw some hypotheticals and some crazy one-offs that have nothing to do with anything. I'm talking about your average first world citizen.

If you take the era in the US prior to the Brady Bill, the period it was enforced, and the short period of time since it expired in 2004 what they classify as mass shooting deaths were severly lower prior to the expiration of the bill. The overall number is very small (1:1M roughly), but still much more percentage wise.

I think in the end you'll have a minority of outraged people and a populous that won't be effected. Most of the cool gun and hunting videos I watch are guys in Australia and NZ. They don't have high capacity semi-auto rifles, but they've still got awesome guns and they shoot at everything.
This is America. And, you are right. Everything you said is hypothetical. Our country is different and trying to make it like some other country isn’t the goal. Or, at least shouldn’t be for an American. No discussion needed.
Apr 5, 2015
Look around the 'free' world and you can see that the majority of it has been disarmed.

This. If you go to less developed countries, wealthy people have access to weapons and armed security. Even in the “developed” world, truly wealthy people still retain the ability to have armed protectors.

I wonder how many anti gunners were in line at the gun shops in the last few weeks, especially early when no one knew if the corona virus was going to turn the world into a Mad Max movie.
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Jul 15, 2017
So if it’s “America’s national park” does that mean that when people from the US visit that the carry laws will be based on our own home state? That’s what all the other national parks do

All joking aside, we are seeing this more and more. And it doesn’t matter what laws are put in place criminals will still find a way to procure firearms.

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Aug 23, 2018
The timing of this could not do a better job of freaking people out.

First America falls apart in 2 weeks and is begging for help from big brother.....followed by following the instructions to stay home and don't do anything.

Now Canada is going to give up its remains of firearms freedoms.

China is buying up both countries as we watch.

This has a potential to get very ugly.


Mar 8, 2017
Yes how opportunistic to do this right now at a time parliament is having limited sittings and with the social distancing requirements we can’t legally protest.
They are doing this by “Order in council” meaning there is no debate, no vote or anything. They are being dictators to push this through despite the fact the most signed petition in Canadian history (by a wide margin) was just put together demanding they follow democratic process.

That piece of sh!t Trudope has been found guilty of breaking ethics laws twice while in office, worn blackface on more than one occasion, one of which he even stuffed a sock in his pants to further the joke and despite the fact he claims to be a feminist he assaulted a female journalist years ago and does not face the same wrath anyone else seems to face. Oh ya there was also the time he elbowed an opposition MP in the House of Commons to prevent them from walking up to vote on something. Or the time he tweeted that our justice system needs to be better after Gerald Stanley was found not guilty of murder (as he should have been) defending his family from a car load of armed native kids that pulled up on his property.
You guys should take care and not vote Lieberal.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
I just learned that this happened. Thought Canada only allowed single shot and bolt rifles and shotguns - no handguns or semi's of any configuration.

Not so sure why folks are allowing themselves to be disarmed. All the more reason for US to take this more and more seriously.
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