Broadhead for elk

Feb 17, 2025
I am looking to find the best broad head for elk hunting. I know the internet will swear by iron will's and I have nothing against that I just don't want to spend over a $100 bucks for 3 broadheads. I was looking into the G5 montec but there is so many mixed reviews. Anyone have any real experience with the G5 montec? Or the G5 montec m3? Is the m3 less accurate due to lack of vents like the original montec? Primarily looking into those two but what are your favorite/more cheaper broadheads for elk hunting? (Primarily looking for fixed blade as well) Thanks in advance.
Montecs r fine
I found their best attribute was they r relatively easy to get to fly accurate.

I just didnt care for how poorly they resharpen. Blood trails were always just ok.

Tips did tend to deform fairly easy.

But for 40 bucks for 3. I figured I'd got a couple kills out of each before they were toast.

Honeslty don't over think it. Alot of heads can do the job.

Pick the most accurate one for your setup.
Simmons mako killed my only archery bull. They are pretty damn sharp right out of the box. Could also run a magnus stinger, they seemed slightly more forgiving at 60-80 yards. QAD Exodus is also a very good broadhead.
I shoot Slick Trick and really like them. Heard a lot of good things and heard plenty of people take elk with them. Similar price to montec.
Any sharp head that hits behind your pin.

Most any head you will get to fly with proper tuning, different things with construction and setup will make some heads more forgiving than others.

On the "cheap" spectrum I like QAD Exodus, swept is more forgiving than the full blades.

The Montecs are OK. Take a little more work to get a good edge on because of the blade angles, but they seem easier to sharpen than the NAP hellrazor. I think both are a cast head that's machined, but I could be mistaken.
Here's two that I would recommend for the price point you're wanting to stay under. For what you're looking for, it's difficult to find a high scoring broadhead. These two scored above 90 points, which I think is an accomplishment. I appreciate the methodology John Lusk has created for scoring broadheads, and believe it's a valuable tool for choosing broadheads.

QAD Exodous, if you want something with replaceable blades. Scored 93.6 points by Lusk

EL & B Outdoors Wedgehead scored 93.27 by Lusk
I used Montec's religiously for 4 years, but every windy day I just didn't feel confident. Switched to SEVR 125s and I punch myself for not doing it sooner. This year I switched to the 125 hybrid for the bleeders but they fly within 1 inch of my field tips no matter the condition.

Are they cheap, not exactly, but look at the reviews, they have replaceable blades and the whitetail I took this year was easy to track. Looked like a garden hose.

No experience with Iron Will stuff as I like to practice with my heads.
I use iron wills, qads&sevr hybrids… if I could only choose one, the qad is about as good as it gets, it’s sharp, durable and flys very well. Mechanical heads still have malfunctions, plenty of guys have the sevr “pivot” and not re open. The iron wills are high maintenance, very pricey, only warranty if they go through an animal, plus they rust easy and the threads are not equally indexed.
I've been shooting muzzy 3 blade 100gr broadheads since about '06. Still have 5 of the original 6 bodies, just replace the tips/blades. Shot from my 57# 27.5" bow have ran them through 7 elk at ranges from 24 to 56 yards (all pass through) and a pile of deer over the years.

I am not sure how you quantify "the best" broadhead but for the quality and price point for a six pack these days, still a great choice.
I've gone down the broadhead rabbit hole many times. I keep going back to slick trick mag 125s. They just shoot great and leave good blood trails. Slick trick, qad exodus, or magnus would be my vote. Whatever you shoot confidently out of your bow.

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QAD exodus & Grim Reaper Micro Hades 3 blades get my vote. I’ve had no tuning issues with them out of my last couple compounds. The slick trick 4 blades have done well for several of my buddies as well.
The M3 isn't my favorite as the lack of vents and longer profile makes it less forgiving. I'd use a regular Montec over them most likely. The Montec is an alright head for the price but I think there are better. And I'm kind of a G5 guy.

There's so many good options honestly. Personally, I'm a huge fan of the Exodus Swept 125, Terra Firma Gladius 100-175, GR Pro series 125-150, OzCut 3b 100-150, Contact MD3 100, VPA solid 100 3b and Trifecta 100-125. Probably more in your price range as well.

  • The "best" value out there is going to be the Terra Firma Gladius. I might be a little bias as I stock them now, but I stock them because I found them to be a great value. More difficult to sharpen though.
  • The best cheapest option is going to be a RAD Madman. They come in a 5 pack, made in US, and are actually made of pretty good materials for the price. 3 or 4 blade models with two cut sizes will cover almost all bases.
To me the quality of steel, edge retention and design should be the first consideration of any broadhead selection along with perfect arrow flight. An example is a cheap knife can be sharp, but once you start skinning it will dull very quickly. It is the same with broadheads, but you won't be able to resharpen them after they impact with hair, hide and rib bones. Once inside that is where the real sharpness matters with arteries and such that want to roll away from a dull edge. I realize that these types of broadheads cost more money, and understand your dilemma. The way I look at it is my entire hunt will come down to that one shot and everything will be riding on my shot placement and that little broadhead up front. Usually my broadheads survives to be resharpened and used again and again saving money over time. Good luck and much success.