Sad day for Canadian gun owners

I just wish all the crazy left wingers who are scared to death of guns, love them some
Socialism/Communism, just move their A** to Cuba, Venezuela, or China.
But they wont because they dont like being told what they can/cant do, they just
like telling people what they can/cant do.
I wish it was a victory worthy of applause. All they did was withdraw some of their last minute amendments with the most extreme measures. They're still pushing ahead with the bulk of C21, and I'm sure they'll 'circle back' to these additional measures later.
Exactly. They will never say it but, their goal is to get rid of all guns for all people, 100%. If anyone believes for a second they will stop after this piece of legislation or that piece of legislation, they have their head in the sand. The goal is all guns gone, without exception (well, exceptions where it benefits them), and they peck away at it little by little. It’s the same way here in the US. More difficult because of our 2nd amendment but, ultimately, the same approach. And when systems and laws here prevent it, they will try to change the systems and laws.One of (the many) sad parts of it is many probably know it’s the wrong way to go. But it is a platform to run on and a way to create fear to get elected. Our own CDC manipulates and lies about gun violence statistics to help achieve this. Disgusting. There are so many viable ways to save lives, prevent crime, and improve people’s lives. And taking away guns has zero to do with it.
I wish it was a victory worthy of applause. All they did was withdraw some of their last minute amendments with the most extreme measures. They're still pushing ahead with the bulk of C21, and I'm sure they'll 'circle back' to these additional measures later.

Little victories. Take what you can get and fight for the rest.
Such a joke and a lot of us fell for it.

C-21 sucks so they tried to add an amendment that is even suckier. We all pissed and moaned so they drop the amendment and we feel like we won. Meanwhile C-21 is going to pass and they get to say they listened to the people.

No different than any negotiation, ask for more than you want, settle for what you want.

I would like to say things about the Liberal party of Canada and it's leader (don't forget the supporters!!!) but it would not be very nice.

here's what I just put in the new thread about it.
We need to change minds. Be smart, be factual and be polite. Most people who are either un-informed or ill-informed but have a reasonable amount of common sense or cognitive ability will change their minds when confronted with a nice person who knows their sh!t.
Court challenge on the May 2020 ban is upheld.
Possibly an appeal?

Interesting. They are taking guns away so we can’t use them to defend ourselves and sending them to a country so they can use them to defend themselves…
Yes, in the name of preserving democracy in Ukraine they will abolish democracy in Canada. This is straight up 1984. War is Peace.
I predict the war ending 2 days after the first load of GSG 15 and 16 .22 cal rifles are handed out to Ukrainian troops.
I’m not sure this thread will get the attention it should in the firearms forum. I started it as a bit of a warning to Americans on what could happen to your rights. I’ve updated it over the years as more BS has happened up here but now it’s buried.
Exactly. They will never say it but, their goal is to get rid of all guns for all people, 100%. If anyone believes for a second they will stop after this piece of legislation or that piece of legislation, they have their head in the sand. The goal is all guns gone, without exception (well, exceptions where it benefits them), and they peck away at it little by little. It’s the same way here in the US. More difficult because of our 2nd amendment but, ultimately, the same approach. And when systems and laws here prevent it, they will try to change the systems and laws.One of (the many) sad parts of it is many probably know it’s the wrong way to go. But it is a platform to run on and a way to create fear to get elected. Our own CDC manipulates and lies about gun violence statistics to help achieve this. Disgusting. There are so many viable ways to save lives, prevent crime, and improve people’s lives. And taking away guns has zero to do with it.
Yes, I tell my friends that just want to be "moderate" and get along that their stance will work as well as Neville Chamberlain's stance. I say it's like starting a tug-o-war contest with the left standing 30 feet back from the centerline and you choosing to stand right on the centerline. Good luck with that.
I’m not sure this thread will get the attention it should in the firearms forum. I started it as a bit of a warning to Americans on what could happen to your rights. I’ve updated it over the years as more BS has happened up here but now it’s buried.
Yes, the anti-gun groups here have the same goal and are very determined. Sorry for you guys up there. What a nightmare.