New Utah Weapon restriction hunts

I appreciate that they inude restrictions across the board. All users are restricted and have shortened ranges.

Thumbs up.
That was my favorite part as well. They didn't tailor to one specific group and make it a equal challenge for all
I talked to a wildlife biologist a few years back when HAMSS started. The basic idea was to let more people hunt but take fewer animals.
For general hunts I can understand that. For limited entry that's a huge commitment.
You can't hunt until your 12 in Utah. Yes it sucks when your favorite unit changes, I had to shift units a couple times to try and keep my kids hunting.

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You are correct. I was thinking of Arizona when I said ten. He has been applying her for a couple years and she should draw this year.
What modern guns are even made out there that even have iron sights anymore? Not counting big bores and dangerous game guns, or things like lever guns or reproductions.

Does anyone even make a modern 223 or 6mm with iron sights?

Using an AR with irons would have been fine, but it looks like they banned semi-autos for that hunt.
There's nothing to make aside from a way to mount a front sight on the end of the barrel. Mounting a dialing sight to the rear is easy. It's the same system people have been putting on fancy muzzleloaders for a decade now.
Sounds like a perfect application for a hot rod 6mm or 224.
There's nothing to make aside from a way to mount a front sight on the end of the barrel. Mounting a dialing sight to the rear is easy. It's the same system people have been putting on fancy muzzleloaders for a decade now.
Sounds like a perfect application for a hot rod 6mm or 224.
Thing is that the real limitation is still seeing the target and holding the post on its chest. At 300 yards even a micro fiber optic is covering half the deer.

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