Rokslide 2022 Weight Loss Thread

My key is I pissed away my 30's and when I'm 50 I don't want to say the same about my 40's. Your not going to get any younger. So if what you enjoy or love is being active. Find a way to do it. I love elk hunting. I was 225, two years ago. I am 180 now, been that way for a year. Lots of running and walking on an incline on a treadmill.
I love elk hunting, the only thing stopping me from enjoying or besting myself. Was finding the lazy way out.
There is a thousand ways out. You got to find the reason to stay in.
Nobody is going to give you that reason but yourself.
Had some unexpected weightloss over the weekend. I came down with an upper respiratory infection on Saturday and proceeded to sleep/not eat for the entire weekend.

Weighed in this morning at 223.6. Using this bit of weightloss to get me back on track and hopefully keep the trend moving down. I tried to stay hydrated, so I'm hoping there's not much water weight fluctuation.

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224 lbs this morning, down 1 lb since last week.

Good news, I ran another 5k race yesterday and won 1st in my age group. Ran a faster pace than 2 weeks ago so I'm progressing on a fitness level even if the weight loss slowed.
March 1 weigh in: 221.6 pounds. Put's me down at about a pound/week. Goal for March is to get down to 215. When I stick to my diet this month, I should be able to get there. February was all over the place in terms of diet. So I'm hoping that tightening it up will get me to 215.
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223 lbs this morning, down 1 lb from last week. Slow but still moving in the right direction.
Down to 224 from 230 on 1.20.22. Getting the time to exercise is tough however it's been on the treadmill for almost an hour burning over 700 calories 2-3 days a week. I know there are other ways to get the #'s of faster however this gets me ready for the hills, my heart pounding, and I can listed to podcasts!

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I throw in…killed a nice 185lb dressed buck last November and almost throw up dragging it 250 yards out of a valley. I decided that’s never happening again. Started keto 2 weeks ago and lost 9lb so far. I’m 6’ and Down 267 from 276. Goal is 235lb by May 1st for my Cousins’s wedding and the ultimate goal is 205 by hunting season. Also have started a 100 for 100/200 push up challenge which I’m on day 26. I’ll post about it in a new thread.
March 6, weigh in at 255 lbs.
Slightly up from Feb 13 of 253… but for some reason in feb my weight went up to 264… so back down

Slow grind here but finally hit the 10lb mark. Weight does feel like it is starting to come off a little easier though. I have had some ups and downs the past month. Good to see 230s again. Pretty much carnivore right now with some greens and berries thrown in here and there. Body is still adjusting to the diet. I have completely eliminated sugar and 98% of carbs. Have to constantly think about getting enough calories. Just not that hungry most of the time.

Have also been battling a sinus infection which has put damper on my workouts.

238.2 want to see another 8-12lbs drop this month.
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I coach High School baseball and with the season officially starting last week its been a crazy time and I have not followed up and been on top of it as I should be...But was 247 this morning - so still slowly loosing weight. That is 23 pounds total so far....Really would like to get into that 2 pounds a week area.
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I'm working on dropping pounds as well. I'm 5'10" and in January weighed in at 210 pounds (heaviest I've ever been). Started excersizing regularly, got a Garmin Fenix 7 to help track my activity, and started using MyFitnessPal to track calories. Not targeting any specific diet, just consuming less than I burn. As of this morning, I came in at 194 pounds. Goal is to get below 180 pounds.

I have found tracking daily weights helps me, as does having a good track of my activity.

For the past few years I have been 190 to 195, so about 15 pounds too heavy. I know it is over weight because my gut hangs over my belt.

Edit: Age 34, 2 small kids and working on a masters degree while being the only source of income has contributed to decreased excersize recently.
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Well I had and amazing week at work and decided to reward myself this weekend. Stopped and got a 6er and tossed some ribs on the smoker! I felt like crap Saturday! Sunday I needed to recommit to my goals. It had been almost 6 weeks with no alcohol. Crazy how your body reacts to things after being without them for a period. Anyway I'm back on track and plan to stay away from beer for another run!!
My wife and I both gave up gluten and dairy two years ago. Bloated stomach and acid reflux is a thing of the past. We both recently went very low carb with lots of protein and fats (in the keto realm -tons of info on Youtube). With the high fat & protein diet we easily went to just eating two meals a day, around noon and then around 7 PM. After a week of it, you really do NOT get very hungry -seriously. Once you are down to two healthy meals a day, you will struggle to get eat enough calories to even maintain weight, even if you eat until completely full for the two meals. The added health benefits of not eating for a continuous 16 hour stretch are numerous - check that out too. Recommend Thomas Delauer, Amy Berger and Dr Ken Berry for starters.
65 yoa. 6', 195#, 34" advice would be to get off all processed foods and establish a baseline low intensity cardio program that you do while in a fasted state almost every day. I do mine before eating monday thru friday. Intermittent fasting also all your food in 6-8 hours most days, that will also increase release of good hormones.

The liss done daily while fasted will make your body burn fat if you keep the intensity below the glucose release heart, every day your burning right off your body fat a little you can increase the duration of that liss you burn more every day..that all adds up and becomes a consistent thing which can help offset minor slips in diet...while providing up to 1# a week of actual body fat loss...not body weight loss but fat loss.

I think it is best to focus on body fat loss and increasing lean muscle mass which means adding in a good strength training program. Make dietary changes consistent by taking your time to get that done so it becomes a sustainable change.
Me: 52 yo, 5' 9.5" and former homebrewer
  • Jan 3 = 200.2
  • Feb 3 = 195.4
  • Mar 3 = 194.6
  • Mar 18 = 188.4
Keys for me:
  1. Cut out regular/daily alcohol...but an occasional social drink
  2. Watching what I eat. Mostly smaller portions but also cutting back on sugar and (gasp) meat
  3. More regular exercise - getting ready for a 10K and following a structured plan with a lot of low intensity work
Goal: 175 or less by Memorial Day
Still hovering around 221-222lbs. Weighed in at 221.4 this morning. I'm getting stronger in the gym, but weight is not coming off.

I started counting calories today to try to get an estimate of where I'm at. I've been taking almost daily pictures and need to do a comparison to see if anything has changed.

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