My Weight Loss Journey to a Moose

So with steady state cardio you will find your body may adapt to it by lowering your metabolism ( that homestasis thing again). I don't have a link handy but I remember reading an article published by a nutritionist regarding this. If you can work in some HIIT ( high intensity interval) work I think you will get a better workout in a shorter time and the body has a more difficult time adjusting to it. A good one is starting with 15 on and 45 off, 15 seconds going all out ( bike, elliptical, run, etc.) and 45 seconds at about half speed, over time increase it to 20 on 40 off, 30 on 30 off and stay at that. You do it for 15 minutes and you will be gassed ! I used MFP religiously for 3 years or so. I don't use it now but I eat the same foods and pretty much know my intake. Congrats on your success and keep it up !!
214 as of this morning, and that is with a LOT of water in me... - thats a total of 48 pounds down. Been experimenting with diet as in I am mixing in a fast were my last meal will be at 6-7pm then I wont eat anything until noon the next day. Trying to incorporate that 1-2 days a week. Seems to have re activated my digestive system.
Little League Baseball has started and I am coaching 4 days a week so I haven't been as vigilant getting to the gym, but have still been running outside on my non baseball days. Going to start trying body weight exercises at the house when I cant get to the gym.
214 as of this morning, and that is with a LOT of water in me... - thats a total of 48 pounds down. Been experimenting with diet as in I am mixing in a fast were my last meal will be at 6-7pm then I wont eat anything until noon the next day. Trying to incorporate that 1-2 days a week. Seems to have re activated my digestive system.
Little League Baseball has started and I am coaching 4 days a week so I haven't been as vigilant getting to the gym, but have still been running outside on my non baseball days. Going to start trying body weight exercises at the house when I cant get to the gym.

I'm a believer in fasting, I have seen good results and once adjusted just feel better. Some think you will be hungry the entire time, for me that is not true, hunger comes in waves and I drink something tea, coffee no sugar, that takes my mind off food and I find the hunger passes. I also like to do my exercise in a fasted state, seam to burn more fat that way. When you look at how us humans evolved, fasting was normal, we would find a meal and not eat again until we found our next food source, much like critters. Good luck!!

Awesome thread!! Keep up the good work. Glad to see you reassess your goals and progress instead of taking drastic measures to hit a benchmark weight.

Looks like you are keeping your performance as the priority!!

I would also start mixing in some hunt specific training at some point. I know you said horseback but I would get under a rucksack (big calorie burner) and maybe mix some shooting into your training. Like you said-- the $$ has been spent-- make sure you show up able to take your shot after humping around for several days and now your heart beating out of your chest.

Good luck!
Another update...Over the last 2 weeks I significantly increased my calorie intake as I was preparing to run the Robie Creek 13.1k half marathon in the Mountains here in Idaho. My goal was to maintain weight during this time, which I did, but allowed me to train as much as possible for this run.

This run is brutal - its 13.1 miles with over 2500 feet of elevation gain in the mountains. It has been dubbed the hardest Half Marathon in the Northwest. I entered the race with a goal of finishing in the 2:20-2:25 time frame...Ended up crushing it and finished it in 2:05. Totally stoked with that time!!! Body was sore for a couple days, but this morning I am feeling great and ready to get back on the weight loss Journey. Weighed 214 this morning. Going to hit it hard with a goal of being down 10 more pounds in 30 days. Then the last 14-15 to get to 190 in 60 days.

Here are my race results...

40th Annual Race to Robie Creek(R) Results
Great read!
just joining the forum after reading through quite a few of these weight loss journey threads.

I am just getting back into diet and excercise after letting myself get back into bad habits the last three years. An 18 month old daughter and a desk job havent helped.

Hoping to drop around 50 pounds by october. the first 40 is easy! Its the last ten, and maintaing it that is hard.
I know what i need to do... I know how to eat right and i know that i need to exercise but ive just struggled to do it.

Dropped 5 pounds the first week and starting to feel better already. No pop, no fast food, no candy at all. Amazing what a difference you feel just getting the junk out of your body.

I dropped 40 pounds about 5 years ago relatively quickly but always struggle with maintaing it, Like you my goal is to keep myself motivated knowing ive got money invested and how im going to feel at 10k feet!

Thanks for posting your journey its great to see others doing the same thing!
Three years ago I lost significant weight over many months. I was really happy and felt as good as I've ever felt. I thought I knew exactly how to keep the weight off and was confident I would do that. I didn't. I had to do the same work all over again...a second time...and it was far harder. I've spent a lot of time trying to gain insight and develop a long-lasting strategy to stay within my weight parameters. I don't believe I have to be a total health nut, but I do need ongoing goals and constant evaluation of where I'm at with weight. So far my strategy is working and I stick to a simple regimen. I need to do this....forever....because to stop, or lose my way is to become fat and likely take years off my life.

I've seen a lot of people lose weight for varied reasons...but always a goal. I think the goal in my case has become one of maintenance. What people say is true. Losing it is the easy part. Keeping it off indefinitely is multiple times harder to accomplish. The same habits and behaviors that put the weight on...are still there and simply dormant. Those behaviors will wake up slowly and gradually reassert themselves until the body is back to unhealthiness and obesity. A workable and reasonable long term plan is critical.
Wonderful progress, 270Quest! BUT....I will caution you on going overboard on the running-it can be addicting, and when you're older, you'll pay dearly for it. I'm living-and limping proof. Used to run 15miles/day, a couple of marathons a month, ultramarathons when I could get the time, and finished the Western States 100 in 1980 in 22hrs, 47 minutes. Now, at almost 69 years old, I had to have my left arch rebuilt at a cost of 5 and a half hours on the table, and in March, a new left knee. I'm having to relearn how to walk, which is interesting, to say the least! You might consider looking into roller skis as an alternative to pounding the pavement every day, and Nordic skiing in the Winters. I can't lay total blame on the running, since I also had a few years of exiting perfectly good airplanes hauling a lot of weight, jumping over places where the locals really resented me being there.....
Starting the same idea tomorrow. Drew a Mountain Goat tag this week, and need to dump 30+ lbs myself. Maybe I'll have to do a photo type diary. Good job on the losses.

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