I always thought that collar had threads in it? It's similar to an Ironwill collar then?Haven't had an issue with them, to be honest. They're a little more fragile, but I'm running a 300 XV with brass hit and a gold tip quantum black label 400 collar which fits perfectly, and it's held up to shooting into plywood from a 70# Athens elevate.
Yeah, not an outsert.I always thought that collar had threads in it? It's similar to an Ironwill collar then?
If all you're looking for is a 6gpp arrow for your 70lbs, you can get that out of the RIP TKO's, and have a much more durable arrow doing that.
As a follow up; I purchased a dozen RIP XV’s and three Sirius Geminis shortly after reading this post and there is a dramatic difference in durability between them. Of the dozen XV’s I purchased, 10 have broken through normal use (3D and nock hits) while all three Gemini’s are still intact, despite the labeling being almost worn off.
One other random note; despite the slight difference in GPI there is no perceivable difference in POI out to 100 yards even shooting a 30.5” C2C arrow.
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Rip XV 250: 501.9g TAW, 30.5” C2C, Victory stainless 75g insert/half out, 150g FP, 3 2.75 TAC driver vanes, AAE Nock.
Gemini 250: 513.1g TAW, 30.5” C2C, Ethics HIT/Collar 75g, 150g FP, 3 2.75 TAC driver vanes, AAE Nock.
For context, I shoot a Hoyt RX7 Ultra with 80lb limbs and a 31.5” DL so I might be towards the higher end of the KE which the arrows are designed to handle. With that said the breaks on the XV’s were predominately from nock taps which resulted in pretty strange breaks (pictured below), impacting hard parts in 3D targets, and a couple broke hitting the ground under 3D targets while finalizing my sight tape (clean breaks about 1/3 of the way up the arrow).
The picture below is an 80 yard group during the tuning process. As you can see the Gemini impacts with the XV despite being 11g heavier.
The Gemini’s didn’t break under the exact same circumstances. In fact, I had to dig them out of the ground a few times during the sighting in process, and they suffered no damage aside from a little peeling of the small turbulators I was experimenting with.
My personal conclusion is that the Gemini is a vastly superior arrow. The increased cost makes the value proposition a very personal decision however.
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I think your results in similar POI with the 11gr difference isn't surprising. I've always believed you need a pretty big cup in mass/velocity to see a noticeable change down range.
@KickinNDishin has broke a few of the XVs but I can't say that any were surprises or that her Pierce shafts would have faired any different. We have gone to nock collars/bushings on all arrows though because of slapping arrows together.