Dirt bike vs quad vs sxs? Which one

SxS if it will fit through all the trails you want to go. Bikes will go anywhere with rider skills, but that takes time to learn. A new rider will be much better off with a quad in technical terrain, but a highly skilled enduro rider can ride a bike up hills that cannot be hiked on 2 legs.
Obviously if money and space were not the issue sxs would be an easy choice for me. Anyone have different experiences? Leaning towards a quad or even a dirt bike for this season simply because I have a couple thousand acres of private I hunt that’s all uphill with only 1 road in the bottom. Thinking a dirt bike would be better suited for the narrow steep mountain handling vs something like a sxs or even a quad when trying to ride between trees and rocks up a ridge

With only being 1 road at the bottom and you mention steep and narrow a bike is probably best but that’s if you have the skill to ride in those conditions. Keep in mind packing out an animal with a bike also takes skill. If you are planning to build trails then great but if the plan is just to go cross country all of the time I would recommend a better plan.

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I ride quads and dirt bikes but would love a SxS.

The quad I have is a beast on the trails (Suzuki King Quad) and it amazes me how little maintenance it takes. The one issue I have is that no one else has a quad so I always ride alone. If I had a SxS, I could take others.

I have a RM250 2-stroke and I can't imagine it being useful for hunting situations. Way too loud, fast, and temperamental. Plus I'd have too much fun riding and forget that I was supposed to be hunting...

It all depends on your financial, social, and hunting needs.
The pro/con has already been well stated but the terrain matters.

I have a sxs but a quad would be nice sometimes. My dad and I always hunt together so it’s nice to ride together.

I will say, as a former jeep owner, no way in hell I could have taken a jeep down some of the trails we’ve been on.
You have to be damn good on a bike to pack out an animal. The other thing to think about imo is are you gonna be able to pick that bike up with a boned out deer on it? Or half an elk or whatever. Cuz the likelihood of dropping it goes way up packing weight.
I've only used a bike and a quad. As mentioned a bike can be taken on single track trails that a quad can't.
The bike is much trickier to ride when wearing a heavy backpack.
The quad is better for bringing out an animal. Can be used in low range, and can handle worse conditions. It can roll over on you, a bike flops.
SxS and Jeeps are to big for my use. My vote for the last 20 years is for a 6x6 ATV. Used to own Polaris Big Bosses. This time around went with a Can-Am 1000 Outlander 6x6. A 6x6 will go places a 4x4 ATV wouldn’t dream of attempting plus is way better at hill climbing.