Don't go bringing reason and thought in to a Rinella thread, don't you know this is Rokslide and the pitchforks will come out and the bashing will commence any time this name is brought up?Tell that to the Fathers and sons who've bonded over hunting. Tell that to the people who found themselves by going into hard places and doing hard things for the love of hunting. Tell that to the group of buddies who gets to see each other for one week a year. Your argument negates the reasons that most people hunt and is a grossly simplistic view. For an incredibly tiny fraction of what we spend on hunting you can purchase captive bread deer, elk and buffalo meat. Why don't you just start doing that and save yourself a pile of money in time. Look at Africa. The areas were animals are only valued for their meat, there are none. If we want hunting to continue it can never become solely about the meat. Again for all the people who won't read my previous posts. I'm not saying that the meat is not the primary purpose just that it can't be the only one.
I mean some of these guys got so worked up by just the name they couldn't even figure out this is about Matt Rinella and not Steve worries though, the endless and ignorant bashing will continue just the same.