Seems reasonable. I think it's good to have these perspectives out there in the hunting community. The "strength in numbers" argument alone is way overly simplistic and narrow minded. It ain't how the world works. I like this DDD approach better than RRR which is purely driven by the industries' desire to bolster falling revenues. It's really a more honest look at the situation. I think by hanging our collective hats on RRR we are just burying our head in the sand as to the true conditions of the moment and how they project going forward.
I've said for years the vaunted North American Model is dead or dying, at least as it was intended. Primarily greed killed it. I fall in the camp that humans will be humans and there's nothing we can do to fix problems caused by our very nature.
I've said for years the vaunted North American Model is dead or dying, at least as it was intended. Primarily greed killed it. I fall in the camp that humans will be humans and there's nothing we can do to fix problems caused by our very nature.