Quitting Copenhagen!!!!!!


Aug 10, 2012
Colorado Springs, CO
Hope that I had my last dip today, spit it out when the Masters finished up. Stuck on a Nicoderm patch. I started dipping in the 6th grade, and am now 44 years old. About one can ever day and a half. So going strong for 32 years, figure it is time. I don't want to die from this stuff, and would like to be there for my 4yo daughter for as long as possible. Don't want to die and leave my wife to raise her alone! So who here has kicked this stuff? Going to be a long first night I am afraid......



Jun 5, 2012
Kamas, Utah
I am three days now without one. One of the hardest things I have ever done. I started chewing to quit smoking, and the quit chewing is alot harder than quit smoking. At 7 bucks a can, hopefully I can afford some new gear in the near future.Good luck to you, and all of us that are trying to kick this nasty habit.


Feb 24, 2012
my advice on the subject sounds really arrogant at first bit once who ever I tell it to thinks about it a minute it makes sense. but quitting is as hard or as easy as you make it, I quit smoking years ago and I made it just this simple. if I don't put a cigarette in my mouth I wont smoke. i dropped um cold turkey with no nicotine supplements what so ever. so there it is, don't put chew in your mouth and you no longer chew,its only hard if theres someone bigger than you forcing the stuff in your mouth. really its mind over matter and your basic motor skills of hand to mouth are pretty easy to self regulate. all that being said, good for you and good luck. stick with it, theres more to life


Feb 25, 2012
Good on you man! No offense to you or anyone but that sh*t is nasty! I am always telling friends that do it idono how its so hard for them to quit. I have always felt "addiction" was just someone being weak willed for whatever they may be "addicted" to, no offense. But as stated above, I see it as simple of if you want to quit then quit. Never could get into chew thank god, one time was more than enough for me! But good on you, I wish you luck in quitting! :)
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Mar 7, 2012
my advice on the subject sounds really arrogant at first bit once who ever I tell it to thinks about it a minute it makes sense. but quitting is as hard or as easy as you make it, I quit smoking years ago and I made it just this simple. if I don't put a cigarette in my mouth I wont smoke. i dropped um cold turkey with no nicotine supplements what so ever. so there it is, don't put chew in your mouth and you no longer chew,its only hard if theres someone bigger than you forcing the stuff in your mouth. really its mind over matter and your basic motor skills of hand to mouth are pretty easy to self regulate. all that being said, good for you and good luck. stick with it, theres more to life

Completely agree with littlebuf. I smoked a pack of reds a day for years, quit cold turkey 9 years ago now. I made a decision then that I would never put another cigarette, cigar etc in my mouth, because I knew I would start again. Good luck to you.


Mar 20, 2013
The first few days are the worst. Make it easy on yourself, dump out your can(s) at the trailhead. Then you have no way to dip no matter how bad you want to. Saves a couple ounces in your pack as a bonus!


Dec 18, 2012
Helena, MT
For me quitting copenhagen was one of the hardest things I have ever done but once I made the decision to quit I have never put another chew in my mouth. Just remember that it does get better and the cravings will subside. One thing that helped me was lots of excercise and a very understanding wife.
Good luck to you both!!


Apr 28, 2012
I'm 13 months no cope. I take a nicottine lozenge occasionally. But no tobacco for 13 months.
Jul 31, 2012
July 22, 2006

I woke up the day after having WAY too much fun at a local concert with a pounding hangover…………………..just to have some Copenhagen. I told myself this is stupid, I was at an age where I had dipped for as many years as I hadn’t, 18 years of that chit. I couldn’t even remember life pre-Copenhagen. I staggered out to the living room and gave then G/F now wife my can and went back to bed.

I’m not going to lie, I barely remember those 2 weeks after that. It was horrible. I just kept telling myself one more day, one more day, one more day, one more day and one more day.

It was barely easier after 6 months. I still cannot believe the wife stuck around, I was a major a-wipe. That crap completely re-programs your brain, getting off is bad. It took nearly a year before I was at least a little normal.

6 ½ years later it was the best decision I ever made. You no longer have that panic when you hit you pocket and it’s not there. No more stuffing 5 cans of that crap in your pack to go backpacking. No more planning the length of your hunts on the amount of Copenhagen you can carry. You sleep SO much better it is unreal. No stupid ring in you pants pocket telling the world you are a retard.

The only thing nicotine does is keep you addicted to nicotine. It does NOTHING else for you. You have to make the commitment and NEVER touch it again. You are for all intensive purposes a crack head and just one dip when send you spinning back. You can see it so clearly after you are away from it.

Seems gay now but there are hunting forums and there are also quit dipping forums

Sign up and read way. Ever time you want a dip look at this http://www.quitsmokeless.org/gallery/index.php

You are way tougher than that crap, just DO NOT PUT IT IN YOUR MOUTH AGAIN. Not today, one day at a time. Forever is too long right now. Trust me it is great without it.
Feb 6, 2013
Deming NM
I started when i was about 11 and quit when i was 50 and it was HARD!! but you can do it I use that Mint snuff stuff now. Its a pretty poor subsitute but it wont kill me any way. Good luck and i wish you well after about 2 weeks it get easier.


Aug 10, 2012
Colorado Springs, CO
Thanks folks, appreciate the stories. I am 3.5 hours in now, and feel alright. Going downstairs to workout. I am going to beat this chit this time!


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
I quit 5 years ago. As littlebluf said, you just need to quit. By your first sentence I would say you are setting yourself up to fail. It should read, I took my last chew today, not I hope I did. I would say you aren't truly committed to quit, and if not, you won't.

Good luck. Hope you stick with it.


Feb 24, 2012
Castle Rock, CO
I have the record for quitting! I at least once a day for 5 years straight! LOL! Last year when I finally quit for good I stocked up on natural mint snuff and other herbal chew. Every time I wanted a dip I threw in a mint chew and it worked. The stuff is tobacco and nicotine free so I definitely had the withdrawal headaches. They lasted about 2 months and I wasn't very pleasant to be around but I stuck to it. Last summer on my way to the trail head for my deer hunt I did break down and I bought a can at a gas station but I didn't have a relapse. That hunt was the only time I have chewed tobacco for the last 15 months. You can do it! Just have a plan and stick to it.


Feb 28, 2012
Buckley, Wa.
my advice on the subject sounds really arrogant at first bit once who ever I tell it to thinks about it a minute it makes sense. but quitting is as hard or as easy as you make it, I quit smoking years ago and I made it just this simple. if I don't put a cigarette in my mouth I wont smoke. i dropped um cold turkey with no nicotine supplements what so ever. so there it is, don't put chew in your mouth and you no longer chew,its only hard if theres someone bigger than you forcing the stuff in your mouth. really its mind over matter and your basic motor skills of hand to mouth are pretty easy to self regulate. all that being said, good for you and good luck. stick with it, theres more to life

I agree. I chewed a can a day for 11 years. One day 12 years ago, I finished off a can, and told myself that I will never buy another can again. I haven't. Every time it got hard, and I really wanted one, I would tell myself, "no plant is going to get the best of me, I have more will power than to cave to something I buy in a can." Sometimes being stubborn works in my favor. You can do it, just use the same attitude you have when your pack is heavy and you're tired, but you still have another ridge to climb.
Aug 24, 2012
bakersfield ca.
I hop e this doesnt screw anyone up tryin to quit, but I gotta tell u how I quit after 32 years of cope. I first limited myself to 4 dips a day, an hour to each dip. After getting comfortable with that(a week or two) I then went to 45 min. for each dip, then after a week or two, down to 3 dips per day & so on. Took me 2 or 3 months but Ive been clean now for over 2 years. I still remember my last one on the trail with my ku3700 on my back & an empty can in my pocket. Doin it my way, I had no withdrawls or mood swings & now no regrets other than I wish I woulda quit sooner. Hope this helps someone else who might be thinkin about Quiting. My 24 year old son lives with me & dips as much as I did, & it has never even bothered me. Not even the day I got home from that trip after takeing my last one. I grew up with a guy who chewed as much as me. He spent his last 2 years with only half a face, but I know how much it bothered him since he was on a steady diet of morphine till he went on to happier trails. How about those giants?!


Classified Approved
Apr 26, 2012
Been over 15 years for me. My wife said no kids if I chewed and when she found out she was expecting, she brought home the nic gum. Worked for me, but kids were the motivation. No chewing or smoking, feels great. Just say no. Good luck, it will get better.