Help me get over my fear

Oct 25, 2013
Truckee Meadows
The internet and forums like this one are a good places to dip your toes in- yes, there is misinformation out there.

Go do- get out in the world and do the things you want to do. A lot of basic things will work themselves out fairly quickly. Yup, to will mess stuff up, but we all learned a lot by trial and error/ mistakes. As long as your not making fatal errors, its a leaning moment.

Old timer "experts" still make mistakes on a regular basis, if they say otherwise, there prob not "experts" .


Feb 24, 2012
Well said guys. Mine was and is hunting in the mnts an figuring out state regs. I wasted alot of years afraid to just go do it. Experience is the best teacher in life. Are you gonna screw it up, probably. But one of my life rules is if I don't,make a mistake I'm not trying hard enuf. You will meet some class A jerks for sure, but overwhelming you will meet some great people. I have made life long friends an they still put up with me asking dumb questions bout the mnts.
It is expensive, especially starting out an u will buy stuff then wish u had did something diff. We all do that.
I'm not a crossbow guy but agree that's gonna be the cheapest quickest easiest way to start. Shoot I think bass pro had one for like 200 bucks. They can get more pricey than a good rifle tho. Also, consider a good used bow a 3 to 5 years old. You can save a fortune. Take it to a bowshop an pay them to tune it up an help out. If they treat you bad leave with ur money in ur pocket.
Best advice is know ur gonna screw it up, do it anyway, learn an enjoy the ride. Good luck
Jun 15, 2017
San Antonio
You've gotten a ton of advice already so no need for me to brain dump my thoughts, but I wanted to put some emphasis on what's already been said. I will say that for myself, I don't learn anything by studying. I was that way in school, work (IT field), everyday life, mechanics, engine repair, anything. I can read 100 books on something and be clueless, do it once and figure it out on my own (with reference material obviously) and I learn and know it forever. Archery, rifles, hunting, fishing... no different. An hour in the mountains will give me more solid training than 100 YouTube videos.

Where are you in Appalachia? If you go to the right shop, most all of your fears will be a non issue.

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What part of Appalachia? Bow shops are not created equal, someone may be able to help point you to a good one.

For archery starting from scratch, you've got to find the right shop/owner/employee who doesn't mind killing time teaching you the basics. So many shops out there sell you a bow and halfway set it up and slap you on the shoulder to go figure it out. Some of these shops and ranges will have leagues or whatnot, you don't necessarily have to join but if you go there's a lot of knowledge in the area and make a few friends and ask questions it could be fun. If you have a Total Archery Challenge near you (once a year) visit that and socialize and talk to everyone. Those people working the various booths can be a gold mine. Lancaster Archery had a booth at our last TAC here in SA and I like them as an online shop.

Keep the archery portion separate from the hunting. Make it a two step process, get confident with your archery skills and then start looking to apply that to hunting.

For every knowledgable person there are 15 that think they are. Be careful and selective!
This couldn't be more true, for life in general and hunting and such. Don't forget to apply that to the forums, and even this thread.


Dec 6, 2023
I just wanted to say thanks to all you guys. You’ve all really helped me out. And so much great advice not just in hunting but in life here. You guys are awesome, thanks for making a young guy feel welcome.

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Mar 29, 2017
Ha, I don't know a thing about gaming! Never played games as a kid. So we are even, lol!

1) You do not have to be taught. I had no father in my life so to speak and I self taught way before internet was a thing.
That was half the fun!

I killed my first deer at 10 years old... by myself. Was awesome.

2) You can get on the internet and google: "How to size a bow for me", "how to set up a bow for me", "what arrow shaft do I need", "what is a good arrow rest", what is a good bow sight that won't break the bank", etc.
Take notes and then go to that shop like you KNOW what you need!😁

3) "Shortcut" for today's generation: Go to a local sport shop, bow range, etc. Be honest just like you were on this post and ask for help. If they are jerks about it then they were no good for you anyway. There are plenty of folks out there who get excited about introducing people into the sport... myself included.
Last year I gave away a $1400 bow set up to a guy getting on his feet!

I am way out in Wyoming or I would gladly show you a few things to get you going.

No need to be shy brother. We all started somewhere. Heck, I didn't know how to walk or use a toilet some years ago! 🤣

Many states have a hunting website. You may look there also. This is a great time to get involved as most hunting seasons are winding down and folks will have more free time on their hands.
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Dec 6, 2023
Ha, I don't know a thing about gaming! Never played games as a kid. So we are even, lol!

1) You do not have to be taught. I had no father in my life so to speak and I self taught way before internet was a thing.
That was half the fun!

I killed my first deer at 10 years old... by myself. Was awesome.

2) You can get on the internet and google: "How to size a bow for me", "how to set up a bow for me", "what arrow shaft do I need", "what is a good bow test", what is a good bow sight that won't break the bank", etc.
Take notes and then go to that shop like you KNOW what you need!

3) "Shortcut" for today's generation: Go to a local sport shop, bow range, etc. Be honest just like you were on this post and ask for help. If they are jerks about it then they were no good for you anyway. There are plenty of folks out there who get excited about introducing people into the sport... myself included.
Last year I gave away a $1400 bow set up to a guy getting on his feet!

I am way out in Wyoming or I would gladly show you a few things to get you going.

No need to be shy brother. We all started somewhere. Heck, I didn't know how to walk or use a toilet some years ago!

Many states have a hunting website. You may look there also. This is a great time to get involved as most hunting seasons are winding down and folks will have more free time on their hands.

Good to know I’m on even field with someone haha

In all seriousness that’s awesome man. I can’t imagine laying one down at 10 years old, awesome. Thanks for the help

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May 13, 2015
Despite the responses here, based on what you had to say, I have your answer.

"If" by Rudyard Kipling; here it is:

If …

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream – and not make dreams your master;
If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with wornout tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings – nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run –
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And – which is more – you’ll be a Man my son!

So in short, Persue your desires, you are going to make mistakes, simply learn from them and keep on persuing the things you love!


May 24, 2020
Ignorance only turns to stupidity when you refuse to learn.
You do not have to be a victim of your surroundings
Its all about choice and the ones you make that define who and what you are in life…period !!
Your accomplishments mean a lot but what you become because of them means everything
This is coming from a man that grew up with nothing and had to fight almost daily because of it
God gave me the good sense to know there was better and helped me make right decisions in determining who would influence my life
Aug 21, 2016
I like your post and attitude. The bow thing ain't cheap by any means either. Not hard at all to have 2500 wrapped up in equipment. Then there is the technique building/practice to be consistently accurate. Drawing and shooting a bow in the backyard is way different than in a stand with a buck strolling towards you.

If you wanted to ease into hunting, accelerate your progress, and get to killing deer quick, and lots cheaper you could get a decent crossbow. Just a thought(s) It's way easier, purists will say your not a real hunter, but screw them and that mentality. Crossbow will allow you to focus on all the other aspects of hunting. I like the Excaliber recurves. Only 1 string to manage and no cams to deal with.
Sometimes taking the path of least resistance isn’t the way to go. There is value in taking the longer, harder route such as picking up BOW hunting. When you finally succeed, as he eventually will, it will be that much more rewarding.

Everyone in their 20s should start with a bow it will make them so much better of a deer hunter in the end. You can always go to crossbow once you hit the 60s and finish out your years with one.


Jul 12, 2023
You’ve already started learning one of the top 20 skills a kid or adult can have - asking others who know more than you for information. You’ll use this in all aspects of life until you’re too old to speak.

Just go into an archery shop and say, “I’m excited to learn about ______ what guidance and direction could you give me?” Then don’t say anything else - no need to give any other information unless they ask - give the person a few moments to process it. Usually the person will give up a lot more information than you expect. Listen - try to make it about what they have to say, but ask honest questions and don‘t bring up other opinions that contradict what they have to say - save that for another day. People are naturally generous when someone is interested in what they have to say.

Once you’ve got the hang of that add this next step. When the person has said what they have to say, ask, “Is there’s anyone else you would recommend I talk to?” Don’t keep talking, just let them process it and listen. Get the name of everyone you talk with and write it down if you have to. If they say you should talk to John Doe, thank them and when you meet John Doe you're able to say you’re interested in learning about archery and were talking with Billy Bob and he said you would be a good person to talk to. Then pause and let the person process it - sometimes it will feel like forever and the silence is painfully hard, but don’t say anything until they respond. Too often people cut others off too quickly and don’t get any information, or they open their mouth too much and the person gets the feeling you’re less interested in what they have to say and more interested in talking.

I was pretty quiet and shy, but enjoyed watching others - you’ll find the more time spent around archery shops the less mysterious the products become and your comfort level will go way up and that helps when talking about it. An aweful lot of joining a group of like minded people is just showing up. If archery ranges are interesting, just go and check it out. If there is an event just go - even if you don’t say a word and just watch, you showed up. For many awkward feeling events in life, it’s still important to show up and it pays off in the long run. Show up for family events, work related events, friends‘ birthday parties, community events that sound not horrible, and things you find personally interesting. Family members notice. Coworkers notice. Friends notice. People who can be important sources of information notice. Girls notice.

I don’t miss being in your shoes, but I would have liked to figure out stuff like this sooner. It gets easier.


Oct 28, 2015
Firstly I just want to say this may be a little long, and really just random. But, seems like a good place to get it off my heart. Considering this place is filled with a bunch of guys I want to be like one day.

First I am 24. Born and raised in Appalachia. If you’re familiar with the area, it’s tough out here. Not always opportunity jumping out at you and I certainly didn’t have the child hood I wish I did. Anyways, as a kid growing up I was raised by Grandparents. Too old / too poor to show me how to hunt or fish. To show me anything really. My childhood was sadly spent in front of a lot and I mean a lot of video games. I couldn’t tell you how to call a deer in but bet your ass there’s not many games i don’t immediately excel in lol.

Fast forward to now as I’ve gotten older and finding interests in hunting, I’ve taught myself how to fish over the years pretty decent. Always stuff to learn, but hunting… I’m next to cluess. And im wanting to get into bow hunting and the thought of going to the pro shop to get fitted for one makes my stomach turn. And it shouldn’t, but it makes me feel like less of a man that I don’t know all these things and don’t have experience. I know it’s stupid but I can’t help but to feel that way. I just want to be a person that I’m, and my one day family will be proud of. And there’s a lot to learn in this life that I wanna show my kids one day.

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Take the plunge. Find a good pro shop. A good one would love to show you the ropes. It's not as bad as you think I'd bet.

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Oct 11, 2022
I think you’d be surprised how willing folks that you’ll meet in this world will be to help you out if you have the right attitude. No, they probably aren’t going to drop OnX pins to their honey holes right off the bat, but the people who love hunting also love to talk about it, particularly to help new folks get started.

In addition to going to a pro shop, I’d recommend going to some conservation-related events. I did a quick internet search and it looks like there is a WV Bowhunters Association. I didn’t dig too far into it, but I’m assuming they hold shoots, work days, banquets, etc. Go to a shoot, go to a work day, show that you’re serious about wanting to learn. Tell people that you’re new, don’t be embarrassed. No one is going to give you a hard time, in fact I can all but guarantee the opposite. Ask for tips when you’re out shooting on the course and be open minded.

Story time - I had wanted to shoot USPSA for a long time but was nervous about getting started. Finally I decided to just dive in. I told everyone in my squad that I had never shot a match before and they were phenomenal. Helped me out with how a match works, gave me tips for how to shoot the stages, and generally just went above and beyond to help the new guy.

Bottom line…just go do it, I think you’ll find your fear is unfounded.
May 6, 2018
Shenandoah Valley
I think you should take a little road trip and hang out with @Billy Goat for weekend. You won't know any more than you do now, but it'll give you confidence that anyone can do it!

Hey now, there's times I make it look like I know what I'm doing.

But yeah, ain't learned to tie shoes, mostly wear slip on boots, takes a minute cause I keep doing it backwards, but can tie a d-loop.
So yeah, anyone can do it.

In all seriousness, @GhostBass25 if you are on the eastern side of WVA, I'll help you out, actually help you wherever you are, but I'm closer to the Eastern side.

There's a lot of good shooters come out of WVA, almost like there ain't a whole lot of anything else to do there.


Dec 6, 2023
Hey now, there's times I make it look like I know what I'm doing.

But yeah, ain't learned to tie shoes, mostly wear slip on boots, takes a minute cause I keep doing it backwards, but can tie a d-loop.
So yeah, anyone can do it.

In all seriousness, @GhostBass25 if you are on the eastern side of WVA, I'll help you out, actually help you wherever you are, but I'm closer to the Eastern side.

There's a lot of good shooters come out of WVA, almost like there ain't a whole lot of anything else to do there.

Soon as I got dm privilege I’ll hit you up man. Thanks for offering to help me out

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Jul 12, 2023
You’re getting to the age of seeing the world more objectively and you’ll have to get past your childhood - if you’re alive and breathing air it could have been worse. Get past it to help your future. Even families that look awesome from the outside, have their demons. Everybody has their own demons. Whoever said life was fair lied to you - get over whatever you think has been unfair.

I know some very well off kids with the famous dad and their instagram looks fantastic - dad could give two shits about the boys, they got hooked on oxy steeling it from mom‘s 5 prescriptions when she passes out in the afternoon from pills and vodka.

The coolest dad of all the dad’s I know has a gambling problem and has tore through the family’s savings and is probably not far from getting divorced and losing the million dollar house - he’d rather gamble and drink than anything else.

Another picture perfect family in the gated community are all bat shit crazy.

Another family in the big house on the hill and big family company has a workaholic dad the kids wouldn’t talk to as adults because they weren’t good enough - treated the wife like crap. He died on a Friday and on Monday the wife said I should come over and finish the work I was doing on her custom book shelves. They don’t miss that sob at all.

My favorite story is a CEO that had multiple big houses in multiple states and had a helicopter to fly around in. One of the worst human beings I’ve had the pleasure of meeting.

Another CEO with a happy looking Facebook retired at 50 to an empty house - just staying home he makes more money than he can spend, and is a miserable person.


Jan 2, 2013
To the op. I haven’t read all the post but know there’s good information to gleen. I find it helpful to set short term and long term goals for myself. You already achieved a short term goal by posting. Be mindful of the differences between the two so you don’t get frustrated. Start small and go from there. If hunting ends up not being the right fit then that’s ok too.
Mar 25, 2022
Lots of good advice here. To piggy back on the idea of joining a conservation group that was mentioned, see if you can find any groups that have a wildlife project coming up that you can volunteer at.

I once was wanting to learn to turkey hunt and volunteered at a turkey survey with NWTF. Everyone there couldn't give me knowledge and advice quick enough. It shows that you are serious but also willing to give back. I got advice on hunting other species as well, so it may not matter what the project is. In the least you will be networking with some people with similar interests who can probably connect you with someone who has the answers even if they don't.


Aug 25, 2014
Good for you GhostBass. I'm going to give you a slightly different route. Go buy a starter level recurve bow and learn how to shoot arrows. Archery is fun. Jumping into all of the complexities of a modern compound bow is a lot. Start simple and enjoy the flight of the arrow. Aim small, miss small. :)

Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia

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Where at in WV? I’m in Princeton. And, I’m one of the few on this forum that doesn’t own a bow press. Because I live 5 miles from the best bow shop on the planet.

PM if you don’t want to share your location. I’ll get you headed in the right direction. And, if you are a decent person, I’ll get you setup with the other gear you will need. Best of all, I’ll take and put you in a tree next year and coach you through your first shot opportunities.

Honestly, a lot of people know so little how hard life here can be. It’s a tough place to make a decent living. It’s an even tougher place to make a decent living and be able to have time to hunt.

Give me a holler. I’ll help you man.