PSA--Why you should NOT use Silencer Central to purchase a suppressor

I think this has a lot to do with expectations. I went into the Silencer Central process with the expectation that it was “easy” but might be slow. It worked a couple of times for me. Maybe I’m not as demanding as some of you. But, I’m happy with the result.
Yep, I'm a SC hater. Didn't start out that way but they turned me into one because of their lies and poor Customer Service. There are others on this thread and forum who are in the same boat who have now seen the light. You think just because you haven't had a bad experience with them YET that they are a reputable company who doesn't deserve all the negativity. Go ahead, use them. People like you deserve to learn the hard way. I have no reason to bash SC other than to forewarn others about their business practice(which is now plainly out there for all to see and has been confirmed by multiple customers) and to try and save others from having a bad experience with them. If you have low standards and expectations and choose to do business with them, that's your choice. Good luck. You'll need it.
Then stop talking about it and don't buy their stuff! It's very simple! Do not dwell on the past!
Nope, cuz many people choose to make informed decisions before making a purchase unlike some of you who choose to remain in denial and uninformed.

If you're so happy with them, move on. Why feel the need to defend them on the thread unless you have ulterior motives?:unsure::unsure:
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Sounds to me like a possible maintenance problem, shooting out of a shorter barrel than recommended, shooting more than 20 rounds in rapid fire, not cooling suppressor between rapid fire or use of solid lead or plated lead bullets, which is not recommended. My Banish 30 directions do say to clean every 50 to 100 rounds. I also use anti-seize on all threads of my suppressors. Never had a problem. There is also the BanishSuppressor Lifetime Warranty as well as The Banish Better Suppressor Guarantee. Just Sayin.

Cleaning a suppressor every 50-100 rounds?! That's reason enough to avoid one holy hell.
Guess i need to go try and take mine apart. It's had about 50 rounds through it since I cleaned it.

May 6 - 4473 complete
May 13 - Email offering 10% future discount for delays
May 21 - Email stating shipping soon
May 21 - Email stating Silencer has been backordered
May 23 - Spoke on phone and they said the backorder was a mistake. The Silencer has been shipped to the FFL in my state who will ship to me but could not provide tracking number.
May 23 - Approval/ workflow still shows waiting for local law enforcement notification period.

I will say customer service answered the phone right away and was helpful.
May 28 - Randomly received my silencer today but they did not include the mount as it’s back ordered…
I'm pretty sure you are just another SC hater like some people you fail to understand all the suppressor brands have their small issues with their brand of suppressors. I and many, many others have had no issues with SC but you continue to hate on the one brand in particular, so you are the hater. If you do not like SC then change the channel by not using SC or buying any of their suppressors but unfortunalty you will keep dragging the hate. I am glad, I and alot of SC owners, are not the ones hating on any of the suppressor brands as I am glad they are all available to us!
What other suppressors have you compared your banish 30 to? What cartridges do you use it on?
I got my first suppressors going through a SS kiosk at a local dealer. The entire process went good and straight forward, other than time that’s not their doing. A month later I decided to get a banish 30 through SC. I went through their process and was later denied. I got busy with life and business and put the matter off. I made a point to stop by there both at DSC and told a person working there that at this point I just need to get my money back from them. He stated to me they don’t do that. I need to get in touch with them and clear up this matter. But, I have to say being told I can’t get my money back was pretty shocking. Not sure how this matter will turn out yet, but at the moment sure wish I had just worked with my local gun shop again.
This thread reminds me of all the impatience I see out and about. I just started the process with SC, and so far, so good. Made the order 03/17 and got the finger print kit 03/21. Will keep updating as the process goes on.
My first go with SC (edit, I’m using Silencer Shop, not Silencer Central)
Purchase 3-17 online
Kiosk form and finger print 3-18
Emailed 3-19 that it was certified and they were submitting the form 3 to transfer it to my dealer.
Will see what the timeline is from here
I've purchased many cans from Silencer Shop and Silencer Co and the last one I got within 5 days. Then I tried Silenser Central because they had a Banish 30 on sale so I thought I'd take advantage of the price and check them out. That was almost 2 months ago and still no Banish 30.
I've purchased many cans from Silencer Shop and Silencer Co and the last one I got within 5 days. Then I tried Silenser Central because they had a Banish 30 on sale so I thought I'd take advantage of the price and check them out. That was almost 2 months ago and still no Banish 30.
The banish 30 sucks anyways, no need to get one quickly.
A good friend who lives in another state is an NFA dealer/manufacturer said he had a client recently who used the electronic finger print submission option from ScanPrint/ UPS kiosk and got all cleared in 18 hours.!