Non resident OTC archery elk is over in Colorado


Mar 2, 2014
Hey hey hey, I’ve already invited @trophyhill to PA.

The difference in hunting style makes comparing elk to whitetail overcrowding impossible. CO much worse than anything I deal with on PA public land.
Feb 27, 2012
Tijeras NM
Hey hey hey, I’ve already invited @trophyhill to PA.

The difference in hunting style makes comparing elk to whitetail overcrowding impossible. CO much worse than anything I deal with on PA public land.
i hunted out of a stand in Ohio once. Here’s what I can say about it. I didn’t start hunting until I was 32. 10 years after I moved to NM from O HI O. Had I known then growing up, what I know now, I’d be in a tree stand from Sept to Jan. I thoroughly loved it. When I made a perfect shot on a forky at 14 yards, it was pretty awesome. 15 yard recovery.

Maybe it would be Oct to Jan Now that I’ve experienced Sept in the Rockies. So I get the allure. But man! The crowding has lessened the experience in the last 5 years. Here in NM when I get lucky and draw a tag, if I see 2 people on the mountain, I feel crowded. Which obviously is nothing to a CO OTC hunt.


Feb 8, 2021
Don’t know how else states will combat point creep.

I think there will be plenty of opportunities on 1st and 2nd choice apps.

As an opportunity guy, sad to see it go.


Feb 8, 2021
well, if it's federal lands then every tax paying hunter should have equal opportunity for hunting that land. no different than anything else that is federal property. why should it be different if you live here or there? equal taxation and equal representation. sounds pretty simple to me and what would be the argument otherwise? well, there isn't any.
I get what you’re saying.

But do you want the feds to regulate tags? They’d likely make a 1 tag per year on federal; all but eliminating most people’s opportunities to hunt out of state or multiple season.

If anyone could gum it up more than the states; it’d be the feds


Feb 9, 2020
As a non-resident, I believe they need to make non-resident rifles hunts go to draw only. If demand is as high as people say it is, people will apply for hunts and creep becomes less of an issue long-term.
Agree with this, but bummer I didn’t draw the tag I wanted this year because this will likely make next year a gamble as well.
Nov 27, 2013
i hunted out of a stand in Ohio once. Here’s what I can say about it. I didn’t start hunting until I was 32. 10 years after I moved to NM from O HI O. Had I known then growing up, what I know now, I’d be in a tree stand from Sept to Jan. I thoroughly loved it. When I made a perfect shot on a forky at 14 yards, it was pretty awesome. 15 yard recovery.

Maybe it would be Oct to Jan Now that I’ve experienced Sept in the Rockies. So I get the allure. But man! The crowding has lessened the experience in the last 5 years. Here in NM when I get lucky and draw a tag, if I see 2 people on the mountain, I feel crowded. Which obviously is nothing to a CO OTC hunt.

Works like a charm on elk as well.


Feb 8, 2021
That's easy. Go total luck of the draw. Problem solved. No more points. Will it ever happen? Probably not.
No argument from me! Why I put in for idaho and new mexico!
But hard to convert from points to lotto. People with points would feel shorted. I don’t blame em. I think long term its the right call, but how we get there is a whole nother can of worms.