New Packs from Kifaru 2024


Oct 24, 2023
Anyone have a bead on when Kifaru is supposed to be dropping new expedition packs since 4/5 that they have are in close out?
It says coming Jan 25th.

Looks like the whitetail pack they have been teasing and a new frame in the photos or at least some changes. Going to laser cut molle on the hip belt at least like everyone else has.
The new whitetail/day pack looks pretty interesting from the pictures theyve posted. I think its going to be mostly replacing everything that has pals webbing with squadron laser cut molle, ie the front of the SC, Styker XL, 22/44mag will be laser cut instead of pals webbing - which will cut down on weight. I havent seen it, but Ive seen enough laser cut molle on the new belt and whitetail pack to think theyll probably full on embrace it.

I probably wont replace my Stryker XL or Shape Charge if they do go to squadron,, but I will buy new belts for my frames with the laser cut molle. The way the pals webbing rows are sewn on Kifaru belts at an angle never made much sense to me and youd have to "good enough" pockets and pouches on there to make them secure.
Always look forward to seeing new gear, especially from companies like kifaru

A big internal frame pack would probably be a good seller for them, and also curious how they “improved” their duplex lite
I really hope they retooled their load shelf. I know their philosophy is put the meat in the bag, but they would sell a lot more packs if they put some more design into the load shelf.

I also hope they design a better lid. Large floppy lids just do not work for me.
Yah i think they just tossed in a load shelf to appease the load shelf crowd. And their lids SUCK!
I'm really curious what the opinion of everyone here is on if overseas materials like the ultra or spectra variants would be a turn off. There are, or at least used to be, folks on here who were very high on all USA sourced materials even if better alternatives are available. I saw some in the field pictures of packs this last fall that appeared to be a challenge fabric, and it made me wonder.
I'm really curious what the opinion of everyone here is on if overseas materials like the ultra or spectra variants would be a turn off. There are, or at least used to be, folks on here who were very high on all USA sourced materials even if better alternatives are available. I saw some in the field pictures of packs this last fall that appeared to be a challenge fabric, and it made me wonder.

Its a pretty odd situation with packs. People want them sourced and sewn 100% USA. And thats great, Im all for it. But if Kifaru started using foreign sourced material, youd have people in an uproar about it and at the same time theyll shoot Victory Rip TKOs. And you do what works for you, but for some reason backpacks are the line people just wont cross.
Its a pretty odd situation with packs. People want them sourced and sewn 100% USA. And thats great, Im all for it. But if Kifaru started using foreign sourced material, youd have people in an uproar about it and at the same time theyll shoot Victory Rip TKOs. And you do what works for you, but for some reason backpacks are the line people just wont cross.
And they complain about the weight of the packs overall; at least that seems to be a leading negative when discussing.
I'm really curious what the opinion of everyone here is on if overseas materials like the ultra or spectra variants would be a turn off. There are, or at least used to be, folks on here who were very high on all USA sourced materials even if better alternatives are available. I saw some in the field pictures of packs this last fall that appeared to be a challenge fabric, and it made me wonder.
If there is no equal made here, it would be a very odd stance to be against them sourcing certain materials

Kifaru has led that mentality, so I don’t really feel bad for them if they do catch criticism

People will get used to it, if the better materials aren’t made here, people still want the better materials, regardless of what they say

I like supporting American made, but I’m not naive, it’s not always realistic