New house bill for Idaho

Randle, I went to quote your Potlatch reference, but *poof*...
Stimson recently (well, 4-5 years ago) posted a huge tract one mile down my road as 'off limits' to hunters. The garbage left behind, fire danger, run-ins with neighbors, pilfered cedar and cut wood.....they finally said 'no mas' ....and rightly so. The immediate neighbor adjacent that tract (and at its entrance) had their Great Pyrenees deliberately run over by an elk hunter. I knew that dog, it guarded all of their goat herd, and everything else on that ranch. That neighbor, who owns about 160 acres was standing in her yard and witnessed the hunter gas his Dodge truck and strike the livestock guarding dog, attempting to kill it, and he succeeded.
She called me and asked me to try to catch the guy as he had just sped off after dragging the dog about 300 yards under his truck. Another neighbor to my north caught the a-hole on the road by blocking the whole road so he coulnd't escape and reported him to LEO.
It turns out the hunter was a LEO!! He lost his job.

My neighbors appealed to Stimson shortly thereafter and *bang* it was all gated and heavily posted "no trespassing"...

So you are saying it went from OFF LIMITS to hunters, then NO TRESPASSING, period.
So what are the odds of this passing?
You from Idaho, do you think it will pass?

I have 2 hunts there this year- so I am kind of interested :)

As far as Onx, Gaia etc... I would assume they both use a similar if not the same resource for setting their mapping boundaries?
If 1 was off , likely both companies would be ?

I would believe so, both just use public records same as you and I would. Just not sure how quickly they update their data.
There was testimony on this yesterday by people who would know, that the Bill as written would not hold up in court and is likely unconstitutional. Despite that, it passed committee and moved on. This is Idaho, our lawmakers do what they want, when they want, without fear of recourse because as long as they have an R next to their name, they will get re-elected no matter what they do.

This is Judy-Public Land Hating-Boyle at her worst and it stinks of the Wilks Brothers as well.

The current law of marking every 660 feet was established in the 80s with lots of input from all sorts of user groups and land owners. This bill came pretty much out of nowhere without any input from anyone....almost like they are trying to shove it through before anyone has any input or time to look it over...hmmmmm.....
Of course I would! When I lived in Iceland, nobody locked their doors and they all left their keys in their vehicles........and you know what? Nobody ever messed with them. And here's another thing they do........they leave their babies in their baby carriages OUTSIDE the stores while shopping. And you know what? Nobody messes with them!

If people would learn that they don't have an entitlement to EVERYTHING in this country, especially private property and possessions......we'd all be better off. It's not my responsibility to keep people out of my stuff. Too many people these days with the attitude of "what's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine".

Interesting but I sure wouldn't try any of that here in the US. WHAT leave their babies outside a store, try that sometime and see how fast the cops haul you off to jail for chield endangerment. In Spokane Wa. start your car in a cold morning, go back inside your house to get your coffiee
cop comes along and see's your car running and no one in it ????? Big fat ticket yep against the law there.

That said sure wish we had that here.
So I check the latest available resource made available to me, and I go hunt, only to find out the gov is behind and haven't updated their records provided to the company who gets me this info.
How in the heck can I be liable for trespassing when I used the tools provided by public records and did my best to stay within the law.
Whether that is maps from Gov, State, systems like onyx, Gaia or what ever.

This is just stupid
It HAS to be posted some how if there is consequences involved. Especially if they recently acquired the land and it hasn't made it thru the system yet.
So now someone can just roam the wilderness claiming they own it, but it hasn't been changed in the "system" yet, and here I am, afraid of $500-$1000 fine, 6 months of jail or even a felony charge, so rather than argue, I have to leave.

Sure seems like a way to keep people out.
I find it odd that there is a mentality out there that assumes they have access to whatever land exists unless it's posted.

Not sure what in my post conveyed the meassage you received 5 MB. I posted about the threat of a felony discouraging hunters from hunting public land. I didn't mention wilful tresspass at all.

Put me on the list of people that don't think it's that damn hard to fence or post your land if you would like violators to be hit with a felony.
C'mon man, the 'lead ban' thing is ridiculous in this context.
In terms of hunting, California leads the way with 'crazy,' no offense intended.

The lead ban is an attempt to discourage hunting by making it more expensive based upon bogus 'facts'. I think it applies in so much as this bill would discourage hunting as well.

No offense taken at all.
How often does federal public land actually changes hands? Thanks to groups like BHA it doesn't. Good thing too. So the argument that someone claiming the piece of public ground you are hunting is theirs is practically invalid. And so they push it so far as to report you then they just filed a false police report, a crime..... The only areas this would have significant affect on is private parcels switching hands. And that information can be obtained from a county assessor or a timber company website. It really is not that difficult. Yes it may take a little more than looking at an app but I have never had it pass an email or phone call like one would put in to a bio when scouting.

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So you are saying it went from OFF LIMITS to hunters, then NO TRESPASSING, period.

No, I'm stating that it went straight to "no trespassing" after the livestock dog was deliberately killed. Stimson heard the neighbor's complaints and factored in their own dealings and overall it's been a fiasco for them so they pulled the plug.
They aren't obligated to allow anything on that land, it is privately held.
I don’t get how property lines for public are changing so often either. Private ownership changes all the time but overall private land remains in the same place. Now land swaps may happen but it can’t be happening in the same area year after year, that just would be crazy.
OK a little reading turn up Judy Boyles is at this front of this, Ranching . I will now add that Potlach will be jumping all over this as they already have a Pay to play policy that is ridiculous, $10 dollars fee to hike or pick huckle berries, 25 per atv or dirt bike, 50 per car, etc. for a family to use their ground it would be 350 per year. As it is now you can cross their ground on the roads that are there because they are common use, it is not enforceable . this will just make more land locked up because of lack of access.
I think part of this we are missing is that it isnt hunters only causing these problems, it is atv, target shooters, dirt bikes, christmas tree poachers, firewood theives, etc.
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I don’t get how property lines for public are changing so often either. Private ownership changes all the time but overall private land remains in the same place. Now land swaps may happen but it can’t be happening in the same area year after year, that just would be crazy.
Timber companies and state land can change hands more then you think
Posting are one real time, boots on the ground way to know. I come to postings, i know boundaries, I come to a fence, 50 years old grown into a tree who knows, do I cross or not. Not everyone carries a not so smart phone or GPS nor should they have to.
If people wouldn't abuse everything we wouldn't have to put fences up or post public or private. There are a lot of disrespectful people who ruin things for others. just because there isn't a fence doesn't mean you're entitled to walk right thru it. I hunt a lot of public next to private and never have I had a problem.
The land owner calls in every single vehicle that parks at that trailhead. He called the DWR office while we were there talking to him and said he understood our mistake and was letting us off. I actually used a map of the property that I got from the DWR website to know the boundaries (it was a CWMU). That map was completely incorrect, and the part of the property that we went on wasn't physically marked.
Electronic mapping devices aren't infallible. Crap happens to them. I can't always download more imagery in the field. The only failsafe solution is for land owners to mark their property.
I always research the area I'm headed to, including the time I made a mistake. I spent a lot of time figuring out how to get around the private and completely avoid it, but the combination of lack of physical marking and a crap DWR map got me. It needs to work both ways.

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No no no, the priacy got you...evil pirates
Well we might as well not waste tax payer $ to post stop signs, street signs or speed limits with today's technology. Everyone has a gps in their car right!?! For "F" sake why should I have to buy the latest greatest newest gps to avoid a felony. It is all about money and a bunch of rich none resident people who have lake houses and vacation property (that they only visit a couple weeks a year) that most who live here cant afford and they are to lazy to post it. The way the law is now is easy for everyone and fair. Why change it?
...Not everyone carries a not so smart phone or GPS nor should they have to.
We disagree there. Every hunter is obligated to know his location as it relates to others property at any given time. If a GPS or a map affords that, he should have one or pay the price. GPS are cheap, accurate with downloaded maps, and they aren't complicated.

Wanna hunt or enjoy Idaho land? There are stipulations and responsibilities that go with that..