Anyone that thinks this bill is OK is Neive to hunting several places in Idaho, especially if you hunt tribal land. They seem to sell and change there property lines at will.
Even digital maps can't keep up with land deals. This would defiantly make me stop hunting some places with a checkerboard of public and private.
Call it whatever but ID is not unique to this, I hunt right next to private and the fence isn’t the actual border, zero markings and I don’t have a problem staying on public. With technology today it may not be perfect but it is the best tool to keep us honest and protected and with tracks can clearly show our intent. I don’t buy land only to have to make it known it isn’t open to the public, it is a given private land is is for private use. I can very well see many in ID have probably used the excuse that the landowner didn’t have it marked well, fully knowing they were trespassing, that is just an easy out to do it.
I do agree it’ll make people maybe rethink where and how they hunt when it’s purely on us to know what is public land we are allowed to use and what is not. Also maybe fewer land owners will put up fake no trespassing signs at public access points.
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