Mtn Lion Ban Filed in Colorado


Aug 18, 2022
I have been wondering if I will see one of these trolls gathering signatures in Gunnison. Seems unlikely, although possible. If I do, I will spend at least an hour or two countering his b.s. with the truth to any potential signers. Since they aren't getting paid, maybe they would just leave.


Apr 3, 2024
Yep they lead off the signature gathering speech by calling it “trophy hunting” and use a bunch of BS talking points.
And that is where the language gets scary, and can be shifted, and manipulated to target ALL hunting. This is super important that we not let this pass in Colorado, so we don't set the precedent across the country.

Trophy hunting, as defined by them, is targeting, and taking a specific animal basically. Furthermore, it seems like they don't even give a shit if you take the meat. Like, if you take the meat, but also plan to make a mount, or take a part of the carcass for display, that is trophy hunting.

So eventually, even though you fed your family and friends with that big Colorado bull, if you take those antlers, if you mount that bull, aren't you now a trophy hunter based on their language in this proposition?
These anti-hunters are sneaky little jerks, and if we aren't paying attention, we could very well start losing more than just lion hunting here, and across the country. A very slippery slope.


Apr 3, 2024
Saw this a couple days ago, makes me sick… I hope we can fend it off. But with the language used to craft the bill and the current order of Co it will be a tall order if not impossible.
If we are smart, and we talk to enough people, we can fix this I think. Over 3 Billion dollars in revenue come from hunting/fishing license sales in Colorado. We need to make more people aware of this.

We also need to ensure that people realize that this ban can lead to a full ban on ALL hunting. The "trophy hunting" language they use is very very broad, and they can easily swap out lions, for say, elk, deer, moose, heck, raccoons.

This is a dangerous road that Colorado is about to take, and we all can do our part and talk to everyone we know about this legislation, and make sure they vote no. We can't let this pass because all hunting is at risk, and if it starts somewhere, it is only a matter of time before it spreads everywhere.

Anti-hunters have a lot of money to throw at their campaigns, but in theory, we are more passionate about our public lands, and how they are managed than they are. We've been paying into the system that actually fixes shit out there for years, and now we need to pull our weight, and raise our voices against this anti-hunting legislation.


Jan 29, 2022
If we are smart, and we talk to enough people, we can fix this I think. Over 3 Billion dollars in revenue come from hunting/fishing license sales in Colorado. We need to make more people aware of this.

We also need to ensure that people realize that this ban can lead to a full ban on ALL hunting. The "trophy hunting" language they use is very very broad, and they can easily swap out lions, for say, elk, deer, moose, heck, raccoons.

This is a dangerous road that Colorado is about to take, and we all can do our part and talk to everyone we know about this legislation, and make sure they vote no. We can't let this pass because all hunting is at risk, and if it starts somewhere, it is only a matter of time before it spreads everywhere.

Anti-hunters have a lot of money to throw at their campaigns, but in theory, we are more passionate about our public lands, and how they are managed than they are. We've been paying into the system that actually fixes shit out there for years, and now we need to pull our weight, and raise our voices against this anti-hunting legislation. is leading the charge on this, been donating 50 bucks a month


Feb 21, 2023
Had a wild thought… maybe all these anti cat hunter types have toxic-plasmosis and really this whole movement is spurred by a gut dwelling parasite that is looking out for self preservation by using a bunch of cat ladies to continue the parasitic life cycle… this theory makes the most sense to me. I think they all need to be tested to ensure it’s not just the parasite controlling their brains…

This is really quite funny, thank you.

It is really sad how removed from the natural world our country has become. Too many people that live in cities where their extent of seeing wildlife is from a zoo or park, if that even. We hunters have, in my estimation, an obligation to educate as many of them as we can. Otherwise they get so backwards thinking that it looks like they have a parasite controlling their brain

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Jul 17, 2017
Best thing we can do is donate to CRWM, tell all your friends, colleagues, co-workers, family, etc to vote no, don’t sign the petition, and explain how bad this initiative would be for wildlife. Also make sure every hunter you know votes. The margin on wolf reintroduction was so close that if every hunter voted it could have possibly changed the outcome.
Jun 21, 2023
Best thing we can do is donate to CRWM, tell all your friends, colleagues, co-workers, family, etc to vote no, don’t sign the petition, and explain how bad this initiative would be for wildlife. Also make sure every hunter you know votes. The margin on wolf reintroduction was so close that if every hunter voted it could have possibly changed the outcome.
I agree with everything said here. Make sure every friend you have, knows about this issue. So many hunters I talk to have no idea this is happening. Hunters as a group need to be better informed and it starts with each of us talking to our own group. We must be united and on the offense, not on the defense.


Jan 29, 2022
Well surprise surprise… just got an email from CATS, they now have paid circulators out gathering signatures…. The “grass roots” movement wasn’t cutting it so they are paying folks to collect signatures for the next few months… dirty little commies