CO cancels mountain lion season mid season.

Sep 16, 2021
I’m merely commenting on the fact some people here feel the need to dog whistle the idea that they would be okay with taking up arms against their neighbors.
civil conflict isn’t something to get a hard on for.
Nothing more

Make no bones about it, the anti's would prefer all hunters die, just they aren't saying they would make it happen.


Apr 8, 2020
Maybe Colorado bha should’ve hosted more pint nights. Those seem to be very effective.
And I cannot believe all the social media, photos and video’s of douche influencers, holding up dead lions and shooting them out of trees didn’t help this. I would’ve thought for sure that would’ve won over hearts and minds. Maybe maybe they just forgot to #Conservation


Jan 13, 2015
Westminster, MD
The demise of the modern day hunter is the modern day hunter. Hunting is brutal you kill big pretty critters and market hunters (youtubers, companies selling hunting stuff, etc) need to keep show casing everything they can for likes. We give more ammunition to anti's then they would ever need to get us "cancelled"

I got a house full of dead stuff from the last 35 years and few people even know I hunt till they come into my house.


Aug 10, 2018
The way they worded some of this is misleading, like the "ban on electronic callers statewide" we have never been allowed to use electronic callers statewide for Mountain lions, it was only allowed in certain units to help reduce the population in those units anyways.

The April season has always been a separate season with lower quotas, and because of this it was low hunter participation part of the reasoning to get rid of the season.

Gonna be a long struggle in Colorado with the way the state leans. I'm finding it harder and harder in myself as a Native resident to even want to hunt here and fund the CPW any longer.


Mar 13, 2019
The way they worded some of this is misleading, like the "ban on electronic callers statewide" we have never been allowed to use electronic callers statewide for Mountain lions, it was only allowed in certain units to help reduce the population in those units anyways.

The April season has always been a separate season with lower quotas, and because of this it was low hunter participation part of the reasoning to get rid of the season.

Gonna be a long struggle in Colorado with the way the state leans. I'm finding it harder and harder in myself as a Native resident to even want to hunt here and fund the CPW any longer.
This is the start of the trickle effect though. They start banning seasons that have low quotas then they start to go after the hunt in general. We shouldn’t be giving these people anything to grab a hold on because we all know once it’s gone it’s gone forever. At least that’s how it has been.
Apr 1, 2013
I’m merely commenting on the fact some people here feel the need to dog whistle the idea that they would be okay with taking up arms against their neighbors.
civil conflict isn’t something to get a hard on for.
Nothing more
This country and your freedom of expression was founded on by civil conflict. Resistance to oppression doesn't mean or require physical conflict, thats only when some one shoves you and physically infringes on your freedoms.
Nov 29, 2017
People who advocate for war, especially for something as brutal as a civil war, have never been to war… I definitely don’t want a civil war. I would like a cultural renaissance to beliefs more in line with our founding fathers. People are usually only a big tax bill or so away from wanting less gov and less taxes
I'm more hoping that Oregon, Washington, Idaho, will lay the blueprint for states to potentially fracture peacefully at some point in our lifetimes. Front Range Ideals/Morals/Ethics are very different than the West Slope.
Sep 24, 2019
I think it’s time to start talking about repealing or at least amending (again) the Pittman Robertson Act. In 2023, $1.2 Billion was brought in via the PRA. We are literally funding the demise of hunting before our eyes.

chapter 889, section 2:

(1) the term ‘‘conservation’’ means the use of methods and procedures necessary or desirable to sustain healthy populations of wildlife, including all activities associated with scientific resources management such as research, census, monitoring of populations, acquisition, improvement and management of habitat, live trapping and transplantation, wildlife damage management, and periodic or total protection of a species or population, as well as the taking of individuals within wildlife stock or population if permitted by applicable State and Federal law;

The keyword is “scientific”. By using ballot box biology, they should not receive federal funding, period.

Just my opinion.


Mar 16, 2016
People who advocate for war, especially for something as brutal as a civil war, have never been to war… I definitely don’t want a civil war. I would like a cultural renaissance to beliefs more in line with our founding fathers. People are usually only a big tax bill or so away from wanting less gov and less taxes
I have noticed that most people that advocate for war, especially a civil war fall with in one of two categories. They are either too old to have to fight it or too young to understand the reality of what it would truly mean.


Mar 29, 2017
Per the article, it was cancelled due to anti-hunting opposition. Theoretically speaking, if there was an equal to or greater opposition that reacted to this cancellation, that should be the answer. Perhaps forcing the decision making to wildlife biologists…. Sportsmen need to get more organized.
Sportsman spend their time on their hobbies: grilling out, football games, fishing, hunting.

For the liberals... their hobbies are hatred. They spend their time destroying this country our forefathers built... destroying our way of life... because it is THEIR HOBBY AND PASSION!

Being lax and saying: "It cannot happen here" is how and why other countries are now slaves to their governments.


Mar 29, 2017
I have noticed that most people that advocate for war, especially a civil war fall with in one of two categories. They are either too old to have to fight it or too young to understand the reality of what it would truly mean.
Yeah... kinda like your forefathers.
What did it mean to them?
Freedom, a constitution, wealth.

It has a price and real men pay the price while the "others" sit on their laurels all comfortable and let the patriots do their bidding.


Jun 28, 2012
It’s a libtard, treehugging state that takes wolves from a libtard, treehugging state. Why would you expect less?


Mar 16, 2016
Yeah... kinda like your forefathers.
What did it mean to them?
Freedom, a constitution, wealth.

It has a price and real men pay the price while the "others" sit on their laurels all comfortable and let the patriots do their bidding.
You talk a big game...get it started.

I have read a few things from our forefathers and never once did I read anything about them advocating for war. They faced that when it came. Major difference in being willing to fight and going looking for a fight. I will die for the freedom this country has but **** you if you think I am going to stand here and say "you know what we really need is a good war."


Aug 10, 2018
This is the start of the trickle effect though. They start banning seasons that have low quotas then they start to go after the hunt in general. We shouldn’t be giving these people anything to grab a hold on because we all know once it’s gone it’s gone forever. At least that’s how it has been.
How do you figure it will never come back? The CPW added this as an additional season back in 2014 and hunters didn't take advantage of it so they made a management decision that it wasn't needed because the harvest hasn't change year after year even with the April season. The CPW adds and subtracts Deer, Elk and Antelope licenses all the time it's Herd Management it's what they get paid for.

If hunters want to make it look like Mountain Lion hunting is needed then they need to go out and buy a license and participate. There is about 2500 Lion licenses sold every year, that's it. With what's on the horizon with the mountain lion hunting ban going to the ballot box I feel every hunter even if you hunt with the license or not should buy a mountain lion license this year. Show that it brings in money. The only way these things go away forever is thru the Legislative process, examples spring bear hunting, trapping, wolf reintroduction.

The commission won't always be so far left, if and when Colorado gets a Right leaning or Center Governor the balance can return.


Apr 8, 2020
How do you figure it will never come back? The CPW added this as an additional season back in 2014 and hunters didn't take advantage of it so they made a management decision that it wasn't needed because the harvest hasn't change year after year even with the April season. The CPW adds and subtracts Deer, Elk and Antelope licenses all the time it's Herd Management it's what they get paid for.

If hunters want to make it look like Mountain Lion hunting is needed then they need to go out and buy a license and participate. There is about 2500 Lion licenses sold every year, that's it. With what's on the horizon with the mountain lion hunting ban going to the ballot box I feel every hunter even if you hunt with the license or not should buy a mountain lion license this year. Show that it brings in money. The only way these things go away forever is thru the Legislative process, examples spring bear hunting, trapping, wolf reintroduction.

The commission won't always be so far left, if and when Colorado gets a Right leaning or Center Governor the balance can return.
I’ll buy six pack if colorado has a right leaning governor ever again. Central left is about the best Colorado can hope for.


Jun 22, 2020
You talk a big game...get it started.

I have read a few things from our forefathers and never once did I read anything about them advocating for war. They faced that when it came. Major difference in being willing to fight and going looking for a fight. I will die for the freedom this country has but **** you if you think I am going to stand here and say "you know what we really need is a good war."
I’d agree but if you look at the trajectory we’re on and history….there’s a common outcome.

Do you think we are approaching a time where we can continue to just sit on our hands and “wait for it to come”? Seems to me the loss of freedoms, rights, etc have been happening for quite some time while we are on a forum talking about “waiting for it to come”.

I’m not advocating for a civil war but history is pretty clear and I’m really not sure voting will change things as much as they need to change.


Apr 23, 2023
There have been many good and/or interesting points made. A few pages back someone posted a comment about marijuana legalization being the start of the downfall. I have no issue with weed. To me it's in the same box as alcohol - another intoxicating, addictive (psychological) substance that has the potential to be misused and abused and is. From a medical perspective I see many potentially beneficial uses, from appetite stimulation to pain relief. I say that from the perspective of taking care of many hospice patients experiencing loss of appetite and resistance to traditional pain control methods and in some cases weed helped.

But, I do agree that the legalization of weed can start the crazy train rolling. For whatever reason it attracts or concentrates a different kind of crowd - the liberal types/dirty hippie types that think their way is the best way...the only way and everyone else should be like them. And those same people used to be THAT group in HS that wanted all the fatty salty snacks removed from vending machines, the banning of all surgery soft drinks, and only salads and vegan items on the cafeteria menu. They wanted to "save" all the icky boys and girls from the evils that they didn't believe in, the things they thought you shouldn't have. And they're still at it.

One take-away from this thread is the sometimes lack of unity and/or inaction by us hunters/shooters/gun owners. It's a little like a version of the old phrase, "we have met the enemy, and he is us." It has been said many times on this thread as well as other similar threads that we need to stand up and fight back. Not through civil war, but with the same tools and weapons our enemy is using against us. And make no mistake, the ARE the enemy... just like way back when they were trying to take away your right to choose what you wanted to eat, or any other icky, disagreeable thing you wanted to do.


Mar 16, 2016
I’d agree but if you look at the trajectory we’re on and history….there’s a common outcome.

Do you think we are approaching a time where we can continue to just sit on our hands and “wait for it to come”? Seems to me the loss of freedoms, rights, etc have been happening for quite some time while we are on a forum talking about “waiting for it to come”.

I’m not advocating for a civil war but history is pretty clear and I’m really not sure voting will change things as much as they need to change.
At the risk of going too political, something I try not to do on the Slide unless it involves hunting, I think this upcoming election is going to be very pivotal and could be the point of no return.

IF, the red wave as they say, happens, I think that we can work our way back to what we once were in some light. It would show that as a country, we have had enough and that there are enough like minded people to swing it back.
IF, the red wave does not happen, I think it will be the beginning of the end and as you say, the outcome will MOST LIKELY follow things we read in history books.

I view this as what I was taught about fighting when I was little. I was taught, you never throw the first punch but if someone punches you, do not leave them wondering if they can beat you in a fight. I will not advocate for a civil war, I will not be the one that starts it but when that time comes, I will fight it.

EDIT TO ADD. This will be the furthest I take this conversation. If you respond back to this, it will not be met with a response from me. I like that the Slide is not over ran with political garbage.
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