CO cancels mountain lion season mid season.

At the risk of going too political, something I try not to do on the Slide unless it involves hunting, I think this upcoming election is going to be very pivotal and could be the point of no return.

IF, the red wave as they say, happens, I think that we can work our way back to what we once were in some light. It would show that as a country, we have had enough and that there are enough like minded people to swing it back.
IF, the red wave does not happen, I think it will be the beginning of the end and as you say, the outcome will MOST LIKELY follow things we read in history books.

I view this as what I was taught about fighting when I was little. I was taught, you never throw the first punch but if someone punches you, do not leave them wondering if they can beat you in a fight. I will not advocate for a civil war, I will not be the one that starts it but when that time comes, I will fight it.
Agree and that’s what I was getting at. Problem is, if these last 7 years are any indicator, I think anything and everything is on the table to keep a red wave from happening. If some shenanigans happen again I think many people will feel the fight was just brought to them and they didn’t “start” it but will want to finish it.

Back to the topic at hand.
The linked article's title about the ban also bothers me:

"Colorado Cancels April Mountain Lion Season Amid Anti-Hunting Opposition"​

I feel that it could easily be misinterpreted and lead one to believe that "anti-hunting" sentiment was responsible for making or causing the change. When I read the article it doesn't indicate that at all. OL editors need to think a little more critically. But alas, they are just journalists.
Washington isn’t done; a lot of the damage done by Inslee and democrats is going to be on the November ballot via our initiative process here. And there is a good chance that Reichert a Republican can carry King county and win.

Hunters need to get involved these same groups and people are going to eventually come to your state and try to do to your state what they’re doing here in Washington and Colorado.

With out getting to far off topic because this is about Colorado…

I hope ur right in regards to WASHINGTON and I’m wrong. I remember the days when they ran hounds and hunted over bait. I also remember Gun racks w guns in the school parking lot. Probably a huge no no nowadays. Probably considered racism… oh the good ole days

I don’t live there but wish u the best in the fight as you will need it.

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You talk a big game...get it started.

I have read a few things from our forefathers and never once did I read anything about them advocating for war. They faced that when it came. Major difference in being willing to fight and going looking for a fight. I will die for the freedom this country has but **** you if you think I am going to stand here and say "you know what we really need is a good war."
I don't believe I said that either.
I get real sad to think where we are today in reference to founding principles as well… Did/do you serve in the military/ Iraq or Afghanistan in a combat role? Just wondering, not trying to shame or belittle
Yes, and yes. Thirty-four-and-half-years... and before Iraq also.
There have been many good and/or interesting points made. A few pages back someone posted a comment about marijuana legalization being the start of the downfall. I have no issue with weed. To me it's in the same box as alcohol - another intoxicating, addictive (psychological) substance that has the potential to be misused and abused and is. From a medical perspective I see many potentially beneficial uses, from appetite stimulation to pain relief. I say that from the perspective of taking care of many hospice patients experiencing loss of appetite and resistance to traditional pain control methods and in some cases weed helped.

But, I do agree that the legalization of weed can start the crazy train rolling. For whatever reason it attracts or concentrates a different kind of crowd - the liberal types/dirty hippie types that think their way is the best way...the only way and everyone else should be like them. And those same people used to be THAT group in HS that wanted all the fatty salty snacks removed from vending machines, the banning of all surgery soft drinks, and only salads and vegan items on the cafeteria menu. They wanted to "save" all the icky boys and girls from the evils that they didn't believe in, the things they thought you shouldn't have. And they're still at it.

One take-away from this thread is the sometimes lack of unity and/or inaction by us hunters/shooters/gun owners. It's a little like a version of the old phrase, "we have met the enemy, and he is us." It has been said many times on this thread as well as other similar threads that we need to stand up and fight back. Not through civil war, but with the same tools and weapons our enemy is using against us. And make no mistake, the ARE the enemy... just like way back when they were trying to take away your right to choose what you wanted to eat, or any other icky, disagreeable thing you wanted to do.

Legalization of weed brought in a flood of people that had no connection to traditional Colorado beliefs or state history and voted that way which was made easier in 2013 when mail in voting became the default way of voting in the state.

The beginning of the flip to a Dem controlled state house was when Dudley Brown, the head of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners decided to publically trash Republicans in the state house that he thought weren't pro gun enough and then primaried opposing candidates against a few of them in tightly contested districts which ended with Reps losing seats to Dems. It's only been a downhill slide since then.
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Legalization of weed brought in a flood of people that had no connection to traditional Colorado beliefs or state history and voted that way which was made easier in 2013 when mail in voting became the default way of voting in the state.

The beginning of the flip to a Dem controlled state house was when Dudley Brown, the head of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners decided to publically trash Republicans in the state house that he thought weren't pro gun enough and then primaried opposing candidates against a few of them in tightly contested districts which ended with Reps losing seats to Dems. It's only been a downhill slide since then.
Your first paragraph is spot on! Weed vote flooded us with weirdos, personally no issue with weed, personally no need for it, but as many folks were the live and let live type in Co. well the people that said it was okay brought a bunch of folks who want to change our way of life now, ironic…
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When weed went to vote, I voted yes. I'm not a user by any means, but I simply voted ignorantly and didn't see the downstream effect on the horizon. I wish I could have that vote back.

As mentioned above, the legalization of weed has brought an element to CO never to be reversed. Heck the mayor of Aurora went and lived in the camps around his district, and found a large amount of the homeless people here are from other states. Why? Liberal state, legal weed etc.

I also agree, the article really sounded like the Lion season was "banned" which was not the case. It was open in select areas, and the conditions were always tough in the units we ran due to several reasons.