Men’s Mental Health Challenge

I hit the lowest point of my life just over 3 years ago. I had broken off an engagement to a nasty manipulative woman, I was traveling and I had just met a new girl. I thought I was on top of the world.

Then a car pulled in front of me of me and I swerved to not kill her or myself. I jumped the median and thought I was fine until my right leg and lower back went numb. Less than an hour later a doctor friend showed me a picture and told me that if I sit up I will not walk again. I was put in a helicopter and flown to a trauma center for emergency surgery to decompress my spinal cord and reconstruct / fuse my spine. 16 days of pretty much complete isolation (thanks Covid) in a hospital. During this time, 2 months into my new relationship we found she was pregnant and was having a miscarriage. I was however severely depressed, feeling like I had no way out and wanting to just off myself.

My new girl stuck by my side, was a positive reinforcement of everything good in my life and just a non judgemental sounding board. She just reiterated that I was able to walk again, I was not pissing and shitting in bag and I could feel part of my leg.

It took time, it took a lot ot self reflection and a ton of support but I was able to get my head up, put a step forward, look at the positives and not the negatives. Today we have a 1 year old menace of a son, a relationship that continues to grow and I have a new outlook on life.

I say this because true rock bottom only allows for an upward trajectory.
Positive relationships

Find your joy.
I hit the lowest point of my life just over 3 years ago. I had broken off an engagement to a nasty manipulative woman, I was traveling and I had just met a new girl. I thought I was on top of the world.

Then a car pulled in front of me of me and I swerved to not kill her or myself. I jumped the median and thought I was fine until my right leg and lower back went numb. Less than an hour later a doctor friend showed me a picture and told me that if I sit up I will not walk again. I was put in a helicopter and flown to a trauma center for emergency surgery to decompress my spinal cord and reconstruct / fuse my spine. 16 days of pretty much complete isolation (thanks Covid) in a hospital. During this time, 2 months into my new relationship we found she was pregnant and was having a miscarriage. I was however severely depressed, feeling like I had no way out and wanting to just off myself.

My new girl stuck by my side, was a positive reinforcement of everything good in my life and just a non judgemental sounding board. She just reiterated that I was able to walk again, I was not pissing and shitting in bag and I could feel part of my leg.

It took time, it took a lot ot self reflection and a ton of support but I was able to get my head up, put a step forward, look at the positives and not the negatives. Today we have a 1 year old menace of a son, a relationship that continues to grow and I have a new outlook on life.

I say this because true rock bottom only allows for an upward trajectory.
Positive relationships

Find your joy.
Good for you man. A lot of guys hit that point but never see the light on the other side. Glad you’re doing well.
I am Lucky to have a lovely wife, great kids and grandkids. I never take any of them for granted, we are all healthy and happy so I am thankful for that. I worry alot about the world we are in, the general incivility I either witness or hear in the news. I understand folks have many struggles for many reasons but I just dont understand the physical violence and verbal abuse that occurs. thanks
I hit the lowest point of my life just over 3 years ago. I had broken off an engagement to a nasty manipulative woman, I was traveling and I had just met a new girl. I thought I was on top of the world.

Then a car pulled in front of me of me and I swerved to not kill her or myself. I jumped the median and thought I was fine until my right leg and lower back went numb. Less than an hour later a doctor friend showed me a picture and told me that if I sit up I will not walk again. I was put in a helicopter and flown to a trauma center for emergency surgery to decompress my spinal cord and reconstruct / fuse my spine. 16 days of pretty much complete isolation (thanks Covid) in a hospital. During this time, 2 months into my new relationship we found she was pregnant and was having a miscarriage. I was however severely depressed, feeling like I had no way out and wanting to just off myself.

My new girl stuck by my side, was a positive reinforcement of everything good in my life and just a non judgemental sounding board. She just reiterated that I was able to walk again, I was not pissing and shitting in bag and I could feel part of my leg.

It took time, it took a lot ot self reflection and a ton of support but I was able to get my head up, put a step forward, look at the positives and not the negatives. Today we have a 1 year old menace of a son, a relationship that continues to grow and I have a new outlook on life.

I say this because true rock bottom only allows for an upward trajectory.
Positive relationships

Find your joy.
And in the end, you have a amazing wife and a child. That's a win. Needless to say, my wife has stayed by my side then most folks have. Wives are a priceless thing that us guys take for granted way to much.
God's not done with me/ready for me yet. That's what I live for. Family and then this beautiful country. I live for the day I can sit on my wrap around porch watching the sun rise or fall onto the mountains sipping coffee or bourbon
And in the end, you have an amazing wife and a child. That's a win. Needless to say, my wife has stayed by my side then most folks have. Wives are a priceless thing that us guys take for granted way too much.
isn't that the truth. Shes pulled me through some of my darkest days. Whether it's my accident or stress from my time in the box she's saved me more than I deserve.
God's not done with me/ready for me yet. That's what I live for. Family and then this beautiful country. I live for the day I can sit on my wrap around porch watching the sun rise or fall onto the mountains sipping coffee or bourbon
This reminds me of Jeremy Camps song 'These days'

Been busy and slipping with checking in here lately. Hope everyone is having a good hunting and holiday season. Ups and downs are normal. Keep your head up when you’re in the deep water, keep swimming, you’ll get to the other side.
Being sick does nothing for your morale. I want this cold to go away, just so I can feel better and think clearly. It's been three weeks so far and it's dragging me down.

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Being sick does nothing for your morale. I want this cold to go away, just so I can feel better and think clearly. It's been three weeks so far and it's dragging me down.

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I hear you, I’m 33 and a little concerned I may have a stomach ulcer 🙄
Posted before on this thread and keep up on it. Last week has been rough. Kinda slipped. Staying as steady as I can. Holidays are rough but I’ll get thru them. Stay strong men.
It happens to us all, reach out anytime. When I get low I forget every single thing I have to be thankful for but there’s plenty.
Grateful yes. I’ve kept an ongoing journal the past four years of writing down five things I’m grateful for that took place during the day each evening before I go to bed. It’s been a great tool to keep me motivated.
Being sick does nothing for your morale. I want this cold to go away, just so I can feel better and think clearly. It's been three weeks so far and it's dragging me down.

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I got sick over 2 months ago, I'm still dealing with a cough that won't leave me alone.
Posted before on this thread and keep up on it. Last week has been rough. Kinda slipped. Staying as steady as I can. Holidays are rough but I’ll get thru them. Stay strong men.

It's been a tough week lately, just trying to keep my heads up and be a better version of myself for my family. Being a man is not an easy job. I do think am the one who feels the way not knowing many people also feel same. I wish everyone merry Christmas and happy new year in advance
Checking in. Been thinking that maybe I’m my worst enemy. I’m retired. I live alone now but not my choice. Bought bare land four years ago. Built up this place. Nothing but work… still not 100%. It’s been my therapy of sorts. Just wanted to be away from people and women really… Rural area. Peaceful. Trouble now is the loneliness. Especially in the winter. I make attempts to go into town. See friends and family. Good weather I’m so busy I don’t know how I ever had time to work. Now the walls close in. How do you guys in similar situations address this loneliness?
Checking in. Been thinking that maybe I’m my worst enemy. I’m retired. I live alone now but not my choice. Bought bare land four years ago. Built up this place. Nothing but work… still not 100%. It’s been my therapy of sorts. Just wanted to be away from people and women really… Rural area. Peaceful. Trouble now is the loneliness. Especially in the winter. I make attempts to go into town. See friends and family. Good weather I’m so busy I don’t know how I ever had time to work. Now the walls close in. How do you guys in similar situations address this loneliness?
I’m not in a similar situation but I am moving into my own place alone after living with someone for 15 years. I’m in town for now so friends are close unlike for you. Do you have a dog? Look into dating or talking to women just for companionship?