I wanted very much to kill myself last night. I am grateful it didn't work.
This one hit a little hard. I will say that you need professional help. Talk with someone outside yourself or the forum.
This will be long as I don't have the time to make it short.
Son of an abusive alcoholic who put me in the hospital more times that I can count. Abused my mother and sister. At a young age, I learned that I could piss him off and redirect his anger to me to save them the abuse, so I took the beatings.
He hung himself in front of me when I was 12, but I managed to cut him down in time and save his life. I hid all the evidence and put him to bed. A few years later he drank himself to death.
I was pretty messed up and dealt with a lifetime of depression. At times, withdrawing into a room for three days as I just couldn't bear being around people. Thoughts of suicide every day.
A few years ago, I broke down with the realization that I didn't like who I was. Who I was presenting to the world. And the world didn't like me as I was a bitter sarcastic asshole. Talked to my wife of 19 years and said that I needed to fix myself before I could fix us and that I needed to be selfish and had no idea how much time it would take. She understood and moved to another country to supervise construction on a retirement house we were building.
So I sat in my cabin in the woods and looked out into the forest. And thought. Then a psychoanalyst friend suggested that I would be a good candidate for psychedelic therapy, specifically MDMA and psilocybin. After a lot of research, I agreed.
He found me a team of an integrator (to help pre and post) and a person to trip sit for me. A typical session would be me taking the medicine and then laying down on his sofa with an eye mask and music designed for the session. It would last approx five to six hours, though the medicine would stay in my system for days. It was profoundly life changing and I have subsequently done a dozen sessions. For those curious, you never feel like you are stoned.
I have said over the years that I forgave my father. But now I'm on MDMA which is an empathogen and my heart is open. My father comes to me and I say, "Look man, I get it. You were the son of an abusive alcoholic, who was the son of an abusive alcoholic. I want you to know that it stopped with me and I forgive you. But I also want to ask for your forgiveness. I have kept the worst part of you alive for decades. I want to set you free. Go and get some rest."
With that my father was gone and I don't think of him unless I tell this story. There's was a lot of post work in there as well.
I am in an incredible place right now and my life has changed dramatically. Unfortunately, it did end up costing the marriage but we both think that was a the right thing to do.
Small regret my ego didn't allow me to address all this long ago but so grateful I got here in the end.
Happy to answer any medicine therapy questions.
Good luck, guys.