I read through this thread this morning and appreciated all of the stories. It probably would not have been something I would have clicked on about 2 months ago. In early October I suffered the king of knee injuries, the ruptured patellar tendon while hunting, I wrote about it here on Rokslide it's titled 'Injured in the Backcountry.'
This type of injury can be devastating for guys like us that like to be moving around all the time and I've gone through every emotion thus far while dealing with this thing. In between the injury and surgery, about 2 weeks, I was in a very negative head space. I've been able to maintain a pretty positive attitude since surgery and to be honest I am set up for success given my pre-injury fitness and my support system here at home.
What has made the injury all the more stressful has been a battle with my health insurance company. I'll spare y'all the details but I'm currently about 9k into this knee and I've got a hearing with a judge in a few weeks to determine who should be responsible for these bills, me or the insurance company. Of course they've got all the leverage so I've paid everything out of pocket, but I do believe if I've got a judge with his head screwed on right I'll win this thing and I'll get reimbursement. But damn this has not been fun.
So fast forward a few weeks to present day. I've got a 10 year old lab mix who has been on many adventures with me, and being that I am an anti-social lone wolf kind of guy, has become my best friend. A few days ago we got the dreaded news of an aggressive cancer diagnosis and he'll be headed to the other side soon. And of course I couldn't get out of the vet office without paying 1.9k. The first place my brain went was a woe is me, why am I being kicked while I'm down kind of attitude. But funny thing is I've basically been relegated to the house for the last 6 weeks and we've literally spent every minute together. I can get around a little better now, but I still cant work. So I've been taking him to the beach everyday. So yeah it sucks that my dog is dying but I'm grateful that I'm here to take care of him because just last month he was here while I was lying in bed completely immobilized and for a while he was the only thing that put a smile on my face.
To put a cherry on top of this whole deal... today my girlfriend and I were with the dog at the beach and an elderly woman and her slightly less elderly daughter came up to us because they loved the dog. Well I got to talking to one of the ladies and through a series of a few random talking points within about 5 minutes she offered me an elk tag at her family's ranch. Things are looking up.
So here's to staying positive, even at rock bottom.