Ok so what you are trying to prove is ridiculous. Seriously. I do not have att, I have used eBay and PayPal, and the rest is a no. But what does that prove? Seriously. At least the dems come right out and tell us how crazy they are. Moderate republicans are the worst. Hide in the shadows, making excuses for everything and everyone, just waiting to see who pulls ahead so they can jump line when need be. At some point boys you're gonna have to draw a line in the sand and sacrifice a little.
Without a big tent, you lose. The White House, the Senate and House time and time again. Moderate Repubs are the worst, eh? Say hello to Joe Biden, your next President, because a landslide is coming without moderate Repubs and independents.
Proudly draw the line wherever you want. Look in the mirror and congratulate yourself on Election Day morning for standing up for all your beliefs then when the evening voting results are ugly then say crap like, "How did that person win? I don't know anyone that voted for them. Damn election was stolen." Nope, not stolen. Terrible strategy doomed the election results. You energetically alienated people that align with many of your views but perhaps not on abortion or bump stocks or diversity and you stomp all over an issue that pushes them towards Joe Biden as he seems the normal guy in comparison. You inspire those voters to actually turn out and vote against you.
So, enjoy the chest-thumping. No matter the outcome, Don or Joe won't really be calling the shots. Those that call the shots never show up on the ballot. Koch Bros and big influencers and donors along the entire political spectrum know politicians need bid money fast to run for election then to stay viable in the next race and to not get "primaries" out of the race when upset a big donor that funds another primary candidate that splits off vote so the disloyal incumbent loses.
I do not care about what goes on between consenting adults, what people do with their own body, where prayers happen or don't, whether a Christmas tree is put up somewhere on public land, and many other issues that do not negatively impact my wallet and individual states can wrestle with just fine. I do care about national security, law and order which is fairly executed and a growing economy. I don't buy that so many Repub and Dem Presidents have found valid justifications to go into other countries to "save them" then after we destabilize things, lose 1000s of our military member with 1000s more sucking on a .45 semi-auto later as we bail off the top of an Embassy or an airport abandoning our allies to be tortured and killed by whomever steps into the void we created. Korea is the last nation we rebuilt successfully. Half a century ago which is a long time for a country less than 3 centuries old .We are terrible World Police and can't even get reimbursed for what we spend. Hey, Kuwait, how about a little something for the effort? Maybe 25% of your oil revenues until we are repaid in full. Well, that is okay, keep your money and we will just borrow from KSA and China to spend on bombs and ammo for the next clusterfrick.
So, yes, I will take my moderate rear end out of your tent until you are left with the truest, noblest of true believers. No one needs crooked voting machines to win against that small tent.